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Threadless $10 T-Shirts + Extra 20% Discount


It is time for another threadless sale!

Threadless has lots of T-shirts for $10 + shipping.

There are just over 100 guys t-shirts to choose from and 135 girls t-shirts.

If you use your mobile phone to place the order you can get an extra 20% discount on your order.

If you do not want to use your mobile phone due to the smaller screen you can make your computer look like it is a mobile phone

If you use firefox:
Install this addon to firefox https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-sw…

If you use Safari:
See here,it saves me typing it out and has images to help you

When you get to the "Shipping information" screen change your user agent to iPhone 3 and refresh the page, nothing will load and the page will turn white. Change the user agent back to default and refresh the page again. You can continue with your order and the 20% discount will remain applied.

If you want to say thanks you can use my referral link http://www.threadless.com/?streetteam=threadsgalore

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closed Comments

  • +2

    don't buy threadless anymore, but thumbs up for your tip on tricking it to think your pc is a mobile :D

    • -4

      Now if I could trick my computer to think it's a mac…

      • +7

        Why? Just go and BUY a $10000 Macintosh.

        • -2

          I was talking more in the reliability stakes…but your solution is good too…

        • +2


          Does that stereotype still exist in 2011? Really? I'm sure your mileage may vary, but from personal experience and uni friends (half of whom have MBPs), there's really nothing to say Macs are more reliable at all. If you're comparing a large, fragmented ecosystem with dozens or hundreds of manufacturers with thousands of different models, I'm sure there are both ends of the spectrum, and can find a dodgy PC if you really tried. But ultimately you get what you pay for.

          Next thing I know, you'll bring in the old-as-the-hills "PCs get viruses," despite modern computers being almost virus/ad-aware proof with up-to-date software, even with irresponsible usage.

        • +1

          friends don't let friends buy macs


      • Doesn't anyone get SARCASM anymore?

        • Just doesn't translate as well online lol

          And with the number of Apple cultists around, it's hard to tell.

  • I was very happy with my purchase(just before christmas) of 6 t-shirts - but they had a free shipping deal on then, which made it worth it.

    Still, this is cheaper (and better quality) than buying locally in Australia.

  • I will buy some for my 15 year old brother. They don't look like tshirts that adults would wear but very nice price for the young fellas who are into these sort of tshirts.

    • +1

      It depends on your style I guess. I'm 28 and wear mostly threadless Ts. Obviously for some events and places they aren't appropriate but I get plenty of value out of them. For someone a bit indy or dare I say hipster they're a good choice.

  • does anyone know if all their shirts are 100% cotton? My body hates me when I wear cotton blends.

    • +3

      If you are a guy then all but 1 colour is 100% cotton.

      If you are a girl it varies.

      They tell you what everything is made from here http://support.threadless.com/ics/support/KBAnswer.asp?quest…

      • +1

        thanks mate

    • +12

      You can look like shit for $6.

    • +2

      Well to be fair to OP, he has put in a referral link only as an additional info. If you don't want to use it, you are free to ignore it.

    • +2

      you should be posting deals to share the deal with everyone

      I got the sale email from threadless, wanted to buy some t-shirts so looked to find an extra discount which is when i found the mobile 20% discount.

      I posted the deal because i wanted to share it with people and thought that it is something people will find useful.

      An extra 20% discount on top of reduced prices is something i think is worth sharing!

      not because you want to make some money.

      I did not post the deal to make money, if nobody clicks the link i do not care.

      If i wanted to make money (Not that there is anyway of making money from the referral link) I would have hidden the referral link in the main URL and said nothing.

    • +3

      He gave the option of choosing to use mobile if you want the additional 20% off. You can choose to ignore this. This ALSO applies to the referral link, which is well within OB's rules. He offered a secondary link if you so choose, rather than sneaking it into the OP (as sometimes happens).

      I don't see why ANY of this is so unacceptable to you, that you go out on a limb to attack the OP's character. Threadless shirts are user-submitted designs and are rather decent quality with constant shifting of stock. $10 is a bargain. You can theoretically use a "$6 Kmart shirt" excuse for anything on this site. I suppose you'd think buying a nice business shirt on sale for $40 is a rip-off because you can otherwise get one at Lowes for $5? Hell, why buy a nice TV when you can pick one up from Aldi's?

      This is circular reasoning and if you want to wear bargain-basement clothes, then go ahead. Don't criticise when someone's offering a genuine bargain.

      • +1

        This is circular reasoning and if you want to wear bargain-basement clothes, then go ahead. Don’t criticise when someone’s offering a genuine bargain.

        just like my previous post on GHDs

        just like the same as comparing cars, a Honda and a Porsche
        they both do the job, get you to point A to point B
        but one is more expensive because of the brand

  • +1

    Used your referral link for the helpful information you posted about faking the mobile site.
    Thanks for saving me $5 :)

    • +2

      Thanks for saving me $5 :)

      Thanks for saving me $3 on my next order :)

      • +1

        you can also do the mobile thing on safari(w/o addons)
        (sorta a hack, i like hacks!!!)

        • +2

          I have updated the post for those who use safari.

        • +1

          @ anthony

          cool and thanks!

  • +8

    If you're buying a couple of t-shirts, it might be a good idea to look into buying a Threadless gift voucher from eBay.

    This seller (100% positive feedback) currently sells $50 and $100 vouchers at $41.53 and $77.12 Australian respectively, with "free shipping". From reading their feedback, the seller sends you the voucher code soon after payment is sent.

    With the 20% off and a voucher, you could save yourself quite a lot of money!

    • +1

      Great Tip, wonder how they actually "buy and sell these"

    • great tip, I just bought a $50 voucher for $43.15 (1AUD = 0.973348 USD). Now just awaiting the voucher and will try the 20% discount trick. Great find!

    • Will be buying a $100 one. Thanks for the tip! More than 20% off!

  • Does anyone know how long the 20% off mobile purchase deal lasts?

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