If you come to the kiosk mentioning ozbargain 12th year, I'll give you extra %12 discount. I talked to my boss about this he said ok, my first deal.
The kiosk is at pacific square shopping centre in maroubra. enter the mall from anzac parade.
If you come to the kiosk mentioning ozbargain 12th year, I'll give you extra %12 discount. I talked to my boss about this he said ok, my first deal.
The kiosk is at pacific square shopping centre in maroubra. enter the mall from anzac parade.
It's located on the left side when you enter the mall from anzac parade.
Name of shop is?
I think its a kiosk.
The shop doesn't have a name yet but the company is istanbuldeco. It's a pop-up shop.
I think i saw these at couple other shopping centers.
Yeah mate but they are not ozbargainers :)
I'm seeing many shops pop up in malls serving these lamps and bowls/plates. Did a shipment of a million Turkish goods arrive or something?
Turks are trying to get some profit out of Christmas, either they're gonna make big money or blow up big time.
'blow up'???
Lucky I'm around to catch these things….
They're everywhere in Turkey, and much cheaper. There's a good markup on them here.
It does cost a lot of money to get the goods over here but in Australian market our prices are the lowest.
All i see in the pic is kebabs for $8, Bargain
The lamps look nice.
Side note tell your boss: "As bayrakları as"
So I made this amateur video with my phone. You can see the prices. https://youtu.be/-lEJtty1cGs
Sorry for the poor quality but I ain't gonna pay 100 bucks for a video maker :)
You know your best bargains. Add them to your description. Your 'edit' button is between 'view' and 'revisions'.
Can you please post some items and prices after the discount. That way we can see how much the final price is.
%12 discount is from the current price, i.e a boothie lamp is 75, with %12 discount it's gonna be 66. Sorry for the late response.
U mention an extra 12% when mentioning OzBargain, is that 24% total discount or simply the original 12% (as posted), worded a little confusingly..
Right now there's a %50 discount going on, a swan lamp was 220,now it's 110. With %12 discount it's 96.8 for OzB'ers.
The response to this post has been quite unusual for ozbargain.
Typically any rep offering a generic product, with a relatively minor price reduction, no prices, and no photos would have been neg'ed and labelled spam by now.
I suspect people are being unseasonally sympathetic due to the 12th birthday integration!
Yeah I upvoted because liked the way this post was written
Thanks for the feedback. An amateur video including prices and photos just like the amateur post is ready for you. :) https://youtu.be/-lEJtty1cGs
What's the name of the store/kiosk? Where is it located in the shopping centre?