I recently started buying and drinking alkaline water with a PH between 9-10. Do you think it's worth it?
Is alkaline water worth the money?

Last edited 15/08/2018 - 18:32
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- 12Worth the money
- 358Not worth the money
- 30Bikies
- 1
- 2
Maybe I could test my PH now and then test it in a month.
where or what are you going to test? skin? saliva? urine? blood?
This is one of the reasons I created the thread, any suggestions are welcome.
pH is tested normally with blood gas analysis. Your kidneys/lungs/blood buffers regulate your arterial pH between 7.35-7.45 when you are healthy.
Drinking alkaline water is unlikely to have any significant effect on this. Save your money!
@avidd: ^THIS !! pH levels are very very tightly regulated by the body. Whatever you try to do is going to be insignificant to change this. Same as why drinking water during meals is NOT going to dilute the stomach acids and is actually beneficial.
DNP will kill you, even in small doses.
Just google DNP deaths.
Is that from the water you are dropping in a vat of ~30% hydrochloric acid then absorbing after it has past through a long very alkaline tube into a cavity full of an actively metabolising bacterial biome?
Let me know how you go. If, OTOH, you blood does change pH other than the normal variation due to CO2/O2 exchange, leave a message for your estate's executors to do so…Works 60% of the time, everytime.
You forgot to add, if the pH gets too high in the stomach (too alkaline) the stomach just pumps in more acid.
This is special Homeopathic Alkaline water. It can remember that was once alkaline, so is stronger than the real chemistry of the digestive system ;-)
If you don't care where your alkalinity is coming from, just add cheap baking soda to your drinking water: https://sciencing.com/raise-ph-level-water-6504653.html
Don't know what you hope to achieve by drinking slightly alkaline water though.
FYI, baking soda, aka bicarbonate of sodium, contains a fair bit of sodium, so it will cause the same issues as excess table salt intake. Bicarb soda and water is a good home remedy for indigestion, but you probably shouldn't be having it too often.
I used to do it daily for years. You're right, too often = bad. Can cause other problems like leaky gut for one.
There are better ways to alkalise without the excess sodium biproduct. Apple Cider Vinegar is one if you can stomach the taste, personally I enjoy it. Can mix with Lime if that helps. Whilst both are "acidic" they alkalize in your stomach through the magic-trickery of science.
With continual use, you could cause damage to the enamel that coats your teeth.
Thanks for the link.
Trying to cut out acidic food and drinks and replace them with alkaline ones to improve my health. The water I have is 500-1000 more alkaline than a PH7 water.
All that will happen when you drink alkaline water is it will be neutralised by the hydrochloric acid in your stomach, wasting your money. Ingesting mild acids like carbonic, acetic, citric or ascorbic are not a problem per se.
"All that will happen when you drink alkaline water is it will be neutralised by the hydrochloric acid in your stomach"
Would the same thing apply to alkaline foods?
Sure, acid neutralises alkali.
E.g. sodium bicarbonate + hydrochloric acid = sodium chloride + carbon dioxide + water
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sodium_bicarbonate#Neutralizat…All that will happen when you drink alkaline water is it will be neutralised by the hydrochloric acid in your stomach
Would the same thing apply to alkaline foods?
">" without apostrophes in front of quote. Its really alot better.
@TheBilly: "All that will happen when you drink alkaline water is it will be neutralised by the hydrochloric acid in your stomach
Would the same thing apply to alkaline foods?
">" without apostrophes in front of quote. Its really alot better."
@TheBilly: yes, but the story told about alkaline foods is so far from reality, lemon is considered alkaline, in spite of being highly acidic.
All food* is broken down the same way, regardless of it's story.
How are you on OzBargain?
I don't have a 30KG groodle dog that I spend over $3000 on.
I love the bargains…
Lol rekt
"The water I have is 500-1000 more alkaline than a PH7 water."
This is meaningless. Even if you were using a meaningful scale (either pH numbers above 7 or concentration of OH- ions), even if you believe that alkalinity is good for you, you wouldn't want to consume anything much more alkaline than neutral water. You'd burn a hole in your stomach if you drank a solution with a pH of 13 because it would be caustic!"you wouldn't want to consume anything much more alkaline than neutral water."
How far above 7 is recommended?
Aus drinking water guidelines say ph is acceptable between 6.5-8.5. On that basis I would say that the recommended value is 7.5, because it’s in the middle.
The body tightly regulates the pH of our blood and extracellular fluid, and we cannot influence our blood pH by changing our diet. High doses of sodium bicarbonate can temporarily increase blood pH, but not without causing uncomfortable gastrointestinal symptoms.
There are certainly circumstances in which the blood is more acidic than it should be, and this does have serious health consequences. However, this state of acidosis is caused by pathological conditions such as chronic renal insufficiency, not by whether you choose to eat a salad or a burger or alkaline water.But when Dr Sebi won his court case in New York it showed something completely different to the above. Perhaps the judge was wrong?
