• expired

Sodastream Play $39 at Reject Shop


Saw this in the reject shop and doesn’t appear on their website.

Good for making fizzy drinks and the entry price point not too bad to try it out.

Only in Yellow.

Current cheapest price on Staticice is $69.


I understand there are some political issues with Sodastream. Lets save that for the discussion board and talk about the deal!

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The Reject Shop

closed Comments

  • the CO2 bottle is about that price

    • -6

      Refills around 18, cheapest exchange is woolies at 13…

      • +6

        Woolworths is $21

        • +7

          BIG-W $17 refill is where i normally go

        • +1

          @STE: that's a good price

        • +1

          $20.95 at Coles, 30 mins ago!

        • An IGA near where I live sells new bottles (no exchanges) for $21. They have a big sign saying that they do not exchange bottles. These are the bottles that make up to 60L of fizzy water.

        • @mattyman:

          That’s intriguing. Normally the bottles are much more.

        • @mattyman:

          Better to recycle.

        • @mattyman: Which IGA? I'm interested in a second canister as backup.

        • @STE: Big W Geelong swap price for an empty 60L bottle is $19.

        • @lainey13: Hambley's Supa IGA in Perth just up behind Cannington.

        • @tightwad: I do. But now I can fill a couple of bottles when I get down to my last one.

        • @mattyman: Ah… Perth is a bit far from Melb for a second canister ;) but I will keep it in mind thanks!!

        • @mattyman:


    • Yep comes with it !

      • which reject shop did you see this?

  • +5


    Connect to a regular CO2 bottle and save :)

    edit I use a Sodastream "Source" model of machine. Check fittings before ordering an adapter

    • +1

      I was planning to try this 3 years ago but then I bought a Samsung Sodastream fridge(best thing ever)
      Is there any easy way to refill the sodastream cylinder at home from a bigger CO2 bottle?

      • Yes from Dry ice check out the YouTube videos

      • Yes, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgQatZ2WghQ

        BUT http://www.co2doctor.com/australi.htm

        ALL MicroFillStationProAU™ products require that you have NON BOOBY-TRAPPED Carbonator Tank Valves. As of March 2014 we do NOT have a solution for boobytrapped Aussie or New Zealand Tanks.

      • They sell adapters on eBay, you need an additional tank to decant it from, homebrewers use these sodastream tanks to gas party kegs. Homebrew shops refill the larger tanks

    • Pretty sure Sodastream are all over this.
      I had a "Play" model and can confirm 100% this doesn't work with this model.

      • So I need to get a "Source"?

        • No idea.
          I tried a couple of models of SodaStream. All connected fine to the FreedomOne+,
          but nothing happened when you pressed the button. Like I said, I think SS are onto it, and
          have prevented the use of external sources.
          I ended up getting a cheaper 'SodaKing' carbonator, and it works perfectly.

          EDIT: I did this about 18 months ago.

    • +2

      For the super tight-assed among us, you can also use CO2 fire extinguisher bottles with your freedom-one soda-stream adapter, for an almost unlimited source of free CO2 gas for your fizzy drinks. This is possible because the fittings for CO2 bottles and fire-extinguisher CO2 bottles are the same.

      You can usually pick up CO2 extinguishers for free, as the bottles have to be replaced or re-pressure-tested every five years and most businesses just buy new bottles.

      One CO2 extinguisher bottle has over eight times the capacity of a soda-stream bottle.

  • +2

    Costco has the Sodastream 60 Litre Gas Cylinder 2 Pack for $49(not swap/refill, you are getting 2 extra canisters). Of course, you can swap your empty cylinder at any Coles Express($19)

  • -6

    Isn’t Sodastream the Israeli company whom exploited Palestinians workers and was boycotted for this:


    • +1

      Coca Cola and Pepsi have been boycotted many times too.
      E.g. wasting 400lit of water to produce 1lit of fizzy drink in India

      • -3

        This is more about Palestinians being suppressed

        • +7

          Actually, Palestinians are employed at their factory alongside with Israeli workers. The wages are identical. Boycotting the company = everyone's fired and the factory moves to a 3rd-world-country, probably Jordan. If anything, it should be supported, as 50% of their workers are Palestinians, or Israeli, depends on your political inclination.
          Source: I'm was in related business a few years ago.

