This was posted 6 years 7 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Flight Trail 1 650B Mens Mountain Bike $111+ Shipping @ Rebel Online Only


Nothing else to say, unbeatable price even including the shipping
Select color first, since the website itself hasn’t listed much information, I can’t provide detailed specs and sizes, I guess m-160-180, L-175-190
Past deal link people were somewhat happy with $399

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closed Comments

  • No sizes?

    • +12

      Lucky dip! You could look like a clown or a midget.

    • +1

      Available in all sizes, select color first

      • +2

        Please edit title to online only, as its sold out instore and shipping is expensive.

        • -5

          Haven’t checked all stores, so unless someone do that I won’t mark it as online only

        • +3


          Your post starts off with "Nothing else to say" but there seems to be a lot more to say!

        • +2

          @XanderYuan: Not a single Adelaide store has stock. It says on the site that it's available as delivery only, so that suggests it's online only.

        • +1

          @AussieDaddy: right edited

        • @octagonalman: I would like to provide more information such as specs and sizes but I can’t, they didn’t list it:(

  • Yeah can't select any sizes

    • +4

      You need to select colour first

      • +4

        Once you go black you never ride it back

  • +2

    that is quite the deal - those gears and brakes typically found on bikes in the $400+ price range

  • +2

    $150 shipping for me kinda sours the deal.

  • +6

    $99.99 delivery for me.

    • +14

      Someone has to ride it to you all the way from China, mate.

  • +1

    Doh ! You have to select colour first , then Size.
    Shipping is $99 for me, ….. Mmmmm Read aim …

  • I think this got ozbargained and yeah, $100 delivery kills it.

  • +2

    I just got two… medium and large (me and a mate)… it says free shippung over $150… nope!!

    • +1

      I still ordered it.. even though shipping was $149.99 for two..

    • Bulk items are an exception.

  • +1

    Whoever just marked as sold out.. it's not.

    • It is now. Well as good as sold out.

      It’s sold out in every store I tried in multiple states. And shipping is horrendous.

  • How can we tell what size fits what?

    • +1

      I think usually m is for 160-180, l is for 175-190, s no idea, this is from other bikes they have

  • Shipping SA - Metro $99.99. Is this (the Large for a large guy) OK as a casual commuter, or for an occasional exercise?

  • +5

    Be aware. This was part of an earlier deal and they were already doing subsitutions for some folks who ordered online. I think Even with $99-150 shipping its a bargain. I have a Flight Trail 2 and the specs for this are way better. If I didn't already jump on the flight trail 2 deal for $179. I'd still jump on this deal just in case they have found more stock.

    • +3

      Great bike - I got Medium size last time - $111 + $149.95 delivery. Even for that price it is a bargain. Way better than new models with inferior specs.

      I did call my local store (VIC) trying to get Free Shipping code, but the person said they were out of stock nationally. He said it was an error (some NSW store was showing negative stock) and that his manager was going to contact Rebel online team to have it removed.
      After all that I took a punt and ordered and paid with PayPal. Was expecting to receive order cancellation (like many others in previous deal), but to my great surprise - bike got shipped. I even went to the same store that I called to help with tightening the front disk, and the guy couldn't believe I actually managed to score one.

  • +3

    FYI: There is 0 stock in the country of this item. This information is from a Perth store.

    • Which means this deal is illusory.

  • $249.99 shipping for me

    • +25

      Then i don't want you, no offense.

      • +1

        How about him for $150 shipped (negotiable)? Price is not an issue for a genuine buyer like you, and I really need some cash.

    • +6


    • I doubt it, they won't be going very fast.

  • +3

    M & L sizes sold out, only S remaining :-)

    • Multiple reports above that there were never actually any.

      I can't believe some people are complaining about the $99 shipping. Would be a great bargain if they existed.
      The only "catch" is the old-fashioned 26" wheel size.

      • I still ride a 26" mountain bike (giant) nothing wrong with it and certainly wouldn't call it 'old-fashioned'.

        • Hence the quotes on "catch".
          But sorry, I was mistaken.

          The bigger wheels now just make it harder to fit the bike in the back of the car.

