• expired

Origin Energy Electricity Usage Discounts: SA 18%, NSW 25%, QLD 28%, VIC 41% @ 9Saver


Origin Energy releases special discounts for 9Saver members

Thanks to the support of more than 100,000 Aussie homes, 9Saver has unlocked a series of exclusive energy discounts just in time for summer.

These discounts are off Origin’s usage charges. They last for 12 months when you pay your bills on time. They are: 25% in New South Wales, 41% in Victoria, 28% in Queensland, 18% in South Australia. In WA where you can only switch gas – it’s a 36% discount.

After four weeks of campaigning for a better deal for Aussie households, 9Saver has unlocked a series of exclusive energy discounts and feed-in tariffs.

The exclusive ‘Origin Saver’ offers which have won the 9Saver Summer Power Campaign are from Origin Energy and have no exit fees or lock in contracts.

The offers are available to new and existing Origin customers who pay on time and there are also pay-on-time gas discounts in NSW, VIC, QLD and SA.

For eligible solar customers, Origin Energy is also offering these special ‘Solar Boost’ offers with lower discounts but very high retailer Feed-in Tariffs.

(Editor's note: URL changed to 9Saver's announcement page. Coupon code removed — obtain promo code from 9Saver web site. Title and description altered. OP's original description follows.)

Please go easy it’s my first post… my old man sent me this… I confirmed it this afternoon with Origin.
Deals are not really clear but:
QLD 28% off usage
17c solar feed in with 4% usage discount.

You have to mention “9 saver” on the phone to them, it may also work over the live chat I can’t confirm.

Hope this helps

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (44)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (581)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

  • +1

    Add QLD in the title.

  • I wasn’t really sure if it’s pertaining to QLD only as the image shows other states, but I will add it.

  • +5

    Note this is likely the QLD price & may be different elsewhere.
    Last years discussion of Origin Electricity Discounts
    Previous 21% discount on both use & daily charges has expired, but past users on that plan have renewed their contracts when they requested. That old plan was better for low electrical usage consumers.

    • This is true, I was on this plan, but now that I have solar so was worth the switch for the 17c feed in…

      • +1

        Have you seen the AGL solar savers tariff. They have 20c feed in (granted they don't have a 4% discount so it's 28.05c/kKh) but that extra 3c fee in is likely to make a bigger difference if you self consume/export a fair amount as we do

        • also there's a $50 online sign up credit and no lock in.

          • @rjft197: Damn signed up by phone..

            Just curious

            How do you get the $50 credit? Is it automatically deducted from your bill

            Also curious reading this thread to get better discount is to move to another electricity provider and wait for origin to call back and give better offer i think it was 33% off… just wondering if you cancel other electricity company before
            Cooling off period and move back to origin.. do you gotta pay disconnect and connect fee?


    • +1

      Yes I agree. I was on the 21% Plan and just renewed. I haven't paid for electricity for 3 years and receive a credit every quarter due to my solar input. Getting .51c solar Taraff

      • You can get 60.1c with ea, if u have a very large system might help (qld)

        • Hey can you clarify or post a link to this? Is it available for all?

        • Hi Bobzor 60.1c look great - Where can I get this ?

    • +1

      Actually this is SE QLD only. Outside of SE QLD we are mostly stuck with Ergon only and have no choice of retailer.

    • +1

      Yes that situation occurred for me - I renewed and kept the 21% usage/daily discount going.

    • They renewed for me no troubles. Said that because I was already on it the could renew.

  • if the account is in credit from solar FIT, does hte discount still apply?
    ANyone done the sums on average vs AGL 20c FIT?

    • I can’t confirm, I’d be trying to cash it in before the switch.

      As for the comparison, I haven’t done it, I wanted to do it but was lazy…

    • +1

      You still get the discount on your electricity you use from the grid as well as the discount on daily charges plus the solar input. Win Win

      • Yep, I'm on credit this QTR with only 15c FIT, cant wait to see the next bill with 20c FIT, never ever I was so eager to see the bill:)

        • Its a Good Feeling …………

    • if I’m reading this correctly then it seems the discount is locked in for 12 months but it states in the fine print that the FIT can change at any time. The AGL 20c FIT offers a bit more certainty because the rate is locked in for 24 months.

  • For NSW
    Changed to Solar Boost with 20c FIT just last week. Thought got the good deal.
    With this 22c FIT and 18% off gas instead of 15%.

  • +25

    28% off as much as they can rip you off for.

    Bargains have prices so they can be compared.

    As the ACCC pointed out, comparison is impossible in the current "largely broken" system.

    Where are the rates?

