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FREE Video Course "Christian Apologetics 101" Dr. Doug Groothuis @ Credo Courses


Free Video Normally $199.99, Audio also free for now on this course and a few others.

Dr. Douglas Groothuis is Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary. This class covers arguments for the Christian worldview while critiquing non-Christian accounts of reality.

This course consists of 30 sessions each around 25-30 minutes in length covering all major aspects of the field of Christian Apologetics. There are also 800+ on-screen slides throughout the course to make it easier to pause and take notes.

The length of these lectures makes them perfect for a wide range of application:

Seminary and university courses
Personal study
Small-group study
Homeschool classes
With hundreds-of-millions of followers across the globe, Christianity has, for centuries, stood at the forefront of intellectual thought. Recently, however, many have begun to question the Christian Worldview. The faith of many has been shaken by the perceived divide between faith and science.

Should Christians be worried that their beliefs don’t measure up in an age of modernity?

The Course: List of Lectures
Introduction to Apologetics
The Biblical Basis for Apologetics
Logic, Methodology, and Worldview Analysis
Apologetical Limits and the Christian Worldview
Objections to Christianity
Truth: Defined and Defended (Part 1)
Truth: Defined and Defended (Part 2)
The Search for and Significance of Truth
The Place of Prudence in Apologetics
Objections to Natural Theology
The Ontological Argument
The Cosmological Argument
The Design Argument
Darwin and Intelligent Design (Part 1)
Darwin and Intelligent Design (Part 2)
The Moral Argument
The Religious Experience Argument
The Uniqueness of Humanity
Deposed Royalty: Pascal’s Anthropological Argument
Jesus and History
Claims and Credentials of Jesus
The Incarnation of Jesus
The Resurrection of Jesus (Part 1)
The Resurrection of Jesus (Part 2)
The Problem of Religious Pluralism
The Problem of Islam
The Problem of Evil
The Problem of Hell
Apologetics and the Old Testament
Taking It to the Streets

The Scholar: Dr. Douglas Groothuis
Dr. Douglas Groothuis Teaches Christian Apologetics

In this course, Dr. Douglas Groothuis presents a compelling case for Christianity and a case against non-Christian worldviews.

Dr. Groothuis is Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary in Colorado and the author of numerous books including Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith.

We’re not sure which he loves more, theology or jazz. Dr. Groothuis is a connoisseur of both.

Rather than sit on the sidelines, Groothuis encourages his students to take what they’ve learned and jump into the marketplace of ideas. In the last lecture of this course “Taking It to the Streets” (which is more than a song by the Doobie Brothers), Dr. Groothuis gives examples and advice for very practical ways believers can apply what they’ve learned.

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Credo Courses

closed Comments

      • By whom?

        • the wages of sin is death - payment for the sinner who does not have faith that Jesus bore his punishment
          all humans are sinners

        • +1

          The wages of ignorance is mockery - payment for the ignorant who denies knowledge and indoctrinates themselves into the creed of the dull.

  • +2

    Sorry but it's not a deal - it's an induction to a cult of confused logic. (Negging it!).
    Sorry but I'm not going to buy this.
    Sorry that Ozbargain has come to this.
    Sorry that these arguments are warped.
    Sorry that this takes mankind closer to the stone age.

    Unchristian apologetics.

  • +2

    Op's comments remind me of a stupider, younger, more impressionable me. I cringe at myself in retrospect

    • You are forgiven.

    • Commenter reminds me of a stupider, younger, more impressionable me.

  • Christian Apologetics

    Well they have a lot to apologise for over the past 2 millenia.

  • +4

    I negged past deals on guns or gun accessories because it's potentially very harmful. So to be consistent I have to neg this one too.

    • +1

      So you will naturally neg all deals in the future for cars, kitchen knives, alcohol, raw chicken and all mains-powered electrical items?

  • +2

    I recommend checking out Jordan Peterson "Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories" found on his youtube channel

    • Jordan Peterson is a big fan of Christianity, from a cultural viewpoint. But he never says it has any factual basis.

    • One of my friends is a big fan of him. He also listens to the same series. A new Christian. I will listen to him when I get a chance.

  • +1

    If there was a photography course with an RRP suddenly offered free, that taught you how to take photos using your feet, would it also be a bargain?

    • It can be a bargain for someone with no arms lol. Won't it be a bargain for him?

      • not if it's worthless in the first place. then it belongs in forums

        • +2

          it will not be worthless to someone with no arms. Your analogy failed.

        • +1

          @gto21: so you are offering a deal to people who can’t think logically; by your analogy. Well this sounds like that sort of deal.

          Just tell me where your all knowing God was whilst his representatives were raping young children; you think that might have been a priority rather than proselytising.

          religion allows you an excuse to harm others “for their own good” which is the biggest rort that history has played out. People can be moral, without religion, they just have to have empathy for another living creature. There are too many religious leaders who lack that empathy because of their inflated “righteousness”. As a woman I have no trouble rejecting religions as they are often an excuse to treat women as second class. I’m happy for people to talk to their God directly, just keep the middle men out of it.

        • @try2bhelpful: I'm responding to his analogy. Are you saying people without arms cannot think logically?

