• out of stock

Dealfox.com.au 3x 4GB SanDisk SD Cards $4.95 Inc Shipping


Not much to say, on the front page of the website.

"Fox Frenzy FREEBIE! SanDisk SDHC 4GB Card - Triple Pack FOR FREE!!!!!!! Limited Stock - 1 Per Customer! Hurry this INSANE FREE deal won't last!"

1 order per customer, pay the $4.95 flat rate shipping.

There is about 1 hour and 10mins left on the deal, I just placed an order.


Ref code: If you are feeling extra generous today, but I don't expect it :)


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closed Comments

  • Is it just me or is the checkout not allowing us to select a payment method?

  • You're correct, the checkout procedure isn't allowing payments, it shows what they accept but doesn't ask which we want to use and when submit is clicked, the site asks for valid details for payment again with nowhere to put them. Clever.

  • Not able to pay??

  • jase_h, how did you just order one?

    • Check my previous post above, brings it to $5.95 but it works.

      I wanted the 4Gb M2 micro card anyway so I had it in my cart, didn't realise it wouldn't proceed. Bit of a fail on their checkout system, but if you want an M2 card anyway it's great value!

  • -5

    POS checkout not working. Keep your crappy cards.

    • Can't be that crappy if your tearing up at not getting some.

  • check out not working :(. Cannot choose payment method.

  • aaarrrggghhh

    my workplace is stuck in the dark ages and still using IE6. dealfox prob now IE9.
    i cant login….aarrgggghhh

    • Get firefox portable and run it from a USB.

      • if his work is anything like mine (also stuck on ie6), sticking a USB stick in isn't going to do much as the ports are hobbled.

        Lucky I just have a decent smartphone though.

  • +2

    Ordered along with hdmi cable to make the order more than $0.

    Are the above negs really necessary? OP maybe change the title to 3 x 4gb sdhc + 1 x 4gb micro m2 for $5.95.

    • Thanks, updated the title to reflect this.

  • +2

    Hi all, looking at it now. Will fix Checkout page shortly

    • You could make the 3 cards 1c, still effectively "free".

      • Seems they have taken your advice, it's now 1c

        edit: posted by dealfox below

        • Still shows up as $0.00 at the checkout (and still no payment method).

          EDIT: Works now, thanks.

        • The poor guy must be going crazy trying to fix it.

        • Isn't that what he's paid to do?

  • true, just place an order, must place http://www.dealfox.com.au/sandisk-ms-micro-m2-4gb with your order. :)

  • I added 60 heavy duty batteries for $10. Not sure how heavy duty they are. :)

  • -8

    tried to add something else to the cart and it tried to charge me double shipping.

    What a bunch of amateurs. Hard to trust if they can't get their checkout to work.

  • These will be handy to RMA in a 2 or 3 years time … get larger size for free =)

  • +2

    Changing price temporarily to $0.01 in order to get Checkout to work.Looks like the Checkout doesn't play nice with $0.00 :(

    • Hmmm still doesn't work, removed and readded item, still no payment options.

      At least you know for next time.

    • Thanks but it's still adding it to my cart as $0.00.

      • Working now. Thanks!

        • +3

          How about you revoke your neg seeing as how you seem so happy now.

        • I tried. Couldn't figure out how?

        • +1


    • Still not showing up as $0.01 when viewing cart and checking out…

      • Yup, confirmed working now, thanks!

  • Cart has to be above zero… I just added another item to it

  • ordered it with 60 batteries…

    all my son's toys can get activated..

  • Worked for me at 1c

  • it works now! get it quick!

  • Well now it's finally all working there's 10 minutes left to snag it! lol

    I've updated the title again.

  • Works fine now , thanks for the deal

  • Yes it's working now, I just placed an order but there's like less than 10 mins left…

  • Just placed my order, thanks for fixing it!

  • just ordered one, working

  • I grabbed one. It will be useful for the $99 Wii I bought from Dicksmith 2 weeks ago.

  • +1

    Thanks a lot jase_h and Jason_dealfox.com.au :)

  • Thanks for this. Just grabbed one. Needed a cheap 4gb SDHC replacement for my GPS. And a good excuse to use up some of my paypal credit.


    • +2

      Looks like it's not expired, just not on the front page any more: http://www.dealfox.com.au/office-tech/sandisk-sdhc-4gb-card-…

      • I've updated the link, but I don't know how to unmark as expired?

        • Report the post and ask them to un-expire it.

        • Product had expired when I posted. They have since reopened the deal and changed price to $4.95 shipped. since the checkout wasn't accepting $0 product price.

