This was posted 6 years 6 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

6 Months of Xbox Live Gold Subscription for $29.95 (Buy 3 Months Get 3 Months Free) @ JB Hi-Fi


JB has done it again. Beat EB Games deal by $4

Orders emailed an additional code 1-2 business days after order has completed.

Bonus codes provided expire October 31st, 2018.

Remember to use your bonus code first as it has a short expiry.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • -7

    Middle-earth: Shadow of War Gold Edition (Digital Download)$160.95 digital code…. jb

    • +6


      • +2

        I think he's talking about how Shadow of War: Gold Edition is $160.95 through JB for a digital copy. I just don't get the relevance or their point - it's only a few dollars dearer than Microsoft's RRP.

    • +12


    • Petry is delusional… another fact

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Was going to run out early September. This is perfect 👌

  • If you add these codes to an existing, auto renewing account will Xbox keep renewing each month on top of these six months or does it only auto renew when you don’t have time left?

    • I've never left auto-renew on for long enough to find out. There's no advantage to it.

    • I always turn off auto renew, no point having it on as they charge you full RRP.

    • Only auto-renews when you have no more time remaining.

      So if you add this to your account, you will not be auto charged again for 6+ months.

  • +1

    Shouldn't be an issue provided it's JB that provides you with the extra code rather than Microsoft. People still chasing their bonus months from when a like offer was recently available directly from Microsoft.…

    • Got mine no problems last time JB had this deal.

  • +1

    Just in time.. Thanks

  • As a new Xbox user could this stack with the previous deal ?

    i.e could I sign up for $2 with deal above, get 2 months free, then apply the JB HiFi offer of additional 6 months?


    • +1


    • +2

      Yes, as long as you sign up to the $2 deal before redeeming your codes. Codes are stackable on existing memberships.

  • You know what's even better? Share membership with a friend (through setting home console) so it'll be basically 50% off forever :)

  • How is this a great deal btw?
    i.e. cdkeys has 12mo subscription for 60-65 all year around.

    • It's a great deal for those who won't play online for 12 months straight and only for holidays, extended leave, etc.

  • +1

    Still waiting for my 3 month email from the June deal.

  • +1

    My local JB are terrible at emailing codes. Have missed out on several when they were doing STAN, etc codes and had to go in again to remind them for a couple of other games preorder bonus codes. I'd rather pay an extra $5 to EB for a physical card or a code that they can print instantly than trust JB…

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