• expired

Woolworths Weekly Specials


Woolworths have 107 specials this week, with the top contenders being very similar to Coles specials starting last Thursday, olive oil, prawns and nappies. Here’s the top 10! Have a great week everyone!

Top 10 specials - biggest $$ savings

Carbonell Spanish Olive Oil 4l, $17.99 (Save $22)
Extra Large Australian Green King Prawns 1kg, $19.99 (Save $13)
Woolworths Select Jumbo Nappies 72pack-99pack, $20 (Save $9.95)
Lean Cuisine Bowls 280g-300g, 5 for $20 (Save $8.45)
Extra Large Cooked Aussie Tiger Prawns 1kg, $25.88 (Save $8.11)
Sony DVD-R/+R Spindle 50pack, $19.99 (Save $8)
Imported Green Raw Prawn Cutlets or Imported Green 1kg, $19.99 (Save $8)
Sistema Klip It Container 6pack, $7.99 (Save $7.99)
Sunrice Medium Grain Rice 10kg, $14.99 (Save $7.96)
Coca-Cola Varieties 30 x 375ml, $18.98 (Save $6.61)

Top 10 specials - biggest %age savings

SPC Frostbite Stix 10 x 50ml, $1.94 (Save $1.95, 50% off)
Borg's Premium Sweet Pastries Desserts Frozen 400g, $1.99 (Save $2, 50% off)
Bic Cristal Peas 10pack, $1.99 (Save $2, 50% off)
Woolworths Select Wipes Kitchen & Bath 50pack, $2.42 (Save $2.43, 50% off)
Nestle Diet Yogurt 6 x 200g, $2.99 (Save $3, 50% off)
Original Source Bodywash 250ml, $1.99 (Save $2, 50% off)
Streets Blue Ribbon Ice Cream 2l, $3.29 (Save $3.30, 50% off)
Sistema Klip It Container 6pack, $7.99 (Save $7.99, 50% off)
Bega Natural Slices 250g, $3 (Save $2.29, 43% off)
Palmolive Naturals Shampoo or Conditioner 375ml-400ml, $2.99 (Save $2, 40% off)

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closed Comments

  • +3

    it's been a while since people have posted about the coles/woolworths specials
    like the top 10

  • +3

    I like prawns… mmmm ;)

  • This is a rep trying to get you to download an app???

  • What gets something into the MyGroceries.com.au top 10? It doesn't seem to be how much % off something is… There are some better bargains in the catalogue, why aren't they up the top of the list?

    • It is a rep who wants you to download the app, not a good Samaritan who spends hours typing the deals…

      • Silly question, but what app? I just saw a list of a few specials and a link to the woolies website, can't find the app?

      • There is no app, and there is no download

        • +1

          I apologise - website

    • Hi simhanada, this list is the top 10 savings ordered by the dollar amount saved. Figured the big ticket items are the ones that are going to save you the big $$'s

      • I see, I guess I preferred the list that people offered by percentage off in descending order rather than dollars off.

        • +1

          Thanks for the suggestion simhanada. I've added the top 10 specials with the biggest percentage savings as well. Enjoy!

    • +3

      Do you buy Carbonell Spanish Olive Oil from your PC store ?

        • So what price are Woollies purchasing the Sony DVD's at then ?

        • +1

          perhaps they have more overheads that an ebay store ???

          Just because they charge more for a particular item, does not mean they are making a huge profit on it…

          I doubt that the sale of Sony DVD's is largely responsible for their profit… That has more to do with people spending more money in the last 12 months than they did during the GFC…

      • you bonehead, what are ya, the CEO of Woolworths trying to defend the prices? Everyone knows the supermarket industry in this country is overpriced and uncompetitive. Those Sony dvdr's are cheaply imported.
        Just for the record, I wouldn't buy those Dvd's if they were $10 a spindle. Taiyo Yuden all the way.

  • +8

    I like logging onto MyGroceries.com.au, picking random list names and updating people's shopping lists… Many don't have passwords set…

    I'd like to know whether condom sales have increased in the last month or two…

    • Hahahah, man that's evil

    • +2

      LOL, I think I've run into some of the lists you've modified :)

    • Just tried that myself, Its fun!

  • Are prawns any good from Woolies?

    • I had some at Christmas they were fine

    • +15

      Woolies don't actually make them, they come from the sea…

  • they're frozen like most places, need i say more? seafood loses it's texture once frozen, so i try to get chilled where possible, but in a pinch it's ok

  • +1

    Thats still expensive for DVDs. I get verbatims (harvey norman has em every so often for 18 bucks), and they are vastly superior to fony.

    • are they the printable ones though ??? there are two types…

      • Last time I bought Verbatims both printable and non-printables were available. Havn't seen them on special in a while though

  • A bit of info - there is a Coles app (for iPod/Phone and iPad). Can't quite see the point of it but you can see specials, create a shopping list. Not sure about Woolworths.

  • Anyone know how to access Woolies Catalogue on the iPhone?

    • +1

      Sorry, you can't…it's only available on android or symbian phones! Apple has refused to allow iOS access to Woolies coz their logo is too similar! You can check out Bi-Lo or IGA though! :p

  • +4

    Isnt Blue Ribbon ice cream half price - surely that's a better deal then most listed here…

  • +1

    wheres the guy that gives more than just the top 10?

  • +2

    LOL @ David's shopping list!

  • +1

    Has anyone tried the Woolworths brand of nappies, on their baby that is!! LOL..I'm not leaving myself open for slaughter there! How did they compare?

    • +1

      Homebrand i.e. the CHEAPEST ones are great i find them better than a lot of other brands they seem to be more absorbent than most, but seemed only to be better with the larger sizes toddler/junior and such. The best thing is 44 nappies for ~$17 considering your just going to get them full of s#!t and pi$$ then throw them out why would you bother wasting your money on expensive ones. Unless you can afford to wipe your bottom with $100 notes I'd say it's the best option, otherwise pay someone to catch anything that comes out in their hands and clean up you kid/s as well. Well Worth it, my son is 3 and we have had no problem of leakage or anything like that since using homebrand nappies. BTW I'm not a Homebrand rep, LOL.

  • beware of the valid dates. Tried to add this to my list…Expired - Woolworths: Woolworths Select Jumbo Nappies 72pack-99pack, $20 (Save $9.95, 33% off)
    (valid Thu 01 Jan to Thu 01 Jan)

    • thanks for the heads up, that bug has now been fixed (broke when we added the %age off detail)

  • Love them Weis bars. Bought 6 boxes tonight. Thanks for the heads up.

    • Yeah, they are damn good alright…especially the mango macadamia ones…I'm tempted to go for a drive now to woolies!

      I am a bit diry that woolies no longer stock the Weis Icecream tubs (only the sorbets now), there's a lot more icecream per dollar in those; Coles still has 'em though! :)

  • Long live the best special of all. WEIS BARS!! Three packs (four luscious ice-cream bars in each) for $9.99. Save $7.08. Brilliant - I've just had one.

  • 10 Peas for $2 is hardly a bargain! Looks like Bic is branching out :P

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