        • @BargainCowboy: If it was true, then there wouldn’t be a general consensus by the international community to boycott the company a couple of years back

        • +4

          @leockl: You're suggesting that BDS (the ones that organise and promote these boycotts) actually gives a crap about who they boycott or what they do.

        • +6

          @leockl: general consensus is usually something to avoid; it means people aren't thinking and simply following the pack, who are likely influenced by a lobby.

        • +3

          @BargainCowboy: http://bdslist.org/consumer/sodastream/

          These arguments echo those made by supporters of white factory owners in the time of apartheid South Africa. Ronald Regan, Margaret Thatcher and others applauded factories that employed large numbers of willing black workers who lacked opportunities elsewhere (eg. NY Times). From their initial calls for boycotts, ANC and union leaders accepted there might be some economic pain for these workers, but they insisted on bringing the world’s attention to the universal suffering under the apartheid system. The boycotts, sanctions and divestment they called for were key to ending apartheid and the systematic injustices faced by black workers.

          Even though the SodaStream factory does pay the legal minimum wage to Palestinian workers (unlike some other Israeli businesses [Kav LaOved]), workers have clearly voiced problems:

          One of the workers waiting for the SodaStream bus this morning says he hates the fact that he’s working in an Israeli settlement, and lies to people when they inquire about his work.

          “I’m ashamed I’m working there,” he says. “I feel this is our land, there should be no [Israeli] factory on this land.”

          He feels like a “slave,” working 12 hours a day assembling parts – drilling in 12,000 screws a day, he adds.

        • +1

          @ily: Don't want to rain on your parade, but the BDS is a bona fide antisemitic organization that is driven by one thing and one thing only - hatred of Jews. Think Der Stürmer, that's the line of thought. The BDS is usually recruiting young Muslims/SJW with little knowledge of the subject, sells them lies and send them to fight a very dirty battle. To the point - at the time (a few years ago) I visited that specific factory (non-politically, business only) and was very impressed of the diverse workforce and the cooperation of people of different backgrounds. If that specific individual feels like he's being taken advantage of, perhaps he should quit, and seek employment elsewhere.

        • +3

          'The BDS claimed SodaStream’s withdrawal as a coup. But the movement is still telling the public not to buy the company’s products. The updated rationale: Barghouti says SodaStream built its new factory on land Israelis stole from local Bedouins, as part of a plan to “ethnically cleanse the indigenous Palestinian-Bedouin citizens of Israel.” Birnbaum calls that preposterous. So do local Bedouin officials. In 2015, Rahat’s Bedouin mayor, Talal El-Garnawi, wrote to a U.S. congressional committee that he was “delighted” to host the factory. “We would like to stress,” he added, “that despite occasional hateful allegations in some media, there is absolutely no dispute, and there has never been a dispute, regarding the land on which the factory was built'

        • -2


          The word antisemetic was co-opted by Zionists specifically to mean anti-zionist. Rational thinking would lead one to assume that Palestinians are semites too. Many Jewish organisations support BDS. It's resistance against political oppression, not an ethnic cleansing machine. Please don't pretend that you're neutral in this conversation when you use antisemetic like that.

          BDS doesn't hate Arabs or Jews. They tell people not to buy certain products; "send them to fight a very dirty battle" is once again overkill. The language you use is ridiculously emotive.

          There is an 11 year blockade on Palestine. You can't even go 'elsewhere' as a Palestinian, their Passports are rendered worthless and their financial independence even more so.

        • Well I reckon the krauts know a thing or 2 bout what makes for genocide so when the germans start jumping I take note…

          'For a long time, BDS' stance was regarded as critical of Israel as a whole or anti-Zionist. But recently, several German metropolises have judged the protest movement to be "anti-Semitic" and have outlawed official support to the movement.'