      • +5

        It's 650B, i.e 27.5" wheel size. Would be a ripper deal but unfortunately no L size in stock.

        Also, nothing wrong with 26" wheel size despite it going out of fashion on new models. If anything I actually find 26" more responsive and easier to flick around on trails.

      • +1

        I had L in cart, but got sold out when I was having trouble with payment (ended up using Paypal).

        You can't select size unless you select color.. which is confusing many here :-)

  • How big would S be? Is that just for the frame size or for the wheels too?

    • That's a frame size - the wheels are 27.5".

      "Small" frame would typically be suitable for riders 158 - 168cm. My Flight Trail 1 is Medium size, and it's perfect for my 179cm height.

      • Thanks so if I am around 173cm in height than I probably should go for the M instead.
        Happy to take a gamble and buy one anyway but afraid they won't refund me the 99 shipping fees if I do a return in store.
        Di your come pre-assembled or you had to assemble it?

        • I'd think that M (~168 - 178cm) would be the correct size for you, but they are out of stock. Depends on your proportions - if you have relatively short legs, it might fit OK. As I said, I'm 179cm (and my son is 182cm - also rides fine), and bike can still go bit higher.

          I had to assemble it (comes in a box, mostly pre-assemlbed).
          Was pretty easy to do, except that I didn't have the right tool to tighten the front brake disk. So I assembled everything else and took the front wheel only to Rebel to tighten the disk properly - 10 seconds job for them and they were more than happy to do it :)

  • Ozbargained.

    For $40 difference if I just pickup.

    What's the difference with this one?…

    I don't need a mountain bike, just need a lightweight bike with good frame.

  • Also believe this is out of stock. Ordered last deal and was substituted with a Traverse.

    • Did they confirm with you the substitution or just ship out the other bike and hope you wouldn't notice?

      • They confirmee first.

  • -5

    someone pm me when There's a cheap carbon fibre bike.

    • +2

      You appear to misapprehend the nature of our relationship…

      • it was meant as sarcasm, looks like people don't get a joke.

        • Mine was a joke too.
          Didn't you get it?

  • Don't forget cashback from cashrewards goys!
    3.5% from $ 111 is pretty pretty pretty subtantial

    Anyway regarding the original deal perhaps it's better to snatch one of this bike if your nearby rebel have it in stock
    Flight Mens Metro RS 700C Urban Bike Red / Silver M
    Flight Mens Hybrid 1 Bike Black / Orange M
    Flight Traverse 1 27.5in Mens Mountain Bike Grey / Blue M

    Instead of this one as the Shipping Cost is such a bummer ($99, $149, $199)

    Or perhaps I'm wrong? Not really a bike expert

    • Not to forget 10% off Rebel Sports egift card if you have Entertainment Book. eGift card was emailed immediately to me when I purchased it.

      • Tried that , they ran out of stock for digital eGiftcard.
        Run out of stock for automatic-generic-generated-electronical-infinite eGiftcard. Hmmmm…….

        Something smell fishy here.

        • I just bought 1x$100 and 1x$50 gift card not more than 30 mins ago.

        • @trex:
          funny, maybe it's updated now.
          I was checking them around a week ago

          Will check now, cheers man!

    • +2

      Components on theae bikes is much lower level. Given they are also more expensive, i wouldnt reallt consider them an alternative unfortunately. Even with the $99 shipping costs the OP's deal is much much more worthwhile.

      • +1

        We should organize bulk buying, Buy 10 and you still got $200 shipping fee.
        Which make the shipping cost $20 for each bike.

      • Someone above says high quality, so worth the $100 shipping. You say low quality. LOL.

        • Huh? I'm referring to the links posted by 'RealNigerianPrince' as being of lower quality.

          The Flight Trail 1 the OP has posted is a steal if you can get it for $211 shipped and has much higher quality components. Would be even better if it had a hollowtech bottom bracket & crankset instead of octalink.

  • Any in stock for click & collect though…

    Last time these specific bikes were being advertised here they were sold out in stores in all states.

  • 99 bucks delivery is a load of bollocks for a bike, you can get a 650 litre fridge with and ice maker delivered for less.

