Just got a email on some Samsung SSD,s.
Worth looking at on sale from the 13th December.
Samsung 860 500g for $99 also
1Tb for $183.
Prices before cashback: 1TB $228, 500GB $114.
It looks good because of the Samsung cashback offer. Cheaper by $2 at MSY.
If you read the title it says AFTER cashback
That was added to the title after Circly made the comment.
Fair enough mate
Quoting after cashback price is a bit confusing. As a reference, after cashback, 1TB 860EVO @ MSY is $180.
It has been fixed but probably should be minus instead of plus.
$199 from Shopping Express eBay before cashback
Either I’m badly out of the loop or these are awesome prices.
Won’t be long now….