Another daily deal bargain here!
Enjoy folks and make sure you get in early!
Definitely recommend soft-modding these
Another daily deal bargain here!
Enjoy folks and make sure you get in early!
Definitely recommend soft-modding these
Set region to UK/US to download Netflix app
No way to make it work now, the protocol was changed years ago…
Unfortunately postage is $11.50..
God I'm such a No0b.. I have one of the old white ones and a couple of controllers that the kids use for MarioKart etc. Why would I want another white Wii? Is this one somehow different to mine, or can I just mod the one I have here?
You can softmod your existing one. Will be identical to this.
I bought a second one to have at the grandparents place. A third one because it was broken but had accesories amd a fourth as a spare. All off guntree, paid about $100 all up and have a stack of controllers and games.
wow, I am looking at gumtree but nowhere near those prices.
Yeah. The ones just sitting there are all the over priced ones. I save them and wait for them to drop their price which some do eventually.
I have purchased mine over the last 12 months so i would say my purchases have been the most exceptional buys Darwin has offered. I have missed some good ones cause i was too slow. If your patient you will get them at crazy prices.
Good luck.
Use Modmii, it's great for softmodin'
can someone suggest where to get one modded in melbourne?
its a soft-mod, not a hard mod. So you don't need to open it up and solder anything. Get one here, and watch a 10m youtube video and you'll be sweet.
where is here elliot :!
By "get one here" he means "purchase one from this deal".
To mod it, follow this guide:
If you have the extra $100 I recommend getting a Wii U instead and soft modding it.
can download entire wii u library.
Bought one for no reason.. Thanks ozbargain..
The Godfather game is worth playing, grabbing people with the controllers and beating them up never got old.
Just picked one up, if you get a decent attendant he will let you pick from a few ones. I ended up with black, motion plus version.
Good advice. I’ve asked the same and unfortunately, my store didn’t have any motion plus but most had the GameCube support so pretty decent deal.
make sure you dont have the controllers with motion plus built in or the ones with the arc lettering below the LEDS at the bottom of the controller, they dont sync after its been modded, at least from memory, i used to do these when the wii's first came out.. from Zelda exploit to Indiana Jones, and most recently for friends who have small kids. This may have been addressed abt the controller but they never synced wen i did these back in the day.
Ok so get motion but not motion plus?
the guy above said it will work now? I am so confused and no idea what type to get.. So what are the gamecube ports for?
Same I'm heading to pick one up soon, I'll ask for motion plus now
I believe Wii Motion Plus is fixed for the home brew launcher and most emulators. It did used to be an issue though.
Love modding the Nintendo consoles. Currently turning my switch into a snes/gba retro handheld with the 256gb sd card deals the other week.
Not worried about Nintendo blocking your account?
Not particularly. I load the payload via a dongle so i dont think its an issue unless i try to do stuff while the custom firmware is loaded. Either way i think the trade off would be worth it.
3ds is pretty good for that particular purpose
If i dont have gamecube controllers, do i still have to worry about getting the gamecube port edition? Is that better for hacking etc?
All wii can play GameCube games. Buying the one with ports give u GameCube support out of the box. If it doesn’t have the GameCube controller port, it means you need to hack your wii (for free) to get the GameCube support back. (But for convenience, wii with the GameCube port is preferred even if you are going to hack it.)
ok sounds like its better to get that version if i can. Is that in anyway connected to which type of motion controller it comes with? There seems to be 2 types and mixed reports on which ones is recommended for homebrew and gaming.
So I have had my fair share of time with a wii and while fun I am over it but what games will you guys be playing or using it for.
I remember guitar hero was probably my favourite game and god forbid I say it.. Wii sports.
I've just bought it for Wii Sports lol. Table tennis rocks.
Haha I thought so. Table tennis is awesome.
Thanks Bought one for my kid
Can we play tennis, canoeing, boxing on this .
Thx :)
Awesome! Got 2 consoles and with wii fit plus (the pad) + 2 games
For $74 in total
Apparently they have this deal, any 3 games below $18 will be buy 1 free 2.
link pls
Does ebgames have any deals on wii controllers only? I need some for my Wii U.
How well will this thing keep my door open?
Picked up mine just half an hour ago - luckily it's got the Gamecube ports and so on :)
Super Mario Sunshine ;)
Thanks OP. Got one click and collect order. How much is the controller and nunchuk, if 2 players need to play?
Yeah no motion plus anywhere in stores near me
how do you know? Did you go into the stores or you just asked around?
what is motion plus?
How to iidentify a Wii Remote Plus controller
Or the original Wii Remote with the Motion plus adapter
The problem with the Wii library isn't that there are no good games (there's lots of good games). Its that its so vast and there is lots of rubbish you have to dig through to find the good ones. You can pick up some great cheap games though, particularly from 2nd hand stores etc if that's your thing.
I don't think the price for the system is actually that great though. You can pick these up at markets and op-shops cheaper, there everywhere. One week i saw a guy selling 7 wii systems at the local market, complete, with tonnes of controllers etc for $5 each ($5 per complete system with controllers).
There are 150mil wii's world wide. There wont be a shortage anytime soon :)
Yeah, plenty of shovelware made it to this platform, but first party titles are usually good.
Thats great prices, So you think its not worth buying a second wii from here just for the second controller? I just picked up one wii from eb games today, but i need a second controller and people were saying to just buy a second wii from eb games and get the controller instead of trying to find a controller separately… as the price wont be much of a difference.
