• expired

Bendigo Bank Qantas Platinum Mastercard: Bonus 80,000 Qantas Points (Min. Spend $2,500 in 90 Days) + $149 Annual Fee


Be approved and spend $2,500 on everyday purchases within 90 days of opening your account to earn 80,000 bonus Qantas Points.

  • $149 annual fee
  • Up to 55 days interest free
  • Minimum credit limit $3,000
  • Earn 0.6 Qantas Points per dollar spent
  • Points will be credited to your points balance within 3 months of meeting the spend criteria.

Link to finder deal: https://www.finder.com.au/bendigo-bank-qantas-platinum-maste…

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Bendigo Bank

closed Comments

        • +1


          ~620. I was mistaken, this qualified as "Average" not "good". 752 is a solid score so you should be fine. I contested the rejection, we'll see what happens.

          The rejection email said:

          Your application was unsuccessful as a result of your credit eligibility information.

          What does this mean?
          We rely upon information from a number of sources when deciding whether to refuse an application for consumer credit. This includes information provided by an applicant and credit reporting information given to us by Equifax Pty Limited.

          There are a number of factors that may result in an application for credit being refused including:
          The adequacy of the applicant's level of income and other resources to meet repayments of credit;
          The extent of the applicant's indebtedness and other commitments;
          The security of the applicant's employment;
          The applicant's credit history including previous bankruptcy, defaults, serious credit infringements, high number of credit applications and unsatisfactory repayment history.

        • +1

          so true, I've experienced this as well. They don't want to know me, because they know they won't make any money from me…

    • mate is your score less than 650? I also have a good score which is close to 700, but looking at your case I am just anxious…

      oops hadn't refreshed my page for last 40 mins..op has already answered.

    • +1

      Same here, same reason. What's amusing is that i currently have the least amount of credit in a long time.

      In the past I've had ANZ black and westpac black + random other cards totalling about 35k+ in credit with no issues…

      I've never requested for my Credit Report before and have done so tonight… will see what it looks like haha.

  • Mortgage holders with Bendigo Bank get the first year's annual fee waived provided you have no other CC with them

  • +1

    I got rejected as well. Maybe I applied for too many cc in the last 6 months. Oh well.

    • Howmany did you apply for?

      • Once every 3 months

        • That's a little too often. ANZ rejected me 2 years ago for the same thing.

  • +2

    given the annual fee, westpac deal is better

    • +1

      Cheers, didn't realise the Altitude Platinum deal was still running. Not bad!

    • Why is westpac deal better?

      • I wonder if it's due to the 40000 points having a $400 odd value, or $251 return after the annual fee.

        Westpac offers 60000 for the same annual fee (and free for the first year (note I haven't read deep into this, just some quick googling)), so return is approx $600 fist year, then $451 per year.

        Also $2.5k v $3k 3 month spend.

        Happy to be corrected if I've assumed too much.

  • When applying for these what is the golden ruled regarding your credit rating?
    ie no more than XX cards per year?

    • just have a look at your credit score beforehand before applying. Mine has plummeted from ~700 2 months ago to now 550 after applying for 2 new cards in the past 4 months

      • I really don't get these credit scores. Mine has actually gone up since I applied for the Westpac/AMEX card in July .

        • Nor do I. Mine remained at 561 despite applying for 4 cards earlier this year and then jumped 50 points after the 5th. I just applied for this card so I'm interested if it will go up further still.

  • What are the exclusions ??? Who is owns Bendigo? Was approved today for the HSBC 60K bonus points offer but I think this is a better deal.

    • Bendigo's shares are publicly traded on the ASX.

  • +1

    Got rejected. Phoned them up and they were useless with info and min salary required and or why I was denied.

    Suggested I visit a branch…

  • Wow so many declines, anyone manage to get approval?

    • Yep, was approved instantly. I only applied for 3k (minimum) on this card though. Have 3 other cards with 22k limits combined.

  • Any way to get the first annual fee waived?

  • +2

    For those looking for a $0 annual fee for the first year card. Qantas Money (aka Citibank) are doing a no annual fee first year for 40k QFF points. $2000 spend for each month for the first two months (if you only reach the spend in 1 month you get 20k points).


