Amazon is running a deal on PS4 1TB black console for $299. This deal is only for 1 day.
ps: dont forget to use cashrewards and 10% cashback on NAB credit cards.
Amazon is running a deal on PS4 1TB black console for $299. This deal is only for 1 day.
ps: dont forget to use cashrewards and 10% cashback on NAB credit cards.
One of the best deals in a good while imo.
Okay - cheers. I got one
yes i got 500gb for 245 last blackfriday
average deal. PS4 Pro is standard these days.
Of course you're being downvoted, but I agree. $280 for a nearly 5 year old console really isn't that great.
I don't care about upvotes or downvotes. I always prefer buying the latest. The fact is Pro is more powerful compared to non-pro.
Well, obviously.
Anyone bought one from Amazon or know which firmware these come with? Looking for a console 5.05 or under
CUH-7102B B01. Probably new stock, but likely less than 5.05.………
You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by Amazon AU within 30 days of receipt of delivery for a full refund of the price you paid for the item. Unless otherwise stated, shipping costs are not refunded. Some products have different policies or requirements associated with them. See Return Policy for further details. Also check items that are not returnable. Unless otherwise stated (i) all product packaging and documentation (boxes, manuals, warranty cards, etc.) and certificates of authenticity, grading, and appraisal must be returned with the returned products; and (ii) any product(s) that have been resized, damaged or otherwise altered after delivery will not be accepted for return. This Policy and any related return and refund rights we offer you apply in addition to, and do not limit, other rights and remedies you may have under law including under the Australian Consumer Law. If there is a problem with an item you purchase from Amazon AU that you identify after the return window, or that otherwise may not be covered by our returns and refund policies, please contact us.
Refund policy is still applicable if you get a "newer" firmware…
Thanks for that just received and is 4.73 cheers
You gonna download them games?
Maybe 😉
Received mine today is on 4.73 for anyone curious
Item Subtotal: $417.27
Postage & Packing: $9.08
Promotion Applied: -$163.63
Total Before GST: $262.72
GST: $26.27
Order Total: $288.99
For guaranteed delivery tomorrow not bad at all. Cheers op
Wish I'd ordered two hours ago. Did mine just now (68% of lightning deal stock sold) and it won't be delivered until Saturday.
The fastest delivery option for me would be the 12th :(
Yep was expecting it delivered before 8pm today. Yelled at the kids told them they can’t go out till it arrives, then check for an update and now it’s saying not yet shipped and delivery Wednesday.
If you wait 6 years you could probably get it for $100
This is a great deal in my opinion. Especially given this is the 1TB console, so at $300, it's great value. Personally I have and prefer the PS4 Pro, but at this price point, if you don't specifically need the Pro's hardware, it's hard to go wrong with purchasing one of these.
AMAZON20 works again BTW. Extra $20 for 'new' customers.
Do u get 10% off the $279 or $299 with NAB?
Also some customers may have got a voucher with the email stating they are redirecting traffic to the Australian website from July 1
Good deal, just keep in mind this is not a PRO*
Only the professionals deserve the PRO
Whats the difference in pro? I keep seeing these cheap PS4 deals and tempted to buy one.
How many other models are there?
Pro has a faster CPU, GPU & Supports 4K.
I tried the PS4 Pro out with God of War in 4K and then just using my standard PS4, personally I see almost no difference.
Save that $$$ skip the pro.
Do you have a 4k TV
How much was your standard and how much was your Pro?
@andysa: Sorry, but I don't believe you. You sound like an XBOX fan trying to discredit the PS4 Pro by claiming you have one and can't see a difference.
On my LG OLED it's a night and day difference between the high frame rate mode (which is the same as the standard PS4 graphically) and the high resolution mode. In the high resolution mode you can see every little crease and bump on the skin of every character and everything in the world is incredibly detailed down to the smallest bump or crack. A significant amount of that detail is lost in the high frame rate mode which I switched to in order to defeat Sigrun since she was really tough and I needed every advantage to dodge her attacks.
@raziel2001au: Cool story bro. Now tell it again this time with unicorns.
The man said he can't see a difference. You don't need to make it a dumb Xbox vs Playstation fanboy contest. Stop siding with these companies and giving into their marketing ploys. It tells them you're happy to buy their products again and again mindlessly. If Microsoft and/or Nintendo exits, then what benefit does Playstation have to make exclusives? I'm more than happy to see a competitive gaming industry that's pushing each other to be better. If you want some validation in your purchasing decisions, then I'll be happy to give you it.
You're awesome. You're interesting. You're smart. You made the best decision that anyone could have to buy a PS4.
Well I'm out. I hope you enjoy some time playing in that sandbox of yours. Peace!
Can someone please advise Playstation 4 1TB pro is good or this one.As Pro is for 4K or any other benefit?