    At $210 its probably still a deal, but advertising it at 110 and then hitting someone with an exorbitant 99 bucks is deceptive AFAIC. not to mention considering its only available online it should definitely be included in the title.

    By the way anyone know how this would compare to the hybrid bikes as a road commuter?

    • I reckon they do this deliberately as they know that this is the steal for $111.

      It's like one of those old ebay technique where seller put the item for the lowest price to bait the people who put sorting by
      "Lowest Price"
      But at the end, if you add in the shipping cost, the price is 15-30% more expensive than the regular normal price for exactly the same item.

      • ebay sellers do that because the shipping cost is non-refundable.

      • They haven't been able to do that for a longtime as you can just sort by lowest price + postage.

        I think brotherrfranciz is more on the mark. Also if you get a coupon code especially on ebay it doesn't apply to the postage component.

        • BOTH searches are still available.

        • @GregMonarch:

          I know but what's your point?

          If you want to find the lowest priced item including postage then you opt for price + postage lowest first.

          This will weed out all the sellers that try to reduce the item price by marking up (non-refundable) postage. Their listings are no longer higher up the results of price based searches.

      • I remember those days, even Australian sellers flogging off second hand items from their house would have a postage fee well above what Australia Post was charging at the time.

  • +2

    Just called Rebel online support team and confirmed that they DO NOT have this InStock anywhere in Australia and will not be getting any stock.I was also told that their team has advise the online web staff to remove it yesterday(apparently) so she was surprised to know that it is still appearing as available online. Hope this information will help saving your time.

  • Just got back from the store. The staff member told me stock levels and the website are systematically inaccurate.

    He gave me a unique code for FREE SHIPPING. Now I wait.

    • -2

      And the code is? thanks for sharing.

    • yeah what's the code?

      • +2

        For those of you asking what the code is, reread the last line again:

        He gave me a unique code

    • Wait for what??

  • Ordered one as well as a backup. Got free shipping also. Think I ordered the last one. I tried to order two but wouldn't let me…

  • Seems to be a lot of wishful thinking going on here.

    It seems the vast majority (and perhaps all) of these orders will be cancelled.

    • +3

      Perhaps, but you've got to be in it to win it!

      • And it looks like some are winning…

  • Thanks OP my order has been sent shipping/tracking info supplied.

    Didn't even apply for a free shipping code as didn't want to miss out like last time:

    • Congrats! What size did you order?

      • Medium. Ordered straight away. Didn't want to stuff around with free delivery codes and discounted giftcards. The pain from missing out on the earlier deal was too fresh.

        • 👍

    • Congrats, I was very worried that no one actually would get the deal as many of the above said that there were no stock anywhere, enjoy your bike!

      • +2

        There's always a few negative Nancys in the bunch but like combatant up above says "you've got to be in it to win it!"

        Thanks again!

  • Thanks from me to OP - my order has also been sent shipping/tracking info supplied.

    • What size did you order, mate?

      • I ordered S size.

        • Thanks. Seems like there was stock for S and M. Wonder if any L got shipped out?

    • 👍

    • The S was delivered today and after attaching handlebars, front wheel and disc it's at the bike mechanic to tighten bolts, and grease where needed. Bike mechanic commented it looked like a pretty reasonable bike.

      Now I've got this one for my wife, I wouldn't mind getting a size L for me. Did anyone receive an size L?

  • +1

    Ughh~~ just got this email. Didn't even offer any vouchers. I ordered S size.

    Thank you for your recent online order.

    Unfortunately we are unable to supply your order at the current time. This item(s) is unavailable Australia wide and we are unable to order anymore in.

    We have issued a full refund. Once this is completed you will receive the money back within 5 business days, depending on your banking institution.

    We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Kind Regards,

    Customer Care Order Management

    • Did you use gift cards or free delivery code?

      • No. I paid using Paypal with no free delivery code.

        • Thats exactly what I did.

          I thought that if i use free delivery code they might cancel.

          I didn't want to risk buying and then getting stuck with gift cards as this bike has a history of canceled orders. Also thinking that with gift cards if they needed to cancel/substitute they know they've already got your money.

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