Good prices on some of these :)
- $18.90 (Was $30.77) Lille by Enzo Barelli 760mm Double Towel Rail
- $5.95 (Was $10.48) Antsig 14 x 26cm Black Indoor Digital Antenna
- $2.95 (Was $10.98) QEP 75mm Floor Scraper
Source: Pricehipster
Good prices on some of these :)
Source: Pricehipster
It looks like it’s back in fashion
No, yours was probably solid rails. This is likely thin walled CHS which is so thin it literally becomes so weak it can't take a knock or a towel being yanked.
We tried buying a cheap rail from Bunnings, it was NOT fit for purpose.
Hmm..Actually, he was talking about Digital Antenna ;)
Oh, lol.
Anyway, buyers be wary to open the towel rail and check its robustness before buying.
I actually need one in this style so I'll be checking.
Yeah, but would it have been digital in the 90s?
are these antennas actually any good?
This did not work for me but this one from Kmart works fine but I don't get Channel 7 and other 7s.…
Thanks for asking. I was about to buy but not sure which one to get. Didn’t realise there are so many models even from the one brand at Bunnings - but other than style I don’t see any difference between the $6 one and the $76 one. Is there anything else I need to be looking for?
Sit them on a windowsill for best results.
i had the same one in the late nineties