Only difference is 4k, but worth every penny to pay extra for PRO. If not interested in 4k, than this is awesome deal.
not just 4k it comes with 60fps most of the time 4 only have 30fps
No! Some games come with PS4 Pro modes that try to give 60FPS (Like GoW4), but it is certainly not most games nor is it also at "4K" when a game does so (other than 1 or 2, like Rocket League)!
Not just 4k. Higher fps. Main reason I'm looking for a ps4 pro.
Higher fps or higher resolution for PS Pro.
I think Higher fps is really good, especially if you change the Pro HDD to SSD, fast loading and smooth picture. Thats how to enjoy the game
Makes very small differences to loading times according to Digital Foundry.
I presume you are pointing at this video…
that little difference is between ps4+ssd vs ps4pro+ssd.
SSD is at least 50% faster than HDD
I myself have a 1TB ssd in the ps4. Im experiencing big difference.
PS4 (2013)
CPU 1.6GHz 8-core AMD Jaguar
GPU 1.84 TFLOP AMD Radeon
Memory 8GB GDDR5
4K No
Storage 500GB
USB 2x USB 3.0
Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi (2.4GHz only)
Bluetooth Bluetooth 2.1
PS4 (2016)
CPU: 1.6GHz 8-core AMD Jaguar
GPU: 1.84 TFLOP AMD Radeon
HDR: Yes
4K: No
500GB & 1TB
2x USB 3.1
802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi (2.4GHz & 5.0GHz)
Bluetooth 4.0
PS4 Pro
CPU: 2.1GHz 8-core AMD Jaguar
GPU: 4.2 TFLOP AMD Radeon
HDR: Yes
4k: Yes
3x USB 3.1
802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi-Fi (2.4GHz & 5.0GHz)
Bluetooh 4.0
buy PRO, it's future proof (atleast 3-4 years).
Now that's one vague, arbitrary statement.
Sounds like all non-PRO consoles are going to decompose around 2020.
My PS4 is not pro and it constant shits down or goes in idle mode. Annoying. I would buy a PRO if it was the deal.
Exactly… I frigging don't know why
How old?
4 years I think, a little later after it was launched.
@addepp: try your luck pushing for a repair/replace. I don't think it'll be successful but it may be depending on the retailer you purchased from. You could argue that you expected it to last to the next gen haha.
@addepp: I think at 4 years you'd be pushing it to get warranty service on it. Touch-wood, none of my PS4s have had any significant issues so far. I've had 5, 2 Pro and three non-Pro. Of those, one of them had a minor problem that I suspect was the power supply. Didn't affect the running of the console, but if you put it into sleep mode, it wouldn't wake back up, had to turn it off and back on again. It was definitely not a software issue as I did try swapping the HD and reinstalling the software. EB games did replace that unit though and it was outside of the warranty period, key reason why I buy my consoles from EB.
Lots of benefits getting the PS4 Pro even for non-4K TV owners:
* Most PS4 Pro titles support higher resolutions, which you can also benefit from since you can tell the console to supersample the image (so it pretends your TV is a 4K TV, renders the game but then scales down and displays @ 1080p, since you rendered at a higher resolution, it ends up looking much nicer, not quite 4K, but still a good step up visually).
* A lot of games coming out now support higher frame-rates if you don't care about a better picture (Tomb Raider/Last of Us/God of War/Final Fantasy XV to name a few).
* Some games also have improved visuals on 1080p TVs, like Nier Automata has higher quality shadows, run slightly higher res (1080p instead of 900p), better lighting, motion blur, slightly better textures and anti-aliasing.
* Most games on the Pro also have better texture filtering by default - not really sure why this is, could be something hardware related rather than a software tweak.
* For games that are not Pro-supported, you can enable an option to use the faster hardware with older games, so games that used to have frame-rate hiccups will often run silky smooth on the pro.
* In large open world titles, some of them have further draw-distances on the Pro so you get less pop-in. This is mainly for things like foliage/trees.
* If you intend to get a PSVR, the 2.3x faster GPU makes a big difference. It pretty much means they can dedicate a full PS4 GPU to each eye. On the base hardware VR can look quite bad, simply because you have to render both eyes with only a single GPU that's well below proper VR spec.
Pretty much every title shipping now is better on the Pro than on the base hardware, so normally I would say go for a Pro instead, but given this is a 1TB console, at $300, this is a really good deal. If you were sitting on the fence before around getting a PS4, this is a good time to get one.
That all sounds great, but to be honest.
From a pro and slim owner, you can hardly notice those differences while playing.
I mean, if you really care about those difference and going to buy a 4k tv soon, pro is the best choice.
Otherwise, extra 100 dollars does not necessarily pay off, at least from my perspective.
Nice one.
Will this price tip those "No Pro no deal" campaigners??
It's not bad, but I dunno at this point I'd be waiting for a price drop on the Pro. PS4 is entering the last stage in its lifecycle
I'd say it's going to be 3 years until the PS5, then another good while before it has enough games to bother buying.
That's what Sony head says as well.
