The product consists of a set of ITIL Mind Maps depicting all of the ITIL processes, each on a single sheet. They are useful documents and would aid ITIL qualification students and act as a useful aid memoir for other ITIL professionals. The material is accurately based upon the ITIL core material but depicts it is a new, more concise, easy to digest manner
26 ITIL Process Mind Maps
lifecycle - 50% off - $100 (lifecycle or capability track)
full package - $149 AUD(DONT PAY $300 AUD)
individual - $25 AUD(DONT PAY $50 AUD)
There is no way for anyone to know what they are getting unless they register with your website. Pricing seems very high for what it is. Having a look at the exorbitant pricing of your ITIL courses at 20 times the going rate, I think better justification of this being a bargain is required.