This was posted 6 years 2 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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[PS4, XB1, PC] Fallout 76: S.P.E.C.I.A.L $29, Fallout 76 $34, 3DS Nintendo Selects Tomodachi Life $10 (Was $25) @ Amazon AU

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Some good prices on Fallout 76.


This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2018

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Strange how the Special Edition is $5, despite containing more than the regular edition.

    • Wait, what?!? Where’s the link please?

      • Typo. I was meant to say “…is $5 more”.

  • +43

    You gotta be a whole lotta SPECIAL to be buying this, even at this price

    • +4

      Todd told me 'it just works' so now I will buy all of the editions to support my lizard overlord.

  • Is it worth buying fallout?

    • +15

      not this one
      if u want a fallout just get 4/nv

    • +7

      You can get Fallout 3, NV and 4 for $31 on steam if you are a PC gamer. I know which package I'd pick :)

      • +5

        That’s actually an expensive bundle

        You can get FO 3 for $2.5 on fanatical
        4 for 10ish
        And NW for cheap too

        • +1

          I know. I was just making a statement :)

  • What extra in the special edition?

    • +2

      Just three pins. Not worth paying extra for but getting it will save you $5.

    • The cheaper price is the most valuable thing in the package I suppose.

  • +7

    not worth it even at this price, game is broken wait one year until they patch and add more features

    • Single campaign is broken?

      • +17

        There is no single player mode.

        • Can’t you just play and explore solo?

          • @cnut: yes you can

          • @cnut: Barely you still need to team up at spots and overwhelming consensus from reviewers is the world is boring and empty for single Play

            • @micbrc: I've never done anything so far that required teaming up.

              I guess you might at the end game when you are nuking shit?

              The game is much better with one friend that plays like you do.

              It's basically more fallout 4. (Same flaws, IE you basically can't change the outcome of quests). NPC quest givers are rare. There is a plot, and there is heaps to do solo, but it's really ideal with 1 other to play alongside.

            • @micbrc: The only part that isn't single player is killing the very last boss but everyone in the server joins in as they want the loot. So yes you can play this single player, however like others have said there are some serious flaws in this game. You will be spending a good 50% of your time managing your inventory.

    • +2

      If all gossip/leaks coming from the developers is true (which I expect it is) then I highly doubt this game is going to receive any significant improvements in the long run. 76 is pretty much a quick and dirty 'pump and dump' money-maker for Bethesda shareholders.

    • -1

      Actually I play it mostly solo and I love it. Yep it's got bugs but nothing I can't deal with. It deserved the bad press but if you're a fallout fan you'd be crazy not to have a go for a mere $29. There's a lot of people who haven't tried it who seem to just enjoy the drama of slagging it off.

      • If you're a true Fallout fan, you wouldn't even be wasting your time on this pile of flaming hot shit.

        • What level did you get to?

        • +1

          A true fan accepts these little hiccups and just enjoys more Fallout.

  • +1

    Subtract $20 and maybe F76 would be worth buying

  • +2

    Agreed that at 10 bucks would be a buy. No more than that though.

  • +1

    this game is meant to play with Nvidia RTX because they both "Just Work"

  • +3

    The cheapest price I have seen for Fallout 76 is $21 AU at CDKeys:

  • +5

    Wait for the free to play version

  • +1

    This is what happens when developers make single player game a multiplayer only. RIP

  • +2

    Lots of upvotes for 3DS game?

    • +1

      Same for all the S.P.E.C.I.A.L ebay deals that gets mindless uovotes too

  • The PS4 and XBox versions require subscription to play?

  • Read up on No Man's Sky when it was released

    Fallout 76 is equally as bad if not worse. Give it 2-3 years to fix bugs and provide real content

    • NMS was brand new.
      Fallout series is two decades old.

      There is a big difference between a new concept evolving vs an established successful formula being ruined and going backwards.

      All they had to do was stick with the existing Fallout NPC and missions in a multiplayer capable world. But no, for bizaro reasons they screwed it.

      That 2-3 year "fix" will be the next proper solo installment. Probably with multiplayer capability built in this time.

      • TBH, all they needed to do is reskin fallout 4's assets and stories, and add coop into it. It will probably sell like a hotcake. But now we just got a trash that "just works"

      • I have to agree that I would have preferred fallout 4 - but multiplayer with NPCs and everything over what we got with 76.

        But it really isn't as bad as the reviews say, it's some kind of weird catastrophising by the community. After the same catastrophising they did over fallout 4, I'm not surprised the same shit happened again with 76.

        And they started so much earlier with 76 due to the multiplayer, this time their whining about how it wasn't as good as new Vegas stuck, and now 76 is in a review toilet.

    • -2

      Not even close. Nms didn't have half of the features people were hyped for on release.

      Fo76 launched as exactly what it said on the tin. Fo4, but multi, and no NPC quest givers.

      Also please name me one Bethesda fallout or tes game that launched without bugs.

      • I'm a big Bethesda fan that started with Daggerfall, and big Fallout fan that started with the original, but don't defend this please, it's awful.

      • I'll have to say I disagree with "launched as exactly what it said on the tin". The game has been anything but

  • +1

    Good prices on a terrible game

  • +3

    Who the fk is actually buying this lmao, garbage game by a once decent dev.

  • Why is it overpriced then if it’s such a shit game? Little sales?

  • +4

    Fallout 76% off

  • -4

    If you're a Fallout fan you'll definitely get your money's worth. I paid $47 at release (thanks Amazon) which means 30c/hour entertainment for me so far. It crashes ever few hours and has some spectacular bugs but I loved Fallout 4 and this is more and better. Can't complain about the amount of enjoyment I've had for less than $50.

  • +1

    Don't buy this crap

  • Mummy says I'm S.P.E.C.I.A.L

  • I'm here for Tomodachi Life

  • +2

    Wow there are exactly “76” likes, coincidence much

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