  • How many pictures can you take on this two person dome tent ???

  • I'm seeing the tent also. SD cards are gone?

    • I've just marked it as expired, deal was only on for a couple of hours.

    • Timed deal, they could have extended it a bit given the checkout problems.

    • This was part of "FOX FRENZY" - new products every 2hrs for 48 hrs only

    • Look up at lbft's comment.

    • I just bought it. They price is still on. Just click OP link.

    • The tent went away, and the SD cards came back, and I managed to buy eventually.

  • 3 sdhc cards for $5 is $1.77 each

    I got 3 of these cards and another 3 of the microsd for $8 delivered. Not a bad price. $1.33 each. Best Price.

    • If you're talking about these - http://www.dealfox.com.au/sandisk-ms-micro-m2-4gb - they're not micro SD cards.

      • Yeah they're the more or less obsolete M2 Micro cards, for older Sony Ericsson phones etc. before they gave up and moved on to MicroSD.

        • I think they work in the PSP Go too, and a quick look on eBay showed some adapters to other MS formats (dunno what the compatibility is like).

          Otherwise, coupled with a $1 M2 card reader it's a 4GB USB drive.

          (I bought one on impulse, and I've been trying to figure out WTF I was going to do with it ;)

  • Still available. i just bought one pack

  • Only allow to buy 1 now?

    • It's one pack of three SD cards.

      • I see. Ordered one. Thanks.

  • Stupid Deal fox system, when you first link to the site - you have to enter your email address etc, then you do all that and it doesnt show you the deal. You have to reclick the link to find this.

    No wonder some are saying its expired.

    Too clever by half some marketing dweeb wants to capture your email address even when browsing

  • Deal Price: $4.95


  • I just bought one, but I accidently add the item again to my shopping cart, and it still works?? isn't it limit one per customer? what if i check out and pay again?

  • -2

    Agreed DEAL FAIL when i went to checkout…

  • expired! lucky got one.. enough for me

  • Deal price $4.95 but description still says 1c……but can't get deal, checkout: $9.96??

    • so failed they need to extent

  • It expired. Was a good deal, wish I saw it sooner. And wish they extended it given the checkout problems people had. Better luck hnext time :)

    • Thanks was able to buy it still :)

  • It's now $4.95, which makes the total $9.90 including shipping. That's still pretty cheap for 3 cards, JB Hi-Fi charges that for 1 card:


    • JBHIFI's you've linked to was the price for class 2, which is even worse than class 4 I believe!

  • Oh it expired! That was quick. although I have to agree with some comments above there is no point advertisimng something for cheaper and hiding the shipping cost and basically make a joke of yourself!

  • back again now $4.95 with free shipping


    I just bought now (12.10pm Friday) for $4.95 + free shipping - which amounts to the same thing as free + $4.95 shipping.

  • yeah confirm that deal still works.

  • I just brought pack for cheap samsung camera I brought online from hardly normal 2 months ago.
    Thumbs up
    Keep the deals coming Jason

  • Thank you! Great find.

  • bought!

  • +1

    Thanks for that.. grabbed a set for my RaspberryPi!

  • Awesome, just what I need for my 2 raspberry pi's. (if they ever come!)

  • Was still able to purchase it.

    Also used the OPs referral ID, I think. There wasn't any confirmation when I did. :(

  • Thanks. I also used Op link too, but unsure as to whether it worked.

  • +1


    here's an idea for ipad owners to get 12gb of extra storage for movies.

    buy 3 of these + camera connector kit

    create a folder called DCIM

    copy your movies into that folder

    if you jailbreak you can just use them plus the camera connector and i think there are apps that remove the need for the DCIM hack too

  • Thanks OP. Still OK. Just bought one. Payed via paypal ;)

  • +1

    don't need it but got one anyone -.-

  • do you think you could raid these just for fun … mwahahaha

    • or into a SSD

  • +1

    it's better if you paid $4.95 + free shipping for the 3 cards than $0.01 + $4.95 shipping. Not just because you save 1 cent (woo 1 cent!!) but also because you get 5 fox points (=$0.05) with the free shipping option.

    • +1

      OzBargainer points for you. :)

  • wow they are on fire..

    Thank you for your order from DealFox. Your order has now been despatched and you can check by logging into your account. If you have any questions about your order please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 1300 Deal Fox Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm AEST.

    • Yeah, they're doing a lot better than COTD.

  • out of stock.

  • -1

    I have had one in my shopping cart still but haven't been able to check out as its out of stock. Fail.

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