Toshiba is having a big warehouse sale this Sat 12th March at Homebush. Anyone interested in getting a bargain notebook computer or LCD TV, this is your chance! See attached flyer, only while stocks last.
15.6” Laptops from $330.00
26” LCD TVs $220.00
32” LCD TVs $290.00
Toshiba Refurbished Notebook and TV Sale in Sydney!

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Is no one able to see the flyer? It opens fine for me. Unfortunately there is no website link to this. But the details in the Flyer are WHEN: Saturday 12th March,9am to 4pm WHERE: Campus Business Park,Building F, 350 Parramatta Rd,Homebush
Personal Shoppers only. No Business/ABN purchasers.
Sale only while stocks last. Standard warranty terms will apply.Works for me but all it says is-
Saturday 12th March,
9am to 4pm
Campus Business Park,
Building F, 350 Parramatta Rd,
HomebushI used to work there, the reception/entrance is the notebook repair centre unless its at the warehouse, plenty of parking in front of the warehouse.
I see it! I see it!!
Payment types? What's going to be on offer?
I think we can be a tough crowd to please :D
i can see it now
doesn't really say much in all honesty….
no idea how much things will cost etc.To bad its Toshiba…
Toshiba is a good brand. They're a jap company. Don't know what you like, but if you prefer a brand like samsung or asus over toshiba, i feel sorry for you
if u like toshiba over samsung and asus i feel sorry for u
Agreed, at least for laptops. My school lappy is a Toshiba, and it's a tank. Built very well, handles plenty of knocks and stuff. Good quality.
Any brand of laptop is better than Toshiba. They are unreliable hardware wise and if you need in warranty support you may as well forget about it. If u don't believe me ask anyone in the computer service industry.
I am in the computer industry and have worked for IBM, Toshiba etc, my opinion is you are completely incorrect Toshiba are probably the most reliable in the market at the moment when it comes to failures, it used to be IBM until they went the Lenovo route.
Toshiba also has their own service centre in every state, that the customer can drop in their machine with or without warranty and get it repaired , what other manaufacturer has that?
asus has the lowest statistically proven failure and return rateWhich statistics are you referring and what period does it cover ?
Nice how you have no proof or background to explain you childish answer
I got the flyer from a friend as well, apparently there's going to be a list of products going out on Friday. Dunno if it'll have pricing though.
Where is homebush? (State should be in title)
Homebush, in Nsw for the geographically uninformed.
if only its in vic…
I feel your pain :( nearly want to go up there on the weekend.
Has toshiba ever had a warehouse sale like this before? If this is the first one for all we know the price could just be 10% lower than the regular prices?
They had one last year around july at the same place. I bought a 26" Regza LCD tv with tuner for $399. Last year they mostly had TV's. As for the payment options they accepted cash and credit card not sure about AMEX though.
Hmm, I'm not sure I can afford to buy a Refurbished TV warehouse… :)
But seriously, how do we do we know there are bargains? How about some sample prices so that we can compare? Otherwise it's just advertising.
Eh bad advertisement, and no catalog for products…
It's a refurbished sale, so they probably only have a few of each product
But generally it's all LCD TVs and laptops, you just go down there and see if you get lucky.
might help to say sydney only in title
I wonder if they are refurbished local stock or refurbished crap that they can't sell in the States so have bring them over there.
I believe they are refurbished local stock and have full Manufacturer's warranty.
state in topic pls :( any rep in syd wanna buy a tv and bring it down to melb for me?
I don't see how people can vote this as a bargain without knowing exactly what is for sale and the price :s
I do not have product particulars as yet but I believe the deals are something like
15.6” Refurbished Laptops from $330.00
26” Refurbished LCD TVs $220.00
32” Refurbished LCD TVs $290.00specs on laptops?
No 40" left
32av700a - 290
32cvv700a - 350
32av500a - 250
32v600a - 290got a Satellite L500/025 PSLS9A-025012 for $550, refurbished, but still a good deal imo. I saw alot of people with print outs of the products and prices. Seems like they released it online but I couldnt find it. Spend a fair bit of time comparing the laptops on the spot. Basically all the $330 models were snapped up, but then again you pay extra for the i5 models so im happy.
There were afew i5-520 for $550 as well but I only realised that after I got mine.
Stock was everywhere, although only staff were handling the stock it was quite messy. And the sale started earlier than 9am which meant some of the real bargains were snapped up already by people who had the prodcut list etc. Overall it was a bargain, woulda been better if a link to the price list was included though ><
Oh and tv's were all 50hz, So the models were quite old. 40inch for $450 but with 50hz it kinda sucks. TV's of that size need to be at 100hz, motion blur will ruin your experience especially if your watching the union or soccer and the ball keeps getting sent crossfield.
Not worth the $450-510 imo, laptops were decent though
Any 22" or LCD's around that size for sale? Going price?
can't see the flyer?