    • Damnit Citibank you are testing me

      • +1

        They are not that bad, got worse service from CBA

        • +3

          Oh right I forgot CBA still exists. shudder

  • +4

    First card I’ve ever been declined for. ANZ, Qantas/Citi, NAB, Westpac, St. George all good.

    Anything we can do to figure out wtf is going on?

    FU Bendigo 🖕🏻

    • +1

      At what stage did you get rejected? After you submitted your payslips or before?

      • +1

        Didn't even get to the payslip submission part.


        • +1

          Crikey that's harsh.


  • Which bank is bendigo backed by?

  • +8

    Thank you for your application. Unfortunately we are unable to assist you on this occasion.

    With more than sufficient surplus monthly income, they are still unable to assist.

    Edit: They are stating the application may be refused due to following reasons.

    1) The adequacy of the applicant's level of income and other resources to meet repayments of credit;
    2) The extent of the applicant's indebtedness and other commitments;
    3) The security of the applicant's employment;
    4) The applicant's credit history including previous bankruptcy, defaults, serious credit infringements, high number of credit applications and unsatisfactory repayment history.

    Their automated system appears to be totally flawed as none of above factors apply to my situation!!

    • +2

      Not sure why you're getting negged … prefectly legit reason to neg the deal.

      Have an up vote.

  • Got rejected.

  • Wow the rejection rate with this card is high for a Platinum card. It would be nice if they set out the requirements to meet to obtain the card without having to incur a credit file check to find out.

  • Wasn't rejected, yet

    • What automated response did you get at the end?

  • +2

    I have a suspicion that applying so soon after a promo has started increases the risk of getting rejected, because the churners (of which I am one) will more than likely be all over it straight away. And (disciplined) churners don't make the banks any money.

    What also springs to mind is the seemingly deliberate roll out of offers from Westpac, offering progressively better deals each time, effectively "punishing" those that jumped on the first offers straight away.

    Who knows, maybe I'm just paranoid. But I think I'll wait a few weeks before I apply for this one.

    • +2

      What also springs to mind is the seemingly deliberate roll out of offers from Westpac, offering progressively better deals each time, effectively "punishing" those that jumped on the first offers straight away.

      Interesting idea there … somehow I don't think banks are that clever to be able to manipulate seasoned chuners … easier for them to steal from retirees, no?

  • +2

    Got rejected

    • Damn Sshanaz. You too?

      • +1

        No idea what is wrong with their assessment criteria. My credit score is 830 and it was my first application this year.

        • Strewth. I recieved instant provisional approval but this is my 6th application for the year and my credit score is 610 so I'm expecting a rejection notification any day now.

  • +1

    Got rejected in May.

  • +4

    Doesn't even sound like it's worth calling them up - waste of 15 mins and a credit hit.

    Bendigo can get stuffed.

    • Yep, haven't started and I'm done with them after seeing this rubbish

  • I'm surprised more people aren't negging the deal after getting rejected. Turning the promotion in to a PR nightmare is one way to make them listen.

    Has anyone checked their credit report after being rejected? Anything to worry about?

  • -6

    lol at the butthurt about the rejections, like it is some god given right that you will be approved. It happens, you rolled the dice and lost. The bank doesn't need to give you a reason. Move on. It is not a reason to neg the deal.

    • +2

      Would be fine if they rejected without pinging your credit score. But if their system is shit (which it sounds like it is) and they ping your credit score and reject, it's pretty bullshit

      • -3

        But that is the game, and has been that way for a long long time. Regardless of approval or rejection, applying will result in a credit check. That is the price for "having a go".

        • +7

          I don't feel like applying for a serious financial product like a cc should be a lucky dip… Rejection and success should be quantifiable.

          Sure, I'm going to use them and leave but it's like not their T&C has any "fair use" policy.

          As much as you might say it's the price of entry - them offering bonus points is the price they are paying for hopefully hooking phat irresponsible whales…

        • -1


          Rejection and success should be quantifiable

          They probably have a highly accurate system to identify churners and non-profit able customers and reject them based on that.

