Multiple Kidslabs science and dinosaur kits for sale: either purchase online or in stores while stocks last.
Up to 80% off - Kidslabs Science Kits: Crystal, Volcano, Rocket. Mammoth & Various Dinosaur Kits $5 Each @ EB Games

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Thanks, I was just about to complete my purchase – deal-breaker, as the vinegar and baking sofa was all I wanted them for.
Definitely! fuel price have skyrocketed recently, fortunately there are alternative energy source we can use from a simple house hold, the smoke detector, they sit arround the house idle anyway. Don't forget to wear goggles.
baking sofa.. thats gotta be a good sofa…
Thanks OP - fyi standard shipping to Sydney was $8.10 for up to 3 items. If you get 4 items, you have to pay for two packages .
Is there an option for the superior trebuchet in a kit, or is there only the inferior catapult available?
Came here for this comment
So if a regular trebuchet can launch a 90Kg projectile over 300m what can this miniature do? I'm thinking 9Kg projectile over 30m would be sufficient.
Deus vult
Catapult Making Kit
Any Guillotine kits ?
For only the tiniest of proletariat uprisings.
Friar Tuck had a mini guillotine in "Men in Tights". Nip the tip!
Look cool, but how much are these usually?
Around $25 to $30.
FYI. Volcano thing is for kids 7 and up, catapult for kids 8 and up.
Do smaller kids fall out of the catapult ?
You can easily use them with younger children with adult supervision
The Dig a Mammoth is the only one available online
Maybe correct the title to Kidzlabs, with a 'z'. At first glance I thought it was a slab for kids.
:( non instock nearby how will i launch stuff at my coworkers without a catapult :(
Nothing in SA
Mammoth kit requires female African or Indian elephant for gestation - not included.
Went there at lunch time - there is actually much more than just the kidslabs stuff on sale. Nice sales person gave me a list of all the specials that had been e-mailed to her (had to give it back). I picked up a chemistry kit normally $60 for $10.
The keyword seems to be "loot" and the magical price is $5 and $10. Ordered some pretty good deals on eBay for $5 shipped, which is practically free with PENNY5 and cashback. Not many left, do your own search and see what items suit your interest.
Note, for the Rocket and Volcano (possibly others)