$28 for a controller is pretty pricey but if you cant find one at a 2nd hand shop / market / ebay etc, you might have no choice.
Maybe check on gumtree / facebook market place first. For $30 you will probably get a wii with multiple controllers and maybe even some games. You can talk them down as well, 150 mil wii's out there, people generally just want to get rid of them.
I checked gumtree, didnt seem to have that cheap a price, maybe similar at best but then again its hard to compare i guess. As most of them came with some games too.
@lonewolf: Yep. Remember, you can talk them down. Most people just want to get rid of these and will take much less. They honestly arent worth much.
Thanks, got one for this kids.
Make sure your wiimote works. Cos I’ve just received a dead one and have to go back and get it replaced
OUCH really? Sheesh, I probably wont be able to test it for a few days at the very least :(. And I have no games to test on it at all either….. thats scary. I thought the whole point getting it from them is that its all tested to ensure everything is working?
You don't need the games to know the Wii-mote is working. It's required just to even navigate the menus, so make sure you boot it up at least and you'll know right away.
Mine was fine FWIW.
press sync on ur wiimote. If the LEDs blink, it is likely working. Mine didn’t even turn on.
Maybe it needed new batteries?
Picked up one and it has a wii motion plus controller as well as the gamecube ports. Considering getting another one as i need a second controller or is it better to just buy it second hand? Tried looking on gum tree and it doesnt seem that cheap.
Where did you get it from?
Doncaster EB saying motion plus sold separately
sold out at Mac centre. i got the last one.
I ordered 2 for the sheer purpose of having 2 remotes. Should be able to sell the 2nd console for close to purchase price = free remote :)
Good one… did the same here :)
After reading this i did the same. Good idea,thanks.
sold out at Box Hill, got the last one around 3 hrs ago
Just hooked it to my 4ktv and it’s black and white. Is it cos of the composite cable?
Figured it out. Changed the tv connection setting from component to av.
Order some Wii Component cables from eBay, hook them up and change your TV back :-)
How to soft mod these ?
Check the comments, a few people have replied (or try google)
Use Modmii
Got a black Wii with motion plus contoller.
No Gamecube ports, however :(
On a side note, I still feel the Gamecube had the greatest controller of all time.
I got a black Wii aswell, I dont think it has motion plus controller tho :( Asked the guy serving me he said all the stock they got were non motion plus ones-Galleries Sydney.
They said that to me, but mine has a black motion plus and white nunchuck
I got a white and yes didn't have motion plus, he said the same to me. I did ask if I could check the others as there were still a few there piled up ready for pick up but no dice.
If you are interested in going to the non-mod route there is lots of games in eb's 3 for $18 (so $6 each effectively) sale that are pretty decent. Just remember they "may" or "may not" come with manual / original cover. Heres a few that i reckon are worth a go:
Wii Sports
Golden Eye 007
Wario Ware Smooth Moves
Wii Play Motion (requires motion plus)
Metroid Prime 3
Pikmin and Pikmin 2
TMNT Smash up
Red Steel 2
House of the dead overkill And House of the dead 2 & 3
Rayman Origins
Epic Mickey
Super Monkey Ball
Overlord Dark Legend
Big Brain Academy
Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles & the dark side chronicles
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2
Zack & Wiki
De Blob
Im only up to page 4 of 28…this list could get long. Let me know if you want me to keep going :)
Cheers, whats your top 3 mate? Bearing in mind it'll be mostly me playing my 7yo son.
Honestly, Wii sports is great, especially for kids, pretty simple to follow, its a no brainer. De blob is good, controls can be a little tricker, but its still fun (my son likes it). I havent played it yet but monkey ball also looks like a bit of fun (for kids). Wii play motion, wario ware and rayman would also be good for kids (fairly simple controls).
If you are wanting multiplayer then at least get Wii Sports/Resort
Sports resort is a lot of fun, but its $28 at EB. It shows up cheap 2nd hand quite a bit though, i think people don't realize its the 'special' motion version of wii sports
Epic Mickey is child-friendly and supports Coop play.
Pikmin is great fun but single-player and quite addictive. Very child friendly.
Obviously avoid House of the dead overkill And House of the dead 2 & 3 lol
Don't forget the Lego Harry Potter games, can use the remote as a wand
And the other Lego games released on it
Bought one of these a while back. Mine came with out-dated firmware. The updating process for me only worked with a router configured with WEP encryption (which is the old encryption method, most routers are configured with WPA2 now) which sort of makes sense given how old it is.
Yeah, it was kind of weird back in the day when the nds and wii only supported wep
Install some homebrew, get USB Loader GX,…
That's my favourite loader
If ya going to mod, use Modmii
Can anyone share a link to use the modmii?
The link above is no longer working. Thanks in advance.
Dont think of modmii as a wii mod, think of it as a tool to help you mod your Wii by telling you exactly what you need to do and what files you need to install (and downloads them for you).
In short, this is how its done: You run the Wizard in ModMii, follow the directions, copy the files to your SD card as instructed, put in wii, start wii, launch Letterbomb and follow ModMii's excellent generated guide.
Or banner bomb o.O
Try this
Use at own risk, I haven't used this particular link myself yet… Program looks correct in screenshots…
Failing that, try this…
I got given a wii, but the youtube app doesnt work. Is there any way to make it work?