          Pretty quantifiable if you ask me.

        • +2


          Does it say anywhere that the product is only for people that aren't churners?

          You completely missed my point.

        • @csider:

          You completely missed my point.

          I don't think I missed it.

          You're just unhappy with them using a profitability criteria to screen application, instead of a credit-worthiness criteria (which is what most credit card companies have done historically.

          Both profitability and creditworthiness are equally quantifiable.

          Does it say anywhere that the product is only for people that aren't churners?

          Lending criteria has always been opaque. Even if they declined your application on the basis of creditworthiness, they would never tell you the exact reason (default vs too many cards vs too much debt). That's just way these organisations operate. Is it fair? hell, no. What are you going to do about it? Nothing … just move on the next card.

          Does it say anywhere that the product is only for people that aren't churners?

          The marketing materials/pds don't say that you need to have a good credit rating to be approved … it's just implied. I guess profitability is also an implicit criteria for this card.

          Pretty sure it'll say "to approved applicants" somewhere.

        • You sound like my highs hook maths teacher!

          He was awesome

        • @salmon123: they won't, I work at a much larger and more profitable bank and we don't have that. They'll be rejecting on some random metric that they won't want to tell as that allows you to change it and reapply to beat it or allows another bank to start to workout their models.

    • I find it a little funny as well, but it's worth negging the deal as a warning to others who don't want a rejection on their credit record!

  • filed the application - it is currently "pending assessment!"

  • Geez that's a lot of rejections. My application I thought was risky due to the number of apps I've had
    I Thoguht it would be easy for a normal person.

    I'm still going to call them tomorrow to see

  • Oh No!
    Looks like not easy to get approve when apply online.

  • When I close the credit card after receive the points. How long does it take to show up on the other banks system that I have closed the credit card? Need to make sure before apply for other credit card.
    1 to 2 cards every 6 months would be ok?

    • +1

      A closure of an account usually gets reported and appears on your credit file by no later than the next monthly update.

      My general rule of thumb is that if you are closing the accounts where the bonus points have posted promptly and otherwise have good credit indicators (good stable income, repay on time, etc etc etc) then 1 application every 6 months is safe enough. It doesn't always work - some of the providers like Citibank and Virgin Money will reject you for reasons unknown - but as a general rule of thumb 1 churn every 6 months won't generally be too much of a problem.

      I know plenty on here very successfully do more than 1 churn every 6 months - so I'm not saying that's a hard and fast rule … just that 1 every 6 months won't generally be too much of an issue if you have good credit indicators.

      • +1

        At the moment, closures are not reported at all. Once the new system is in place with Equifax, then not only the open facilities but the payment history as well will be recorded. This was supposed to be in place by June 30 for the majors but was pushed out to Sept 30.

        • This, except for Amex, those cards seem to be reporting on the new system without issue.

        • @dazzywazzy: That's interesting. The reports I'm seeing are only showing enquiries still - could be our IT not pulling through all of the info yet.

        • I closed a NAB card 12 months ago. It came up as such on my credit reports about 6 months later and caused a 20% drop in credit rating even through I had other credit cards.

  • +2


    As soon as I put in my credit cards (total limit of $24k with only $3k owing that gets paid on due date every month) it said "you can't afford this credit card".

    LOL. This was for $3k card.

    Oh well, wait for the next decent deal (and will have closed $18k of credit limit by then)

    • +3

      At least your credit file did not have to take a hit

  • I wonder if any human being has had theirs accepted

  • After all the horror stories of people with reasonable/good credit being knocked back I went for the Westpac Altitude Platinum for $50 first year fee and 60k bonus points. Safer bet for now I think!

  • I'm tempted to give this a go, just to see if anyone would be accepted, but I'm scared to possibly affect my 1150 credit score!

  • +3

    Rejected - Have one other points earning credit card, haven't applied for another one since last year. More of peoples sagas continue here: https://www.australianfrequentflyer.com.au/community/threads…

    For reference my useless credit score is 950.

  • +2

    Also got rejected in May after submitting my payslips. It was my only application in about a year.

