So here's the jist - I'm not trying to stir up any heated discussions over cyclists using the road.
There's just a frustrating interaction I have with many cyclists 3 or so times a week on my commute to work in the morning. Here's the location the cyclists come from: Little Stanley Street( (I'm usually on the inside lane, if you read further, images included)
Clearly the cyclist lane goes up to, and through, the Stop signage. Cyclists just blaze through this with wanton neglect - I have only seen a handful of cyclists stop at this sign, and I've been driving this route for about a year now, Monday to Friday.
In this image you can see my route in the lane with a red arrow, as I drive further along the lane and then turn left onto the motorway or you can see where on Google maps(
Edited here for clarity: The issue being when they don't stop at this sign they are often over-taking traffic that is going slower, and then are riding along the cyclist lane and it inhibits drivers turning onto the motorway as they merge, because the vehicle is going slower, thus cutting off the cyclist, technically. If the cyclist/s had stopped at the Stop sign, vehicles driving past and turning into the exit lane would already be on their way up the ramp before the cyclist got into the cyclist lane. This is amplified when there is a file of cyclists along this route not stopping at the sign, which is common.
The point of the Stop sign is to filter traffic and bikes onto the road in a timely manner and to space them apart - that's why it's there.
This flagrant disregard for obeying traffic laws is really twisting my knickers, because I see it a handful of times a week. It's like they don't think this stop sign applies to them!
What do the Bargain of Oz users think?