This was posted 6 years 9 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[NSW] 1.7L Tiffany Cordless Kettle $3 at Officeworks (Bondi Junction)


Saw this kettle for 3 bucks this arvo on some shelves near the checkout, was at least 10 available. There were toasters for 3 bucks too but only a couple left. Did I mention that it was 3 bucks?

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closed Comments

  • +20

    Plastic kettles are bad health wise, invest in a stainless steel one.

    • +4

      Yep, stainless steel or glass is the way to go.

    • +3

      Also they are ugly and the white plastic attacks grime. But $3 is fair cheap.

      • +3

        and the white plastic attacks grime

        and why isn't that a good thing ?

        • +1

          Grime adds to the flavour of my Blend 43.

        • +2

          @UnciasDream: That's Blend 44…

        • +1

          @dlovep: Can't afford that authentic stuff.

        • the white plastic attacks grime.

          must be coated with BAM!

        • I'm assuming they meant ATTRACTS grime.

    • +1

      Kettles like these are good for non-drink purposes like in the garage, filling up mop buckets, cleaning car parts, etc.

  • +1

    who is Tiffany and why is she only 1.7L, also why is she on sale for $3

    • +7

      She is cheap, but give her a bit of spark and she will become hot.

  • +8

    Just bought the missus a Tiffany. she is going to be stoked!

    • -3

      I can foresee a shitstorm coming for this guy. To make things better, you should tell her that "happy wife, happy life" is just a bunch of crap sprouted out by the overload of manginas in this country.

    • +2

      Would've been funny if you said "brought"

      • +1

        …and then she says "I (don't) think we're alone now"

  • +1

    Bit late, but great for Mother's Day.

    • +1

      Isnt getting this the same as getting your mom that iron from Amazon lol

      • +3

        I would hold on with their iron until her birthday.

  • Even though this is plastic, the fact that this can be produced, shipped and then sold through a b&m retail store for $3 is just amazing. To make this a true Oz bargain deal is if we can just send this toxic plastic to some poor sod country for "recycling" when we're done.

    • you'll get that chance soon as these tend to blow their element pretty quickly

      i think $3 is a blowout price, ie. zero or minus zero profit

      they are normally about $7 and yeah, you're better off with a metal or glass unit but obviously many multiples of $3 also from kmart

      • I checked with the attendant about if they have got any returns and she said no.

        • +3

          yeah but that's like asking a car salesman if their cars are the best

          and would you beleive what a Kmart retail worker says? they just want their shift to end

        • +3

          @tonyjzx: I'm also thinking that Officeworks doesn't get many returns on them because they're so cheap that people usually can't be bothered.

        • +1

          bingo. Most people throw out their receipts and if it blows up a month later only a true ozbargainer would return it for their $7!

          but you should and i love cheapskates

        • +3


          Can confirm, have seen no returns. I have also only seen one sold ever, and we've had them for a while.

  • $3 off !!!

    normally $6…

    • Is that a bargain?

    • +1

      What I noticed while I was there was that $6 is just the last discounted price. They were probably selling them initially for around the $20 mark at least as per the Kogan link you posted below

  • +1

    Did I mention that it was 3 bucks?

    You did. Three times :)

  • +14

    I have an issue with this kettle. I bought one about a year ago, and within the first week, the lid would fly open at the slightest movement - but only when the kettle was hot. This was annoying the first few times it happened - just as I went to pour, the spring-loaded lid would fly open, and a few drops of hot water would hit my arm. But it soon got even more sensitive, to the point where the rumbling of the kettle, as it was boiling, would make the lid fly open. Without the lid closed, the auto-shutoff doesn't work, so the kettle will boil until it runs dry, and then what? Fortunately I noticed before it got to that point, turned off the power, and returned it for a full refund.

    Sorry OP, it's a good price, but a badly-designed product.

    • +3

      Thanks for the warning, and thanks OP for your effort.

    • +1

      Could have been just a faulty unit.

      • True. But I bought mine from Kmart, and Kmart no longer sell them, which makes me wonder why. Either they found a cheaper supplier, or there were too many returns. I bought it because my previous kettle would not turn on, and I was looking for a cheap replacement. From memory, I paid between $8 and $15, I remember it was cheap, and I think that was its normal price.

        With the lid flying open and throwing drops of hot water at me, I imagine that some people might drop the kettle when the hot water drops splash them. That could lead to an even more dangerous situation, if your reactions make you drop the kettle, spilling the entire contents over a tabletop or benchtop, and maybe onto someone else. Maybe that did happen, and someone sued Kmart, which is why they no longer sell them?

    • +1

      B.. But it's $3! Muh bargens

  • Can someone tell me why people would pay $50+ for a toaster while the Big W one is normally $10 or $15?

    • I've had cheap toasters break on me, refusing to stay locked down. Then I learned of OzBargain, and waited for a bargain with expensive toasters at the cheaper price!

      I do agree with you though, a lot of times the only difference between a cheap item and an expensive item is a small cosmetic change. Sometime price gives people the illusion of higher quality, and sometimes the item is of higher quality.

      • Is the taste of the toast better/more crunchy with the expensive toaster? Or can they toast thick slices? I have been using cheap toaster for my whole life. So far all of them last for long time. The only reason i'd buy a new one is the inside gets too dirty.

        The delonghi toaster from the Amazon deal a couple of months ago was so tempative but I didn't buy in the end. The look of the delonghi is definitely much better but i wonder if there is any other advantage with the expensive toaster if the $10 one last.

    • Well i paid $350'ish for a Dualit toaster…

  • +3

    Pretty average kettle however these are perfect for building inexpensive dummy loads for testing electrical gear. I use four in parallel (providing a convenient 7 Ohms) to silently test audio amplifiers at full power and up to 10KW per channel but more if I submerge them in oil or whatever. Perfect!

    • +1

      Arrays of filament-type light bulbs work well too, but make sure each bulb has well under its rated voltage applied. The resistance of filament bulbs changes quite markedly when they start to glow, which is why they were previously used to stabilise wien-bridge oscillators.

      You'd need a lot of bulbs for 10kW though, I'd only use them for 100W dummy loads or so, using maybe ten 40W-rated bulbs. I haven't tried using halogen bulbs, and it's hard to get conventional filament bulbs in high wattages now.

      • +1

        Key words 'up to' ;) The most I've ever needed to test is around 1500W at 8Ohms when I had suspect blown OPTs in a Crown PA Amp I scored but I usually only test around the normal listening levels of 10-50W then sometimes higher if I really want to get some heat happening. Still pretty much a novice but it's a great hobby :)

  • How about the $3 Toaster in the pic?

  • Cheap all grain brew kettle element

  • Who else has the same experience with a stainless steel kettle? Had been away for holiday for one month. When we were back, it was rusty due to some water left inside. Only bought it for a couple months and not sure if we can return it. Receipt missing anyway. It was a Breville. Am I just bad luck? Most likely I will be leaving water in a kettle in future too when going away.

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