This was posted 6 years 2 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Fallout 76 $24.89 AUD @ Cdkeys

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Trash game by all accounts but this is the lowest price I have seen for the PC Australian version. Should be hours of content regardless and hopefully they will continue to improve the game with patch updates.

DO NOT redeem key on Redeem this key directly through the Bethesda Launcher to gain access to the game.

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closed Comments

  • +12

    Just watched a youtube video saying they have loot boxes planned in the game.

    • +4

      That'll fix the game!

    • They'll be aesthetic based things. E.g. Skins/decorations.

      So nothing worth worrying about.

      • +21

        The loot boxes will also be made of cardboard, and not the metal shown in concept images.

        • +2


        • +1

          They aren't planning on doing anything about it.

      • The problem is that even the aesthetics will look ugly just like the textures and people will continue to shit on bethesda (I hope so at least so they don't pull this shit with elder scrolls)

  • +5

    LOL.. this price already…

    I am using Angry Joe's review as an excuse not to get it. My pile of shame is long and my unopened gadgets (impulsive buys thanks to OZB) are also piling up.

    • haha thanks for that!

  • +1

    R.I.P. Elder Scrolls 6

    • +4

      Make way for Elder Scrolls 76

    • Why do you say that?

      • Once game companies start caring only about the $, quality dives. This is a cash grab, Bethesda will likely do more in future

  • +2

    I would pay $26.69 to see cdkeys sale numbers for this game

    • +2

      I bought a copy two days ago at $28.
      I didn't go into it expecting a game fit to have the fallout name attached.
      For under $30 I actually enjoy the game. It's got a lot of options for play style/character perks and what-not.
      Not amazing, but I can't complain

  • With the way they are patching the game, this might not be a bad time to jump on if you have a friend to play with.

    • Play with friends should be okay (not because of the game, it is more that play with friends is always fun). From the reviews, PvP is broken so PvE is the way to play (still buggy, but at least doesn't have fundamental flaws of the PvP).

    • Considering the patch was close to 50gb lol

  • -3

    this aus or usd?

    • +11

      It has giant AU next to the price

      • So AUD = aus?. Who woulda thunk ;)

  • +2 this sums up 76 😂😂

    • Damn bug-ridden game. Better give Bethesda another 6 months to iron out all (well most) of the bugs before considering purchasing this game.

  • +1

    Might go free

    • +1

      Given lootboxes on the horizon and the microtransactions I wouldn't be surprised if it goes F2P within 6 months.

  • +1

    When will the payment go into your account?

  • sigh … need the ps4 version to be so cheap =(

  • Is this fallout 4 or?

    • -1

      Yes, it's fallout 4, they just chose to name it fallout 76.

      • I thought this is fallout 5~

        • It's Fallout 76

  • At that price, it's worth getting now for in case it improves…


    • Yeah I do this with spoiled prawns. Pick em up on the cheap and a night in the chiller will freshen them right up.

  • Take an additional 3% (80 cents!) off with 3% discount code from their Facebook page:

    • -1

      Hi, what's the coupon code?

      • +1

        The link used to show a time generated code that would change every few minutes (reward for 'Liking' the page, but it worked for me without ever 'Liking'). Now it just seems to be broken.

  • +1

    Good deal but at this rate it is honestly going to be free or super low like $10…

  • About $15 and I'll probably cave and buy it

  • Can't be that long now until Bethesda decides to give away a free XB1 or PS4 to entice players, I'll wait 'til then.

  • Tempting price, the Tricentennial Edition is a little nicer (Uncle Sam outfit, slightly nicer axe, new bobblehead) but isn't worth paying almost twice as much on CDKeys at the moment ~$45 AU.

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