          It's not only religious people who do bad things. You have atheist also. You also have people who claim to be religious but they are more cultural than practicing. I'm not denying religious people do bad things. I never claimed we are better than others. If anything I realize more how much I'm a sinner. As an atheist, I would describe myself as a good person. As a religious, I will describe myself as a sinner like everyone else. The premise that God does not exist because of evil is a false premise. It's assuming that God would not want a world with free will. Freewill is the by-product of Evil. Evil & free will in the world does not disprove God. If the premise is false we can't came to that conclusion.

          You can't be moral without religion, do you think marrying someone under 15 years old is pedophilia? In some countries, it's acceptable, in ancient times as well. In your worldview, morality is just your opinion. In another culture and time, it can be acceptable what you think its wrong. So how is right or wrong in your worldview? It's just the opinion of someone against another. You don't have a standard of morality without God.

          I agree religious leaders can do bad things. My hope is not in man. I know man can disappoint us. What someone does not affect my belief in religion or God. And a few leaders does not mean every leader or church is bad. If I say Hilter is a leader and German. As a result, all German leaders are bad. I think you will agree that mispresenting a lot of people.

          I don't believe every religion teach woman to be a second-class citizen. We are taught to love our wife like Jesus love the church. Jesus died for the church. You don't die for a second class citizen if you're superior.

          We can talk to God directly but we are social creature as well.

        • +1


          Freewill is the by-product of Evil.

          wait, what?

          You can't be moral without religion

          Morality does not rely upon religion.

          though your morality does seem to love bringing up rape, pedophilia and constantly misunderstanding others while preaching your 'facts'
          so, it seem your religion/beliefs does have that going for it

        • @SBOB: What is the source of evil? And prove to me marrying someone under 15 years old is wrong in every country and ancien time?

        • +2


          Freewill is the by-product of Evil.

          Thank God for evil then :-)

          I don't believe every religion teach woman to be a second-class citizen.

          No, that was just St. Paul :-) And Mohammed.

          You can't be moral without religion,

          Hmmm … is it more moral to not steal because it is the right thing, or because you fear eternal damnation?

          What is the source of evil?

          As they say, for good men to do evil, you need religion.

        • @manic: If you do something wrong, should I thank your parent for it? Let say you grow up in a decent family, your parent never got in trouble with the law. But you turn out to be rebellious although you had a good education at home. Will your parent be responsible for your act? If you commit a crime should we send them to jail instead of you? Please answer this question since what you said is nonsensical. I expect you won't come with a good answer.

          Show me were is command was it ask a woman that she must be ready to lay down her life for her husband. Since men have that command.

          If your argument will be based on different role and responsibility, it will backfire since children also have different role and responsibility in a family. Adults have a different role and responsibility. I will be able to demonstrate people have different hierarchy in society if we apply the same criteria to a non-religious system. It will lead to the same result. As a result, this argument will be easily debunked. Quiet easy to demonstrate so-called "second-class citizen" if I use your own standard on you.

          Prove it to me stealing is the right thing? says who you? someone else might say he stole to feed his children, it was morally good for him. It's just your opinion against his opinion. I don't have fear of eternal damnation because I have the guarantee of salvation.

          You don't have "good men" in your worldview. Just like you don't have "evil" and "good" you don't have a standard of morality.

        • +1


          But you turn out to be rebellious although you had a good education at home.
          Will your parent be responsible for your act?

          Deuteronomy 21:18-21 is very clear on the responsibility of the parents:

          “If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

        • @manic: You did not answer my question but diverting I was expecting that. Quoting the bible does not answer the question that I ask YOU. By responsibility, I did not mean the responsibility to bring you to the authority if you do something wrong. But by responsibility for your action, your parent is to be blamed for your action. I'm sure you understood it. By thanking God, is like you don't take responsibility for your wrongdoing. Even your example is a silly one if a child commits murder or rape, should the parent stay silent or call the police if they know it's him? I bet you won't answer again but divert to something else. Even your example the parent were not punished instead of the son. I'm asking YOU the question stop diverting to the bible.

        • +1

          @gto21: you are the one who is defending a set of instruction based on the bible. People are responsible for their own actions; you can certainly be moral without religion. As a society we should “dob in” wrongdoers who are harming others. Funnily enough the Catholic Church thinks that the “confessional” means that priests shouldn’t notify the authorities about a rapist and have used this for quite sometime to allow children to be exposed to rapists.

        • +1

          @gto21: of course you can be moral without religion, you just have to have empathy for other people. What an arrogant comment by people who think religion offers some sense of superiority; which has been the fault of religion over the course of history. I see marriage of a 15 year old as immoral, which is more than you can say for some religious organisations. Where does the religions say women are the equals of man? Most of them treat women as second class citizens, “original sin” etc. you can proselytise all you like but you aren’t answering my question. Where is free will for the victim, why isn’t an all knowing deity intervening. What sort of a sadist sits on the sidelines and doesn’t intervene to save children from suffering when they could.

          BTW the anology is around the disability, with the camera is was with the loss of arms, with the proselytising it is a loss of logic. The fact you wilfully misinterpreted reinforces my point.

  • +1

    This may be the most unpopular freebie I have come across on OzBargain.

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