Same price as popular Deal by TA
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Same price as popular Deal by TA
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Does it have back light? Ie. can I see the display in the dark? Thanks.
No backlight.
Thanks, bought one. It does automatically add shipping insurance (extra $1.25 or something) so need to remove it manually while checking out
Thanks for the heads up. I would have missed that for sure!
Guys any recommendations on which torch to get? I’m looking for the brightest one of the lot.
Any feedback or recommendation on miracast/DLNA hdmi adaptors? I am looking for one to use with the projector to cast from mob or laptop. TIA.
Codes have expired. Please OP arrange for another deal on the touchscreen hygrometer
Thanks Monty. I have the LCD TouchScreen Temperature/Humidity Monitor,
It works well, has magnets on the back so it lives on my fridge.
Temperature/Humidity is always close to Xiaomi sensor readings.