    The Labour and Liberal Party's solution to this privatisation disaster is to set the price themselves, just like it was nationalised, but they'll allow the sector to continue operating as it is, sucking away your money which is what they always wanted (or else they would have dismantled it a decade ago).

    From 2007 to 2012 the number of managers in the electricity sector ballooned from 6000 to 19,000. Unlike the rest of the economy productivity in the electricity sector is in a backwards free fall. That was 5 years ago. Liberal and Labour want to set the price to pay for all these useless managers, the CEOs and the shareholders - and then they'll pay for the grid and generation. They want to remove as much of your money as possible and their plan is yet another piece of evidence if their actions over the past 25 years didn't convince you (and in that case are you a vegetable?)

    You can prevent this attack against your essential services by voting for The Greens who will dismantle the "largely broken" system instead of setting the price because the private sector is threatening the viability of the entire nation's economy according to the ACCC.

    • +25

      Lost me at "voting for the greens"… no thanks…

      • +6

        Enjoy business as usual then. Why not more privatisation even? Medicare? Hospitals? The US is a model to be aspired to, what a utopia.

        • -3

          Oh I won't be voting Liberals or Labor… but I certainly won't be voting for the Greens, they will always be last.

      • +4

        Though Diji1 doth protesteth waaaay too much I have a sneaking regard for his overall message that Lib and Labor have come to rely on a duopoly in voting patterns and now have little regard for the electorate and concentrate almost solely on political "games".

      • +11

        The Greens will save you on electricity prices by removing electricity from society

      • -8

        Only Pauline Hanson can make Australia great again.

    • -1

      You can prevent this attack….by voting for The Greens who will….

      Meh they won't have any real power ('scuse the pun) for many years, if ever. You need to convince the libs & labs at a state govt level.

      • -1

        And lets hope they never do.

        • Couple of Greenies upset with my comments. Surprised they even look for bargains considering they are so pro "save the environment"

  • +1

    9saver also has origin offers for other states, like 18% elect and 14% gas (pay on time) for SA.

  • +4

    Renewed 'Bill Saver Plus' energy plan the other week. 21% off usage and supply charges.

  • +14

    Gee % off discounts sh#t me for electricity. There’s no prices here. I recently changed providers at home and to be honest I don’t want to give them my email just to find out the “real” price. I’m in Vic and if this beats 17.6 c/kWh (pre GST) and $0.95 per day service charge that’s great and then I’ll think about it.

    • +4

      Yeh, same here! Ended up signing up with random email address. Link to the PDF for VIC below.
      All Usage cents per kWh 26.95 29.645
      Daily Charge $1.30

      So I am guessing the discount is applied to those values.


      • Willing to bet that the “41% off” for Vic is for the usage only. Happy to be told I’m wrong.

        • -1

          It says in the pdf that 41% off is a pay on time discount so should apply to the total bill.

          A 41% discount on the GST exclusive usage charges listed above will apply during the benefit period when
          you pay your bill in full and by the due date. This discount does not apply to Power On program customers
          (except Power On with direct debit)

          • +1


            usage charges

          • @gofree: Reads like usage only to me. If that’s the case it’s too expensive even with the “41% off”

            • @herbo: Its 15.9c herbo vs your 17.6c saving u $20 (on 1000kwH) losing you $30 on supply though. So not worth it unless you use 2000kwH then u start saving ($10+)

              *Rough calculations (its late)

              • @bobzor: Thanks for the sums. It's really no where near the mark. We're not big electricity users.

          • @gofree: That’s how my pay-on-time discount works with Origin, comes off the final bill.

      • Wow…orgs are moving into AWS.

    • I don’t want to give them my email

      The owner of "[email protected]" must really hate me… :-p
      Or you could find the "price factsheet" area of their site (that they legally have to publish), and use your local power distributor & meter type to get an actual price. :-)

  • +9

    What is the actual price of electricity? I don't care what the discount is. Alinta offers 33% off in SA, but their price is so high it's about the same as going with Origin's Solar Boost plan and getting 'just' 10%.

    Electricity is a fungible commodity. The electrons that arrive at your house are the same regardless of which retailer is used and how fancy their advertising is. How about a little transparency in pricing?

    • SA has like 2 tariffs and different thresholds (step1/step 2 etc) the other states can have 3+ each making there over ~25 differ rates including gas.
      So its hard to type them all out… I'm sure someone has the link to the (spreadsheet) google doc somewhere

    • Spot on, Origin has the lowest rates and that 9Savings Origin Solar boost plan is as good as it gets in SA for solar customers.

  • +17

    High discounts won’t mean much if rates are high too.