This PS4 + the minecraft Xbox One S = $500
I'd take this deal over just a PS4 Pro
I was looking for something like that. Missed out on xbox one minecraft deal.
we have ps4 and xbox one s ……. so can play 4k content on the xbox one s (if we had any content … how often do i want to watch the same movie ?) and it gets around the issue of exclusive titles ….. we can play both …..only downside is paying for subscription services …can get pricey but good thing is kids friends some have xbox, some have ps4 and they can game with who over of their friends is on or arrives for a sleep over, just paid the extra controller.
Sweet! Used the wife's account which had a $20 promo with no code and used a mate's NAB card to order it with Cashrewards!
Thanks OP
is the $20 promo and cash rewards compatible??
I read here that AMAZON20 code doesnt qualify for cashrewards since it is not listed on CR. But this was a $20 promo with no code.
Just brought the price down to $279. So I am guessing it should qualify!
Is it all over??? Now back to 459
its because I've already bought one - i see now…
how many more did you need?
@Zinger: None - was just checking to see if it was still on. I've bought one and thats enough. Finally can upgrade my Wii U
Awww Jeez. Do I just go for this or gamble on there being a good deal on the pro or JB Hi-fi having a deal worthy of using vouchers? PS deals have been lacking lately.
Gave up on Sony TV with free PS4. Now holding out for PS4 with 4K drive.
now here is a tougher question.. this vs the xbox x. dramatic difference? i know the xbox is way more expensive. but worth waiting for a price drop on the x box x?
What makes more sense is:
PS4 vs Xbox One S
PS4 Pro vs Xbox One X
If you are a gamer, you've already decided as you are unlikely to switch camps.
PS4 generally has more exclusives, but the Xbox One S prices lately have been amazing. Xbox also has a 4K UHD player so makes a better media center.
X is a bit more powerful than the Pro, but Sony has PSVR (if you are into that). Pro is a bit cheaper.
For gaming, Sony is ahead due to it's library of exclusives.
we cheaped out and went with ps4 and xbox one s and we already had a pc for steam games ….
depends if you want to invest in the latest console in one camp or older consoles in both camps …. there aren’t enough “compelling 4k” games yet …..heaps of 1080p titles on both platforms that are cheap and we haven’t played yet.
Depends what you want to play. Games that are on both will look better on the X, but Sony have heaps of great exclusives that MS will never have (Bloodborne, Yakuza, Last of Us etc)
Your list of exclusives don't even start to scratch the surface, so let's also add in God of War, Nier: Automata, Uncharted 4, Horizon Zero Dawn, Uncharted Lost Legacy, Street Fighter V, Nioh, King of Fighters XIV, Tales of Berseria, Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian, Valkyria Chronicles (port of a PS3 game, but it's really good!), Persona 5 and Gravity Rush 2. I've probably forgotten a few others that should be in that list as well, but those are the obvious console exclusives I thought were really great.
added some more: Ni No Kuni 2, Detroit Become Human, Until Dawn
Depends on what you want to play and your PC (if you have one)'s graphics card and your TV.
If the games you want to play are not platform exclusives, and you don't have a PC graphics card that's RX580 or better, than XB1X makes sense (if you purchase it with a reasonable OZB deal). Or, if 4K HDR is important to you, then XB1X is compelling.
PS4/PS4 Pro - most likely you will be playing the exclusives. Then, you need to decide whether checker board 4K and/or 60fps performance mode on games are worth the extra to go for PS4 Pro.
Or do what I did, impulsively purchased both XB1X and PS4 Pro + still play PC games. Best of everything.
Is it just me, or the PS4 slim 1tb is selling slower than Xbox one s 1tb?
They may have more stock of the PS4.
$199 vs $299
Applied $20 discount and then added $10 for guaranteed Delivery by tomorrow for the long weekend
Awesome deal, cheers! Long weekend plans sorted :D
Finally caved in and bought the PS4 and added 3 great games on top for only $50 bucks (with the current amazon promotion, some awesome games like far cry primal and watchdogs 2 are only $20 each and fall under their current 'buy one get one free' offer!)
Also added $10 extra for priority shipping to ensure I can start gaming right from the start of the long weekend….all for a bargain total of $337.99!!! (including $20 off AMAZON20).
Link to existing amazon au 'Buy 1 Get 1 Free' offer on games and accessories :)
If you’re also looking at VR. The Pro runs it better.
Last I read the pro didn't have much if any impact on most VR games, has that changed recently?
It’s sharper.
never had a 4? not bad but for gamers hold out for the pro.
Thanks OP. Got one finally.
Thanksgot one!
Ahould go to target tonight for some games
check out this existing amazon au deal to add to your existing purchase for free delivery :)
Yeah there's nothing there i actually want.. Prob get a controller and shadow of collosus
Thanks, got one!
thanks. bought one :)
Bought 1
is this a good deal? had my eyes out for a ps4 - seems fairly well priced