From Wikipedia
In 1987, New York City charged him with a criminal charge of practicing medicine without a license. It was recognized that "Dr. Sebi" was not a physician, he was acquitted because jurors claimed the state failed to show he made a medical diagnosis.[16] He was later sued by the New York Attorney General for consumer fraud and prevented from making therapeutic claims for his products.
Don't see how that is Dr Sebi winning his court case. In any case, judges are not medical experts; they are judicial experts who have to make decisions based on the law.
he didn't lose the case either so would it then be a PH neutral 7?
@Zedsdeadbabyzedsdead: No. He was shown to be [a] not a medical practitioner and [b] a fraud, in the same way that [Dr] Gish was shown be be a liar, but allowed to because he was making religious claims which a court couldn't rule on.
@Zedsdeadbabyzedsdead: [a] Belief in "New Age" claims such as "alkaline water" are based on faith, as there is no science involved in such garbage and [b] the subject was the validity of misrepresented court findings [or any court findings for that matter] as support for spurious "scientific" claims.
Courts don't decide how science works (or doesn't work in this case). Money spent on alkaline anything is money wasted.
Damn straight, I saved a fortune switching from alkaline batteries to Eneloops…
Courts and science have a long history. This is known..
The body tightly regulates the pH of our blood and extracellular fluid, and we cannot influence our blood pH by changing our diet.
This essentially sums up the most important factor when dealing with nutrition and supplements. Somethings are not easily affected by external influence. Your body is sufficiently capable of regulating pH unless you have a medical problem.
Your kidneys provide a lot of buffer for chemical imbalances. Just have to keep it sufficiently hydrated. Adding more chemicals may actually require the renal system to work harder.
Good follow up here.
Advocates for alkaline diets often use the PH of their urine as evidence of their claims. Quite simply urine does not give an accurate indication of your bodies PH level, a higher PH in your urine indicates you are taking in more, your kidneys are doing their job, and you are disposing of the excess your body doesn't need.
Whats the best way to test PH levels in the body?
What makes you think the body can operate outside it's usual pH range?
(Ps: it can't)
Only via respiratory and renal, and very superficially. Gastro also in further scrolling.Lots more room to fit in normal physiology and maybe even cover pathology effect and affect.
Let's crack open a six pack of alkaline water and get this party started!
I was actually just thinking about blood pH. Wasn't thinking about anything else really.
My bad.
Interesting, thank you. Why do people have different PH levels? Do you think genetics and DNA play a role?
To a certain extent. Everyone's ability to maintain perfect physiology is different.
The biggest impact (again, apart from medical problems) is general health. Take endorphins as an example, everyone has it but healthier people have more.
You're approaching pH from the view that if my pH is higher/more favourable my health will improve when you should be thinking if I am healthier, my pH level would be more favourable.
Simply put they don't. If your body is functioning well, you will have a PH of 7.4 or very very close 7.39 - 7.41.
If your pH drops to 6.9 you will be in a coma. At 6.8, you will die. Same if your pH rises to 7.8
A pH outside those ranges is incompatible with human lifeOne way your body maintain its PH level,is via breathing. When you breath out, you lose acids in the C02 your expel. That's why when you hold your breath, your pass out, rather quickly, quicker than your body should use the available oxygen already in your system anyway. The acid levels rise quickly as you are not expelling C02, causing internal imbalances that make consciousness impossible.
Hyperventilating is the exact opposite, you lose to much acid too quickly, you now have a higher alkaline level, you get dizzy spells and light headed. Again you will pass out.
The human body will not tolerate an out-of-line pH in either direction; the cells and metabolic processes cannot function.With the above two processes of raising or lower the PH levels of our bodies, we can be unconscious within seconds. Hopefully that gives you some perspective of how little you need to change the PH level of your body, for your body to fail.
We also secrete acids through sweat, and urine obviously.
@tshow: "You're approaching pH from the view that if my pH is higher/more favourable my health will improve when you should be thinking if I am healthier, my pH level would be more favourable."
Brilliant, this makes so much sense!
@lowlife: "Simply put they don't. If your body is functioning well, you will have a PH of 7.4 or very very close 7.39 - 7.41.
If your pH drops to 6.9 you will be in a coma. At 6.8, you will die. Same if your pH rises to 7.8
A pH outside those ranges is incompatible with human life"Wow, this is news to me, thank you. Do you have any links on this topic. I'd love to read further.
Did you get some of that information from here?
I googled trying to remember the exact numbers, wasn't that page I landed on, but the text is almost the same. One of them is a copy.
Regardless, my studies tell me it is all still reasonably correct even if the tolerances are out a little.Doctor here, these comments are pointing you in the right direction. Humans exist with a tight pH control, when things go askew even slightly we quickly enter life threatening territory. Frequently have patients trying to advocate the benefits of a Alkaline diet to me and its difficult to educate them properly in a short period.
pH can be measured via Arterial blood, we frequently do it in ED especially when patients present non responsive. Normal blood tests are venous blood and wouldn't be as accurate (though we use this in ED at times because its easier to access). Their is no medical indication for a routing pH test of your blood and i'd have to question the doctor who would order that test for you.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid%E2%80%93base_homeostasis - Is what you need to read.