  • Any discounts for ACT?

  • After the Red Energy AmEx deal, I found that Origin provides the next best offer. Origin offered me 25% discount off both usage and supply charges. And yes I did compare the rates too.

  • Any links to the Fact Sheets?

  • But I got 33% discount from them when I attempted to switch to Energy Australia. (NSW)

    • What did you do? Just tell them you're switching unless further discount?

      • That's what I do, works wonders.

        Got 32% off with AGL after threatening to leave.

        • I tried to get AGL to up their discount now that i'm off my initial contract & they refused to budge past 22% despite also being in NSW & quoting a 'colleague' who was offered 32% to stay. Any tips on how you approached this to get a deal? I note that i'm on electricity only so that may play a factor.

          • +1

            @Tregetour: They refused me as well and initially wouldn't budge.

            So I signed up with a competitor, then rang them and gave it another go.

            They get a notification when you go with another supplier, so once the rep saw that I changed, he offered me 32%.

            Then I cancelled my account with the competitor within the cooling off period and went with AGL.

            Once you're on that rate, it seems to be much easier to get again.

            • @Scab: perfect, thanks mate! Worth doing my due diligence with Aircon season around the corner, so appreciate the advice!

            • @Scab: Same goes for me,
              However I've yet to cancel and they said that's fine, any fees I incur they will credit to me.

          • @Tregetour: Its the Foxtel rule, you have to actually ask to leave, or put the process in to leave, then they'll give you a better offer

      • I actually switched to EA and when they received the switch request I got call from OE and offered me a bigger discount and $50 credit and asked me to cancel EA switch within cooling off period. EA won’t match so I went ahead.

    • LOL, Im ecstatic over a 32% offer just a couples hours ago, also was switching to EA - NSW

      Never seen more than 25% until this year, as our rates are pretty tame and similar across the majors.

      Silly disc % like these are generally for Vic where the rates are crazy wacky

    • Same here. Was originally with Origin who wouldn't increase their discounts until I saw energy Australia offering 28% of electricity and 26% off gas plus $50 credit on each account. Switched over to energy Australia and then got a call from origin asking me to come back, offering me 33% of electricity and 32% off gas. Told them they had to match the $50 credits on each account also which they agreed to. Ended up being with energy Australia for one month before they could switch my account back so energy Australia gave me my $50 sign up credit on each account and I'm also getting them from origin for next month. That's $200 off in the space of less than half a year and the best rates out there I think

  • https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/digital-au/9Saver/En…

    QLD price sheet with the lower 7c FIT option.
    This will save me $100 with the data off the bill I just received. (old 21% discount off whole bill deal)

    • What is this "Solar Meter Charge" of 6.974 cents/day and when is it applied? I've had solar panels since 2013 (in SEQ) but have never been charged this.

  • I've still got 15 yrs of 52c FIT. So, not moving :)

    • — edit: never mind you're in SA.

    • Paid for by whom?

      • +1

        Ultimately - other users of the network.

        • -1

          Yes, typically renters

          A bit like all of the Greenie policies, fine if someone else pays for it

  • I haven't done a detailed comparison so please don't bash me, but Energy Australia's anytime saver plan sounds much better for thoses with solar, with a 16.1c FIT and 28% off usage charges.

    • I’m on this one too in NSW. But get a 30% off on time payment discount.

    • It's better for me, see below.

  • +4

    $1.30 usage charge per day in Victoria, plus almost 30c per kilowat hour charge. Tell em their dreaming. Rip off Merchants. Im happy with my tango energy 80c per day usage rate and 16.5c per kilowat hour with no gimmicks or hoops to jump through. I guess they dont have to pay a desperate for revenue channel 9 a portion of their profits ;)

    • Which plan you are on? on TANGO website min offer is 99C Usage and 21C PER KWH

      • +1

        im on a grandfathered plan, have been with them for years since they were hydro energy.

        • I've got the same plan as you but rates are only guaranteed for 2 years.

        • New plans do cost more, I’m on the same plan by will expiry on a few weeks. New plans will cost on average 20c more per day, from higher daily charge.

          Better deals can be found else where if your a low user, less than 8kw per day.
          Or else if you use around 12kw, tango is still best. Anywhere in between and it’s best to crunch the numbers.

      • I went through the comparison website yesterday to get $50 free, and ended up signing up with Tango at 85c per day and 16.5c per kw/h fixed for 2 years. I'm not sure if the offer is on their main website though.

