This was posted 6 years 8 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation VR v2 + PS4 Camera + 3 Games $349 C&C (Or + Delivery) @ EB Games


This must be the best PSVR deal ever I think.

PlayStation VR (requires PlayStation 4 console)
PlayStation 4 Camera
PlayStation VR Worlds Download Code (approx. 8GB download size, internet access required)
GT Sport
Skyrim VR

OK its PSVR version 2 since 2/2 people confirmed it ^o^

Update: I have just picked one up this morning and I can confirmed its the PSVR v2 headset.

(Just to clarify the confusion between version 1 and 2)
Version 1: -No 4k HDR passthru (other words if you have a 4K HDR TV, you need to swap cables everytime to enable 4K HDR), messy wires, not suitable for 4K HDR tv owners.

Version 2: -has new built in 4k HDR passthru, new design with earset fitted into the headset plus the processor unit looks like a mini ps4

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EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +2

    Pretty sure it's V2. I got the worlds VR bundle from them a few months ago and it was V2.

    • +1

      Yeah on the pictures it looks like the earphones are different so I think it’s V2. Good deal

    • Weird, the first picture shows a V1 and the laid out bundle shows a V2. V2 has a button on top of the headset that the V1 does not.

    • Pretty sure it's V2.

      So is that the current one or the old one? What version are they up to?

      • +1

        Version 2 is the latest version

        • thanks.

    • -2

      Confirmed by EB, V1 as V2 not out yet

      • Now I’m confused. Are you sure and how are you sure please?

        • I bought one from EB games online a month or so ago and it was a V2.

        • @Ozstache:

          What is the difference between v1&v2?

        • +1


          I recently spoke to a store (Broadmeadows - VIC) and he said that the V2 has been delayed by a year and not available. It is only V1.

          I would assume that there is a reason why V2 is not stated on the site

          Edit: I had questioned the version and he thoroughly checked the box & confirmed V2!!

          I am going by what he said.


        • +1


          Possibly the store has the earlier V1 hence the special? No idea

      • +1

        Edit: I called another store and it is version 2. NFI!!
        Check with the store and confirm.


    • V2 confirmed just picked one up. The mode number is written on the back - you don't have to open the box go confirm. Check before you buy.

  • +1

    Oh jeez this is so tempting. Moving overseas in 2 months and really shouldn't spend this much but this price ahhhh

    • +2

      That sounds like a GST refund making it $318

    • +6

      Just by it Morty

      • And then buy Rick and Morty VR

    • moving for good then get it from overseas, most likely cheaper.

  • No move controllers?

    • I bought 2 PS3 Move controller setups from someone on Facebook Marketplace.
      Cost me $15 and a 5 minute drive to pick them up.
      No way I'm paying over $100 for them new

      • ps3 move controller is compatible with the ps4?

        • +1

          Yes. Difference is only usb micro vs the old fat one and a bigger battery in the newer one.

  • +1

    JB have dropped the price as well…not the full bundle like this deal, but with PlayStation VR with Camera and Worlds + GT Sport only $329 (All products must be purchased in the same transaction. Offer ends 18/06/2018 or while stocks last.)

    • +1

      Skyrim can be purchased from Big W for $20 anyway.

  • This is an incredible price! Gonna pick one up today.

  • Price match at Harvey Norman and combine with AMEX deal!

    • +1

      HN won't pricematch bundles unless the contents are exactly the same

      So they'll probably match the JB price, but that doesn't meet the threshold for the AMEX cashback.

      • The Harvey Norman bundle doesn't include GT so unsure if they are going to be that pedantic about price matching.

      • They just did it for me

    • +3

      Someone forgot to boycott Gerry.

  • Man!!! this is the best price ever, sucks i bought mine when it's around 500 :(

    • +2

      you have good time playing? then it's ok

  • Version 2, just went and got it, thanks OP

  • +2

    Great price but not a fan of those games. I want Resident Evil 7

  • Lol feel sorry for the people that just bought the target deal for v1

    • -4

      There’s barely any difference between the two models.
      Most people would never know or care.

      • There’s actually a substantial difference for those who own a 4K tv.

  • Thanks OP, bought it - was chasing good price for months!

  • To people who purchased this, do you regularly use this? Or does the novelty fade soon enough

    • Probably a novelty I'd imagine. Sony hasn't released any AAA titles and I don't think Resident Evil did well enough sales wise.

      PSVR has high barrier to entry, with a poor camera/move controller technology (really Sony? get rid of that already)

      • Is the effect poor tho?

        The camera is low res, and it's all based on detecting colour balls, which doesn't sound even near to what eg. HTC has, but perhaps is precise enough?

    • I played doom and loved it. Looking forward to the next game.. (I'm time poor)

      Too much of it and I feel sick though (never had issues with motion sickness before) so I don't know about Skyrim and RE7 gold (although I did buy RE7 gold) since they are such long games

    • +1

      It’s a novelty for me. Played mine for a few weeks when I first got it, and now haven’t touched it all year.

