½ Price Mrs Quick Sausage Roll 1kg $3.75 @ Woolworths
- Made in Queensland
- Cut into bite size pieces before cooking.
½ Price Mrs Quick Sausage Roll 1kg $3.75 @ Woolworths
Well said, Mr Quick…
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Username checks out.
Best frozen sausage rolls ever.
Great deal!
They aren't bad aye.
You must be a Queenslander, aye?
I dunno aye
How could you tell? Was it because he spelled beer "XXXX"?
are you saying ay? or eye?
agree. easily the best in supermarkets
The best is Mrs Mac's
Scheduling in for this week's cheat meal.
Sorry but I won't buy these anymore. They taste like dog food with bone chips that feel like rocks in my teeth. I'll stick with the best known brand.
I'll stick with the best known brand.
which is ???
Good ole 4 and twenty. They're not amazing but the best of the frozen ones IMO.
LOL four and twenty are as cheap as snowy river or home brand
Good ole 4 and twenty
Username definitely doesn't check out.
They taste like dog food
Well I've never tried dog food, so I'll just stick with this one mate
They taste 'like' they came out of the dog after it ate dog food and a bunch of rocks.
Mrs Quick's taste closest to the ones I remember from Primary school… (decades ago)
@jv: They are nostalgic for you so that's good. Personally, I only ate the Aussie pies at school (several decades ago) which explains why I like crappy, grisly gravy pies.
@jv: nolonger made with cat meat as i recall from primary school days in the 80s …. now just beef and pork…. we seem to australianise so much overseas cuisine over time.
Just like to chime in and say I ate two pieces and did not experience “bone chips” and they tasted awesome, nice flaky pastry too.
I thought it was one massive 1kg sausage roll in the box. A little disappointed to find it's normal(ish) sized ones…..
Legit cannot believe anyone would allow their product to be named "Mrs. Quick Sausage". Our society is surely in decline.
Well now we know what their marketing department was watching …
And even worse that she would want you to roll with her?
$3.75/Kg, Bargain,Bargain……
Cheaper than a lot of vegetables!
It contains vegetables…
see below… ↓↓↓↓
yeah some 1/2 price pasty ( pastie) deals would be good ….. actually a sausage roll and vegetable pasty as a side dish and it’s a balanced meal.
Actually seem rather okay with Ingredients and no colours, flavours or preservatives.
Pastry: Wheat Flour (48%), Water, Vegetable Shortening (28%)(Vegetable Fats & Oils, Water, Salt, Emulsifiers (471, 475(contains Soy Lecithin)), Acidity Regulator (331, 330).
Meat Filling: Ground Beef (48%), Water, Onion (13%), Breadcrumbs (Cereals, Yeast, Salt, Gluten, Vegetable Oil, Soy Flour, Emulsifiers (481, 471, 472(e)), Mineral Salts (451), Thickener (466).
In other words very little meat and mostly fillers.
and mostly fillers.
The pastry is on the outside
The packet clearly states no fillers
If you can find a better sausage roll sold at the supermarkets, please state which one…
When the meat part only consists of 48% ground beef, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that there is 52% non meat ie fillers.
The term filler is not a term defined or policed by the food regulatory authorities or the ACCC.
it doesn't take a genius to figure out that there is 52% non meat ie fillers.
It's not a steak it's a sausage roll. That means it contains sausage.
Do you know what sausage is???
@jv: until we get the extra funding for gonski we might need a genius to get the maths skills to figure out how much is meat, how much is pastry, and how much of the meat filling has filler ……. now there is naplan question to test crktical thinking.
Filler is something unnecessary, use to bulk up and reduce production cost.
This doesn’t contain any.
It just contains breadcrumbs, onions and seasonings needed to make sausage.
You’ve obviously not tried these.
Anyone who ends their sentence with 3 question marks is in dire need of a good quality sausage, hot and fresh with a high meat content. ;)
48% ground beef is actually a quite high percentage.
They mean 1/2 of the filling which is really 1/4 of the total product.
Also, trust me, the ground beef must be all scrapings as it full of bone chips and I like my teeth intact.
On the plus side, they are so sloppy that you could eat them (suck them down) without chewing. Since the flavour is bad, sucking them down 'quick' might help, if you have to eat these.
Four n twenty - 19% meat (beef and/or mutton) http://pattiesfoods.com.au/four-n-twenty/classic/jumbo-sausa…
ground beef
I'll wait for the sky beef thanks mate
@indomie: If they are sloppy then you haven't cooked them right (had this happen the first time I cooked them). You need to let them defrost a bit before cooking. Also try cutting them up smaller and they will cook more evenly and therefore be crispy and delicious. Source: Bought them several times; would buy these except the nearest Woolies is a 4 hour drive.
