This is even now cheaper with 15% off code compare to 5% off popular deal . Feel free to look at previous deal comments or description for some useful information which you may be looking for.
Some details from previous post for quick reference.
Its down from $909 as per eBay selling history & Cheapest so far . These usually sells around $899-$999.
Some people prefer (Netgear Arlo Pro 2) which sells for $1099 or more with some pros & cons
Few quick pointers as a rookie but feel free to explore further.
- Netgear Arlo Pro - Resolution 720p , better battery life upto 6 months, records when motion detected
- Netgear Arlo Pro2 - Better Resolution 1080p , but battery life around 3 months which may not be good as v1 due to higher resolution, Continuous recording.
This is the older model which is understandable it being cheaper