  • Can these be returned with the 'Satisfaction Returns Period' ? Im tempted to get it but I fear ill be one of the lucky ones that gets dizzy.

    • I want to know too, however, Costco has very good return policy, you can try.

    • Apparently not. Got quoted hygiene policy.

    • I got dizzy with the Tomb Raider game in free roam mode. But none of the other games have made me dizzy yet.

  • Any deals on move controllers?

  • I'm not up on all the tech (yes.. I'm getting old..), do these work with projector screens?

    • +1

      The processing box just passes through the video signal over HDMI, so as long as you're connecting your projector via HDMI, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work.

  • Is this on their eBay store? You could save an extra 10%..

    • +2

      It is… for $420 :/

    • Just checked now, updated to $349 - how to get 10% off?

      • 10% gone but can use pull5 for 5% off and combine with flybuys for $8. New post has been made about this.

  • +6

    Be careful guys, I went in store and asked the staff if it's a version 2 headset, and their response was 'it can be', I enquired further around this and it sounded like they just give you whatever they feel like giving you at the time as they don't really differentiate between the two and there's still stock of both floating around in stores. It sounded like you get a physical copy of PSVR Worlds IF you get a V1 headset though. Long story short, if you specifically want a V2 headset, go in-store and tell the staff you want a V2 headset.

  • There is a part number inside the box re: Imprint on the bottom LHS Quick Start Guide

    V1 = CUH-ZVR1

    V2 = CUH-ZVR2

    So upon purchase, ask the sales person to open the box and look for this.

    Physical differences…


    • +1

      surely there is some sort of model # on the outside of the box ?

      • Tell the store salesperson that you will buy only if V2 and they will open the box in front of you and check.

        Edit: You can't tell from outside the box as there are no distinctive markings


        • +1

          Bought one yesterday. The model number for the v2 at least is printed in small letters on the back of the box.

        • @MightyAtom:

          Oh yeah! … thanks mate.

          There you go!

          Now I can see it … in the lower end/middle


  • Harvey Norman are price matching via live chat, so amex holders can get it for $300.
    Might not be the V2 though.

    • Did they match it with the additional games? Or just the vr bundle with vr worlds?

      • If they price match it with the bundle then SOLD!

        • Can you return it if it ends up not being a V2?

        • @Desm0nd:

          Ask them to open it up in front of you.

          After opening the box, there is a blue Quick Start Guide - look at the bottom LHS markings and it should read:


          1 - The head-gear unit has the off/on button on the bottom/middle. V1 hasn't got this
          2 - The Processor looks like a mini PS4 (no blue sticker on it like V1) - as per OP stated.


        • @vinni9284:
          Thanks vinni, but I was more referring to if i purchased it online with Harvey using the amex .
          How is there returns policy?

        • +1


          No idea.

          Sorry I can't help you with this one.

          I usually buy in person re: HN as they are abundant.

          I'm very confident that it will be V2.


        • Has anyone been able to confirm that they are matching this exact bundle, given they don't have it on their website?

  • +3

    Got one from the Canberra Fyshwick store. It's definitely V2 has the right model number on the box.

    This is amazing. I wish I'd bought one sooner. I didn't think it would be this good but it's mind blowing. The head-tracking is way smoother than I thought and latency is unnoticeable. The 166 inch virtual television looks amazing. The 220 inch virtual television is too big!

    One criticism is it does have low resolution - seeing the pixels is like looking through a screen door - but when there's motion that all seems to disappear and it just looks… real.

  • Picked one up last night and EB also prices match doom for $20.

    Overall happy with it. I have really noticed a green mesh? On some screens which is odd.

    Still need mess around a bit as I am not sure if it’s a faulty unit or just how it is. Time to google

  • +1

    Im in two minds about PS VR, is it really worth it? I mean there only seems to be a handful of games in total that have been properly developed for VR with others being remakes . Not sure even spending $350 i know its a good price but doesn't seem to be much games on the horizon either.

    Woud like to someone to convince me as i'm really keen on getting this lol

    • +1

      Same. Every morning I get up ready to buy this… then I go "Nah, won't use it".

      Still want to buy it, the only reason holding me back is the piss-weak Intel Atom like CPU inside the PS4/Pro. I know we're getting the PS5 in 1-1.5 years, and that will have backwards compatibility with the PSVR, with a much more capable Intel Core-i like CPU.

      Since the support for PSVR is quite weak at the moment… I'm thinking it will suddenly get much more powerful and polished with the next hardware. I think that I'm overthinking all of this :(

      (thanks AMD, Zen2, better late than never)

      • +1

        Get it mate seriously its awesome. Ps4 has been sitting idle for more than a year bec of the nintendo switch. Now its back on rotation. Its an entirely different experience. I did get a bit of motion sickness though.

  • I also get motion sickness from it at the moment but I have heard this will go away with time.

    Does anyone else have a grey have in dark scenes or should I take my unit back?

  • +1

    Got it yesterday, V2, played a while, totally worth it!

  • excellent!!! great find.

  • Got one posted to me via their ebay store and it was V2.

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