    I only have 2 credit cards totaling 5k limit and about 100k savings.

  • Im new to this but have just made myspend on the westpac platinum cards and awaiting points, im looking for a new card with bonus points would people recomend this one or another its been two months since i applied for the westpac deal and just had a standard card with homeloan before that.

    Not liking all the rejection posts, is it too soon for me to try get another card??



    • I wouldn't risk it since you recently applied. ANZ also reject for this reason. Perhaps see if NAB are offering anything, they didn't mind when I'd just applied for an amex…

  • got provisionally approved - pending payslip review. have 3-4 CCs totalling 20k and six figure savings. first timer on bendigo bank.

  • I got approved this morning. Just saw the neg count on the deal and shat myself thinking the 80k points isn't coming through or something. I've got 2 other credit cards right now.
    Edit: Maybe it helped that I called them up after applying and asked the chick to look over my application?

  • How long do they take after the payslips?

    • Takes the staff member about an hour if you call up. Also lets them ask you questions if they have any.

  • Rejected!

  • Wow that is a lot of rejections, making me thing twice about this one. .

  • I want to apply…. but these rejections tho…

  • +3

    This might not change your application status but if you believe your application shouldn't be rejected based on your good income and credit rating, there is no harm sending a quick email to Bendigo's customer Advocate team and questioning why your application was rejected.

    Their email address is [email protected]

    • +2


      I didn't hear from customer advocate team for 6 days so I rang them this morning. They said they forgot to respond to my email due to staff training issue. Great!!

      I was advised that my application was rejected due to no. of credit enquiries on my credit file. They suggested to re-apply in branch where their staff has discretion to consider my application but online staff works within given stated policy.

      This new application will result in new credit enquiry. It is a complete joke that their branch staff can work out of credit policy and make exemptions but online staff won't budge.

      Stay away from these jokers with flawless systems and policies.

  • +4

    Just finished talking to them. They have a backlog currently and are expected to clear applications submitted on 05th Sep by Monday.
    Asked a quite a lot of questions though, why so many credit inquiries and urgency of a new cc etc…

  • Provisional approval received. Some details for those considering applying.

    First time Bendigo customer. Went for a few k above the minimum limit, Getcredit score around 740, 10k cc debt across 2 cards with a combined limit of 30k. Application process gives first nod of approval about half way through after you have entered salary, commitments and liabilities. Provisional approval is then given after entering assets, identity details and uploading evidence of income.

    • +1

      I'm in the same boat. But by the reports on AFF, it seems many then get rejected after this stage when a human gets involved. This bank seems to be a lot tougher than the competition. I just wished I researched this before leaping on the deal as soon as it came out on the 5th. Sometimes it pays to hasten slowly.

      • +3

        Bendigo Bank called me at 9 on the dot this morning and went through each of my 6 credit card applications this year. I had to think fast on my feet to explain each one. I thought I'd scotched my chances but just got an email saying I've been approved. My credit rating is 610 and this is my 7th application so it is possible to get the nod. Perhaps it helped that I applied only for $3000 credit.

        • I'm curious to know what excuses you gave for the six other applications? If I was asked the same question I think I would struggle to not blurt out "churn and burn baby"

        • @endolphin:
          That did cross my mind but to my great surprise I was able to rattle off some plausible explanation.

      • Approved as well.

        They called a few days ago. Went through some of my application details, queried my low weekly spend and asked about two of my cancelled cards as if they were open (to which I replied that I had cancelled them a while ago). They also rang work and confirmed title, salary and start date.

  • -1

    Let's neg this shit, shitty costumer care

  • Approved today from application on the 5th

    • nice! m still waiting..filed on 05th too!

  • I got a text message asking for a call back this morning. So I called them back, a few hours later got an email saying application unsuccessful. I have no outstanding debts on any credit cards or loans, have 2 jobs and have very little expenses. Hmmmmm

    • +1

      What credit level did you request? I suspect going for the minimum of $3000 is one way to improve your chances.

      • Yeah I applied for the minimum $3000

        • Ouch. That blows my theory. Sounds like they're just a tough mob to convince.

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