Good luck
@Azrael169: Thank you Doctor.
I will look further into this. If you don't mind what is the optimum diet for human beings? Also, what are your thoughts on Hippocrates regarding food and the oath (modern day as apposed the the old version)?
If you or anyone else is genuinely interested…
Just a heads up, it delves pretty deep in to the science (physiology) involved so having some sort science background would definitely help.
"Jacob Schweppe brought liquid to life in 1783 with the creation of bubbles, bottling the magic of Schweppervescence."
New forum thread: Am I getting enough Schweppervescence in my diet?
Are you having a bubble? I'd up-vote you thrice if I was allowed.
Thank you for the link, having said that does acidity cause disease?
Acidity provides a suitable environment for disease to thrive.
What is "disease"? Your stomach is acidic and its one of our first line defences to try and fight off infections.
Thank you for the link, having said that does acidity cause disease?
Pretty sure being alive causes disease.
+1 for Skeptoid!
Which rumours do you speak of? Any information would be appreciated.
Humans dont thrive in Alkaline environments, as a matter of fact we quickly die.
Our bodies can be burnt by acid, they can be burnt by alkali. Externally.
Externally alkaline contact is called chemical burns, they are nasty.
Internally (pH > 7.45) you are either in Metabolic or Respiratory Alkalosis. If your pH is over 7.65 your mortality rate is up to ~80%. Humans exist in a tight pH balance that is slightly Alkaline, no matter what you ingest your body (kidneys/lungs) will try and push you back to 7.35 to 7.45.
It certainly can hurt! Please stop sharing your "information". You are completely wrong.
Alkaline burns occur more frequently and are more severe then acid burns. Alkaline solutions destroy the cell structure of your epithelium, stroma and endothelium. While acids burn and then cease fairly quickly, an alkaline will continue to penetrate long after the initial trauma.
Take a look for yourself:
https://www.google.com.au/search?q=alkaline+burns&rlz=1C1GCE…"I am sharing a tidbit of information I have gathered which if followed cannot harm you"
You are literally spreading dangerous misinformation. Just stop.
"A fool and his money are soon parted"…
Is bottled water worth the money???
I think its the same question
Your liver and kidneys do all the PH work your bodies needs. You can't influence it externally. Stop wasting your money, the "body acidity as the source of all ailments" trend, is absolutely a scam. Pure snake oil bs
Same thing with cholesterol, no need to avoid eggs, etc.
Like most these things all it probably does is make your urine more expensive.
Wow. Some people really are suckers.
Alkaline water, anti vaxers, flat earthers, climate change deniers, urine drinkers, blood letters, trepanners…
You're all nuts and should have paid attention in high school science.
walks away, shaking head and mumbling
You had me until urine drinkers.
Out of all those drinking urine is the one you agree with?
Didn't you know that drinking urine is the cheapest (we're on OzBargain after all) way to get super powers.
"walks away, shaking head and mumbling"
To do talk to yourself often?….
PH test your 9-10 water, then with a straw breath air into the water for 15 seconds or so and retest the water. It won't be anywhere near 9 or 10 anymore.Alkaline water is good for you in the sense that most of us eat far to acidic diets and our PH has gone too far the other way. But there are better ways to do it. If you have too much money lying around you could buy an ionizer machine ($$$) or since you're on OzBargain, if you can stomach the taste of ACV (apple cider vinegar), yes vinegar, a teaspoon mixed into a bottle of water will alkalize your bodies PH (in similar way that limes do, in fact you can mix both together if you prefer)
Those alkaline bottles cheat with chemicals. I'd rather drink tap water. Oxygenate it and test it for yourself, it'll drop right down. Then ask if you want to drink that.
You can't change your bodies PH level with any of the stuff you mentioned. In fact you simply cannot do it. Your kidneys regulate your bodies acid/alkaline levels, you have no external control.
My heart burn and reflux disagrees. If it's not changing my PH then it's giving me relief by some other means.
What we will agree on is that bottled alkaline water is useless. Oxygenated it's PH drops by a few points instantly.
That's because it is not oxygenated if your breathing into it.
You are expelling the C02 from your system.The CO2 dissolves in water where it acts as a Lewis acid and forms carbonic acid, a weak acid. Now having a higher acidic level, the PH drops.
But yes, the alkaline water is useless.
Reflux is a different kettle of fish, gastric acid I believe can have it's PH levels change by a minimal amount, that may give some relief from reflux, however the body has systems in place to maintain it's gastric acid levels to ensure healthy digestion. When the alkalinity of the gastric acid increases, our bodies simply produce more gastric acid, lowering the PH again.
Any change that is possible does not change the PH of our blood however.
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You can tell us if you feel any better in a month.