@indomie: bone chips …. that is reserved for the hipster restaurants when they have bone marrow on the menu …..
You know these are called sausage rolls for a reason. Sausage. As in the crap that's leftover after all the good stuff is cut up and packaged at the abattoir.
As in the crap that's leftover
You need to find a better butcher then…
Nothing wrong with colours, flavours or preservatives.
go into the beauty section of myers or DJ …. women love colours and preservatives …..
Thanks for letting us know.
I once tried to microwave these…lol epic fail
I should order a hitman on you for microwaving pies and sausage rolls in the first place
Guilty here too of being impatient when a sausage roll craving hits.
You can microwave them first, then finish in the oven, to save time. Don't nuke too long though, they dry out.
There used to be microwave pastry paper available. It had a metallised film that absorbed the microwaves and emitted the energy as radiant heat, crisping the pastry. Haven't seen it for years though.
I do this all the time. I finish in the air fryer which is perfect for snacks.
That metallic paper is still in the Mrs Macs microwave range.
sandwich press heats up quick and will crispen after the sausage rill has been thawed .
the ole mrs mac's microwave sausage roll goes alright
when i was a kid i used to microwave all kinds of nasty shit.
since i became an adult and understood how much better things cooked in the oven is, i dont use my microwave much anymore!
When did you become an adult? I'm still waiting.
Crikey, I thought it was a huge 1kg sausage roll until I looked at the pics.
Imagine getting through a 1kg beast of a roll.
looking at obesity amongst kids and what they must be eating some might think these aren’t big enough to feed a growing child ….. problem is it doesn’t encourage growth upwards just sideways.
looking at obesity amongst kids
which is pretty much due to kids being less active these days…
No it is because they eat foods with too much fat like these sausage rolls. Exercise contributes very little to weight loss. And
garage sale, instead of looking at kids on average 1/4 are overweight or obese, adults are 2/3rds overweight or obese.
No it is because they eat foods with too much fat like these sausage rolls.
Rubbish, we were eating those 20, 30, 40 years ago… Except then, we got home and played footy and cricket with our friends in the street, not Fortnite on a game console over the internet…
People are getting fat because they are inactive and lazy, not from eating…
@jv: It's the processed food people are eating, it doesn't contain fibre so a person eats a lot more high calorie food without filling the stomach. Exercise is very important for cardio vascular health and should be done for that reason, don't exercise to lose weight, it won't help. 30 minutes of brisk walking is enough. To lose weight you need to consume a diet very low in fat, high in complex carbohydrates and fibre.
t's the processed food people are eating, it doesn't contain fibre so a person eats a lot more high calorie food
Sausage rolls 20-30 year’s ago didn’t contain any more fibre. Kids are getting fat from lack of exercise, not from processed food.
These go good in an air fryer!
these arent too shabby at all…
not a big sausage roll fan but at this price might be worth a try as people seem to think they are one of the better ones.
though i do preffer four n twenty angus and pepper pies, but not on special this week.
These are made in my hometown, Beaudesert. Great sausage rolls by a small local company.
…had no idea these were this popular! wish my local woolies stocked more than just a few boxes of the stuff… :(
Cut into bite size pieces before cooking.
I like a post with helpful advice on the side.
Whats the frozen pie? Mrs Macs, 4 and twenty?
Just bought some and cooked a batch.
Note: These are frozen UNCOOKED which is why they take 40-50 (2 x 20-25) minutes in the oven to be ready. Also why microwave cooking is out. Try microwaving raw pastry and see how you go. Four'N Twenty and Patties frozen sausage rolls are cooked BEFORE being frozen, so you are reheating them in the home.
The puff pastry is amazing. As good or better than my homemade sausage rolls using Pampas frozen puff pastry. The filling is good - I'd probably add some vegetables and spices to it, as the ratio of filling to pastry is a bit low, but that's personal preference.
Positives: Superior sausage roll as cooking from (frozen) raw with excellent puff pastry and good quality beef filling
Negatives: Twice the time to prepare (in oven) at home. Not suitable for microwave as product uncooked
which is why they take 40-50 (2 x 20-25) minutes in the oven to be ready
they only need around 25min to cook and 20min to thaw…? you can thaw them out on your kitchen bench…no need for an oven as youre just thawing them enough to be able to portion them
…also did you try an egg wash? might do this next batch i do
My ideal woman.