Not sure about the read/write speeds, but a 64GB SD Card under $10 from a reputable brand seems like a great choice.
Delivery is $9 but good deal for those who can C&C (stores are in NSW or Wodonga VIC).
Not sure about the read/write speeds, but a 64GB SD Card under $10 from a reputable brand seems like a great choice.
Delivery is $9 but good deal for those who can C&C (stores are in NSW or Wodonga VIC).
Might be good for archiving photos? I wonder how long the storage lasts
64GB for archiving though? Really?
No one really gave a good reason why this is a bad idea…
I don't think people use SD cards for archiving. Usually download off the camera onto a computer / cloud.
I put it on VHS.
You need to see a GP. If it's humour it's disturbing, if you're telling the truth there's a serious problem.
@Munki: You joke, but I recall there were tape drives which stored data on VHS. IIRC they stored a few GB of data per tape - which was a lot at the time.
@jared444: I save my photos on 5.25 floppy disks, I have millions of them. 10 disks for every photo.
@Chridim: I remember the 3.5" ones and getting Super Puzzle Fighter from a friend. 50 floppies I think it took. WinRAR volumes FTW.
You could create a RAID array with a bunch of these cards!
Class 10 is the minimum if you want decent speeds. This is a slow card! I didn't even know class 4 64GB cards existed.
Class 4 SD card. Thank you for reminding me 2004 and my first Canon point and shoot digital camera.
At $7.20, its worth a gamble. Might even use it yet.
Spent more money on Zapals junk I never use.
Update: my order is already available for pickup lol.
15.20 for a 32gb class 10 Sandisk card @ bing lee ebay, click and collect…
The big problem is older hardware for which 4MB/s is acceptable is either limited to standard SD (2GB) or to 32GB SDHC. There is a reason they're trying to get rid of this card. If it were class 10 it would cost 5x as much.
Yeah even the existence of this card is a bit of a mystery.
FYI, class-4 means 4 MB/s write. So four or five hours to fill the card.
But good enough to hold a video library for your tablet.
But first, you need to find a tablet that accepts SD cards rather than micro SD cards. :)
Good point. I must have been thinking of my laptop :-)
Last tablet I had with full-SD slot was a Nokia :-)
You’re forgiven. I’m thinking of my old dell axim and palm tx pda. Maybe for the DS lite as well
Will this be good enough for a camera?
Which camera?
The short answer to your question though, is no.
I wouldn’t use it for a DSLR. Basic point and shoot would be fine.
I have a couple of supposedly identical "class 4s" in my point and shoot camera. It's a bit of luck whether it will be good enough.
For shooting images it's fine who cares, but for shooting 1080p video only one of the cards works, whereas the other card can't actually write fast enough to be filming in 1080p. This camera is 5 odd years old now, I'd only expect that cameras these days take up even more space with their videos.
I'd get a faster card with smaller storage.
If you don't care about speed, then yes. It will take about a second (maybe two) to store a JPG from a standard point and shoot. If you shoot raw images then you'd going to be waiting 10 seconds between shots. You could probably record 720p video onto it, but nothing better.
If you shoot raw images then you'd going to be waiting 10 seconds between shots.
Don't forget about the camera's buffer. You'll only be waiting if the buffer is full and is still being flushed to the card.
You could probably record 720p video onto it, but nothing better.
Lots of cheap cameras only use a 20-28Mbps bitrate for full HD video, so it should work fine as a Class 4 card's speed exceeds that.
Might be a nice card to use in my iPod Mini 2 but concerned about class 4 speeds even though it's only an MP3 player
ipod/iPad has SD card slot 🤔
didn't notice till you mentioned it
you can mod an iPod mini with a CF to SD adapter, allowing you to expand the storage of the iPod mini way above it's stock 4/6gb hard drive
you can mod iphone6 to 512gb internal storage
dang , if only free postage
Class 4 offers an average speed of 4mb/s. So quiet slow these days.
The last time I purchased a class 4 memory card was from this deal. Which was ok for use in a GPS at the time.
$9 postage is a rip off.
Yeah, if they get rid of the postage, they would be able sell a lot more items
Only good for photography with this class 4 card, won't be able to record HD/1080p video.
Would be perfectly fine for timelapses, but $9 postage makes this a rip!
Not even that. If you shoot in RAW on a DSLR, I wouldn’t use this thing. Write speed of 4 mb/s when photos are over 20mb in RAW?
Not even that. If you shoot in RAW on a DSLR, I wouldn’t use this thing. Write speed of 4 mb/s when photos are over 20mb in RAW?
If you don't take burst shots or multiple successive shots, it won't really matter as your camera's buffer is what gets filled up first.
On the other hand, if someone is considering a $7 card for their DSLR, it probably isn't a very high-end DSLR, so would probably have a pretty small buffer. :)
Only good for photography with this class 4 card, won't be able to record HD/1080p video.
It depends on the camera. Lots of cheaper cameras only use a 20-28Mbps bitrate for 1080p video. That's 2.5MB/s - 3.5MB/s.
I was going to ask if this was okay for dashcams.. but then I realised dashcams only take micro sd cards lol
Sold out.
These cards are excellent for practicing patience
I see why it was showing as 0 available for me which made me think that it was sold out. It doesn't post to Regional Queensland and as such for me it shows as 0 stock available. How lame is that. Shafted by Bing Lee.
If you want the film experience of taking photos, get this card…
You'll have to wait till you get hold of your images ;)
lol but it's RAID!
with probably 8MB/s…. LoL
Haha awesome, good for making your laptop you are selling sound better :D
Yeah, I got my RAID SSD bro, you won't believe how it runs!
Just say 128gb SSD and leave the rest up to them :) most people aren't that savvy they hear SSD and just think it's always good
Put in laptop for backup drive for the small ssd ultrabooks with little space and soldered ssd's
Backing up at 4MB/s would be my idea of hell.
Surely you wouldn't be sitting in front of your laptop and staring at it the whole time it's backing up. Just leave it running overnight. :)
Don't call me Shirley
Back in 2003 I bought a 512mb xd card (yes, xd) for $150…
Please hand in your Ozbargain membership or never speak of this again.
Was ozbargain even around in 2003?
I have some xd cards sitting on my desk right now. I found an old camera in a box and the cards had some photos on there! Luckily my all in one card reader has an XD slot.
"PROTOTYPE" code did not work but ordered C&C anyway.
I just tried and it works for me. Reported to the mods for not saving $1.80.
I feel stupid right now: I thought these are micro SD cards and made an order without double check.
Well, if you try hard enough, it will fit in a smaller slot. That’s what my girlfriend said.
Username checks out…
Got scissors? hey, it works for SIM cards.
Very good for storage, thanks op
Welcome to Ozbargain, don't forget to upvote.
Good for storing mp3 songs for my car.
Received today and did the speed test by ATTO Disk Benchmark. 128KB result is good (29MB/s write, and 38MB/s read). Over 512KB result is stable (8MB/s write, and 38MB/s read). It's not too bad for such card.
Price is good but note it is class 4 and way too slower transfer rates