Great price!
Original PLUSME 10% off All eBay Plus Items on eBay Deal Post
yeah but this one would be much better deal for those who got 10% off eBay GC :)
I wouldn't be able to pay more than $300 for this product after the Good Guys deal :(
that's commercial, not everyone can access that price.
not disagreeing but being an OzBargainer, I struggle to pay above the lowest price :(
That's not commercial, that's "commercial" that was accessible to almost anyone who made the effort.
Really, it wasn't. Paid memberships (for most) and waiting half a week plus phonecall chaseups to get a GGC account activated
@justtoreply: Downloaded a copy of the uploaded receipt, walked in to JB HiFi, "yeah shouldn't be a problem", shabam booda bing!
I think luck had everything to do with it then again maybe it was my good looks or lack there of in which case they may have felt sorry for me.
@oO0Dam0Oo: I tried the same yeseterday (30/10) but was denied twice, also told at both JB's that there wasn't aany left in stock and it could take several weeks for them to arrive back in stock.
Just wait for the price dropping to $300 at Christmas:D The Ozbaragainers have revealed how much profit can the retailers make on this price.
I disagree. Mark-up and profit are different. A normal business has to pay overheads including staff, rent, overdraft etc. I do not begrudge a business making a reasonable return.
We will see in Christmas sales. No need to waste time on arguing on their margin though. I also reckon their cost charged by Sony is also dynamic. After selling such massive pairs, Sony may almost recover their R&D cost so that is why further drop happens after a product has been released for a few months.
Anyone know how these compare to the QC35s?
These are better in every way.
the deja vu is kickin' in hard here…!
Yeah, can't be bothered explaining why lol
@idonotknowwhy: There are a few things that some people found QC35 II does it better.
Personally picked up a pair of the XM3's last week and have not regretted it for a second. Such a premium build, fluid audio and a VERY VERY long battery life!
For me, XM2's textured outer shell made the build feel much more premium compared to the plasticy feel of XM3. That said, QC35 II feels plasticky too.
Audio wise I preferred the XM2 and XM3 over QC35 II.
no way people pay over $300 now for this
I'd say most people aren't anal enough to hold out for the cheapest price record to be broken, they'll just buy if the price suits them.
holding out for a sale in January. due to travel at the end of Feb, so can't purchase now because I want to claim TRS. reeeeeally want a pair though! tried them on at JB & was stunned by the comfort/fit & noise cancelling
Pretty safe so say now, anyone who pays >$400 for these should be kicked/banned/ipblocked from ozbargain.
Buy only if you need it. Coz those prices are gonna crash!
You know something?
Waiting for a Bose QCII comment
Already happened
Can this be used for Gaming as well ?
is there Audio delay ?
I tried it for PUBG with discord and it worked fine. I wouldn't recommend it for gaming though as the mic isn't as great compared to gaming headsets.
Costco (Casula/NSW) sell it for 349.95, but need membership.
Comfort wise are these good? I had the Mark 1 version and it had minimal padding. Can't stand it because it was pressing so hard on my head so I went to buy the QC35 instead
At the time of typing this comment I've been wearing my XM3's for about 4 hours. I completely forgot I had them on at points, if it wasn't for the fact I can't hear any external noise around me..
No real issues comfort wise here, they can get a little warm on the ears after a while though.
I just went into JBHIFI asked for cheapest price and they did it for $299.25. No online hassles.
Can you please post the receipt?
You can do the same thing and walk into a JB and ask for the same. If they give you a price that is higher ask for lower. If they ask you what price give that price and see what they will do. If they don’t match just say thank you and try another store.
Thanks for that mate.
Did you get white / silver?
Is black available?
Thanks a lot! Fantastic price!!!!!
Has anyone used the receipt and matched the price?
Also, technically, this doesn't qualify for TRS as the price is just under $300:
"your purchases are from a single business with the same Australian business number (ABN) and total AUD 300 (GST inclusive) or more"
Will have to ask the sales guy to make it $300 even :-)
Interesting. They wouldn't match it for me in another jb store today…
@[Deactivated]: Pretty much all the other stores that I called are out of stock. Never mind, ordered from Qantas.
I guess I can't stack P5OFF with this PLUSME code right? Coz I haven't activated my ebay plus trial yet so I can't really test it.
Yea, I'm not surprised, thx m8
Cheaper here from the same store here (until 31 Oct):