    • +1

      Bloody hell.
      I was not aware of the concept of usage charge per day for all the bills.
      Used to pay just the actual usage back home in Russia.
      It is 4.45 rub/kwh at the moment (roughly 10 cents) and no supply fee so you don't pay if you are say on vacation and don't use electricity at all.
      Looks like you pay here in favour of shareholders and a bunch of CEO's in charge of the electicity companies. Feel ripped off.

      • And how reliable was Russia's electricity?
        Russia would have had the supply inbuilt into the actual unit price of 4.45rub

        Since deregulation the energy companies have been manipulating cost and spending unnecessarily money to increase supply.

        The energy companies can't arbitrarily increase prices, they have to put up a case for it. The thing is they know how to game a weak system.

        Welcome to Capitalism…

  • +3

    In my example, Brisbane inner city, 4066 per kwh:
    Peak usage (inc GST): 26.62
    Controlled Load 2 (incl GST): 22.242
    Supply Daily (incl GST): 124.003.

    Current 25% origin discount:
    19.965 peak
    16.6815 controlled load 2
    93.00225 daily supply

    28% 9Saver discount:
    19.1664 peak
    16.01424 controlled load 2
    124.003 daily supply

    I'd have to use over 30kwh per day before I break even. Naaaaaah.

  • +2

    It is just too hard to compare apple to apple.
    To compare the price, op needs to show us the real rate deducts by discount.
    You can’t put only the discount rate to make this as bargain

    • -1

      No it isn't

    • Thats too much info, you also need one for each State.

      I see these offers, as more of a reminder for people to go and do their own resaerch.

      This is especially true for Victoria and other screwed up states

  • +1

    So discount only apply to USAGE RATE.. and is the discount applied BEFORE or AFTER GST?


    They also allow DIRECT DEBIT on the day the bill is due so effectively PAY ON TIME discount applies.
    They also accept AMEX credit cards and do not apply surcharge.

    Can Origin match that?

    • Before or after GST is irrelevant.
      eg. 10% discount on $110 (incl.GST) bill:
      $100 (ex.GST) x0.9 = $90 x 10% GST = $99
      $110 (incl.GST) x0.9 = $99

      However, agree & also hate the "XX% DISCOUNT!!… on usage only" when supply charges can be hundreds of dollars per quarter.

  • I'm in NSW
    25% ORF! sounds good.
    Off what?
    Does it include the fixed charge?
    What is your base usage charge?
    Ummm just wait while I check what the others are charging.
    Oh ye, OK, I'll deal
    Hey what! the base usage you quoted had already had the percentage discount deducted from it… WTF!

    Doesn't relate to this deal, just an experience I had.

  • +5

    I’m so disappointed ozbargainers are even quoting % discounts on electricity. Know your rates! I cannot even tell you the joy it brings me every time I get a telemarketer calling me wanting me to change providers.

    Me: what’s your best rate per kWh incl gst you can offer?
    What’s the daily charge after discounts incl gst?
    What’s the Fit?

    Most don’t know. It’s usually then I inform them I have a nuclear power plant in the backyard so my electricity is free.

    What I’m trying to say is know your act dollar cost per kWh & your daily rate. It’s saves you

    • I like to think most people know their rates…

      For NSW anyway the rates don't vary much for the companies, 3-5% at most

  • +4

    People, make a spreadsheet.

    This deal is good but not great. Probably better than what most people are on. Just made a spreadsheet for SE QLD. We have a 5kw system. Based on my previous bill Energy Australia wins. Will vary from location and usage but their plans are worthy of a listing on Ozbargain.

    You also get a sign up bonus and they do price matching.

    Energy Australia Secure Saver Home $200.26
    Energy Australia No Frills $206.47
    Energy Australia Anytime Saver Home $207.79
    This Deal $228.40
    Old Solar Boost $257.67
    Alinta Home Saver Plus - Single Rate Solar $244.38

    Currently with Origin, will ask for another 12% off to bring it close to EA. If not I am jumping ship.

    I should downvote this as many people see it is a good deal. Full of propaganda and fluff. Might be for some, but do your research people and compare your usage with plans. Spreadsheet is best, but this will give you an idea of what is available: https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/

  • +10

    I'm surprised Ozbargainers are going for this. If I offer to sell you a new iPhone X for 50% off my usual price, would you think it's a good deal? What about 80% off? 90% off? DEAL! Of course, my usual price is 1 million dollars each (plus delivery), so I hope you like your $100,000 iPhone.

  • The discounted rates bring them in line what I am already paying with Tango, without any of this discounting theatrics…

  • When I select yes for solar it reduced to 16%.
    Please let me know otherwise so that I can make a move

  • +12

    Vic 41% off amazing! That they are ripping so many people off with high tariffs to begin with.

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