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Oral B Vitality Precision Clean - 50% off $24.95 @ Shaver Shop

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Not as cheap as the previous deal which was down to $19, but still way cheaper then Chemist Warehouse and Catchoftheday which have them for $34.99 - $39.99.

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Shaver Shop
Shaver Shop

closed Comments

  • +1

    Bought same pack at Woolworth for $20 at start of the week.

    • And you didn't post it here for us?

      • Didn't think it was anything special. I seem to remember seeing it at similar price pretty regularly.

        • +1

          Used to regularly be that price, now not so much.

  • Just a random titbit…these can come with either a NiCad or NiMH battery in them, and the battery type is printed on the rear of the handle, at the base, visible through the packaging.

    • NiMH being better in terms of amount of charge it holds? Can anybody confirm?

      I ask as I have an older Oral B model that I still use as a spare, and it takes ages to charge but goes flat after a few minutes.

      • Used this type of toothbrush for over 10 yrs. only broken once due to not hold a charge. From your description, I think yours not hold a charge as well. One charge on these NiHM last for 1 week on average. It is actually an AAA rechargeable battery inside and charges up using induction. Then the vibration will get weak so I usually put it back on the charger every day so the vibration is always consistent.

      • From a random website discussing batteries:

        NiMH batteries' advantage over NiCd batteries

        • PERFORMANCE - NiMH batteries will greatly out-perform standard NiCd batteries in high-drain applications.
        • CAPACITY - The amount of energy stored by the battery. NiMH has more than twice the capacity of standard NiCd. NiMH batteries have much longer runs times (hours played, number of pictures taken).
        • MEMORY EFFECT - NiMH batteries can be charged or “topped-off” at any time without affecting battery life. In order to achieve optimum performance from NiCd batteries, they must be fully discharged before recharging. Unlike NiCd batteries, NiMH has No Memory Effect.
        • ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY - NiMH batteries have no Cadmium added. Cadmium is hazardous to the environment. NiMH is much more environmentally friendly.
        • Thanks 👍

  • It’s always this price

    Often cheaper

  • usual price for New Oral B Vitality Precision Clean in Ebay.

  • +1

    Wait for the woolies /coles $20 that happens every quarter

  • I’m pretty sure I saw them for $20 yesterday at Coles. Can’t find on their website though.

    • Coles website is shite, so doesn't surprise me.

  • -1

    Same price at The Good Guys. Although as others have stated. Has been cheaper in the past elsewhere.

    • Cheers, grabbed one with the $20 concierge credit they sent me… so $5 :D

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