          'the BDS movement is "profoundly anti-Semitic" as it uses the language "that Nazis once used" in their messaging.'

          "BDS stands alongside anti-Semitic signs in Berlin businesses, which are intolerable practices from the Nazi era. We will do everything possible to take spaces and money away from BDS due to its anti-Israeli hatred," Berlin Mayor Michael Müller

        • @ily: Far-left movements accusing others of co-opting words to use as weapons. LOL!

        • -1


          It's resistance against political oppression, not an ethnic cleansing machine.

          Have you listened to many of the leaders of the BDS movement? They want nothing less than the complete destruction of Israel. BDS is just another weapon, an economic weapon, to bring about that end, which attempts to promote itself as humanitarian but is propaganda.

        • -1


          I do find it interesting that in Germany, where it is well recognised that setting up impoverished and food restricted ghettos is a bad thing, they would prevent people from criticising Israel, which does an eerily similar thing…

        • The germans don't like nazi slogans - the BDS do.

          bizarre claim that Israeli's use nazi slogans - and Israel promotes assimilation which the BDS is against because it routinely verbalises that Palestinians are the superior race - now there's a real echo.

    • -3

      Not sure why some coward negged you. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Wouldn't pay 1 cent for it!

    • Correct and they rip you off on refills.

  • -5

    Soda Jew kills Palestinian children

  • -6

    Yep, same company that puts profits before morals.
    Anyone who believes this is a bargain puts a lower value on Palestinian lives.

    • +4

      So you are telling us that The Coca-cola Company and PepsiCo put morals before profits??? LOL

    • +10

      Sad to see this simplistic genocidal crap being posted here

      Anyone vaguely interested in Sodastream and its palestinian employees should read this for some background


      • +1

        And it's like they're forgetting forced labour is used in our essentials like clothing.

    • Israel is a rogue nuclear state that has engaged in all sorts of crimes against humanity and gotten away with it, I think anything from there should be boycotted by default.

      That said, I did enjoy the novelty of Sodastream as a kid (when I didn't have to pay for gas bottles). I'm surprised they're able to keep afloat given the current price of gas bottles.

      • +2

        I think anything from there should be boycotted by default

        Please stop using any computer equipped with modern Intel processors. Most modern Intel processors from Core series onwards were designed in Israel. It is an important and integral part of Israel's high tech industry. https://www.zdnet.com/article/israel-inside-a-history-of-int…

        • -2

          How many antisemitic posters on this thread?

        • -1

          @tightwad: Either this or ignorant people who feed off antisemitic media…

        • +1

          Yes and meanwhile it's hugs and kisses over in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Sudan, Eritrea, and beyond…

          Don't talk about all that nastiest going on around Israel. Focus on the only issue that matters.

        • +1

          Anti-Israel and antisemitic are not the same thing bud

        • @ozbjunkie:

          Why would leftists be anti-Israel when they are the most progressive and civil country in the region who shares more ethical and morals with progressive leftist ideology than any country in the region?

          It's not because they think Israel is oppressive, the surrounding countries have 1000x as suppressive governments and societal/religious values. Every group has had land taken away from them. All Islamic lands were conquered from Christian lands in recent history, so it can't be just that land was taken. It can't be that they have a nuclear arsenal, because then the progressive left would be much more against Iran, and Iraq in the 80's was given a nuclear reactor by France - so it can't be that. Israel is the only country in the middle east to hold gay rights parades and the such, next door homosexuals are lynched and their bodies mutilated to serve as a warning to others - so it can't be that.

          If the progressive left wants to be critical of Israel, then they should be as critical of all the other countries that do 10x worse than what they accuse Israel of.

          As the Jeremy Corbyn situation shows, there has been a long standing, systemic, anti-semetism from progressive leftist groups. These people who when get found out of their extremely overt and anti-semetic conspiracy theory-pushing - try and say they are being critical of Israel when their comments show they were talking about Jewish people and not the Israeli government. The comments and statements are not hard to find, people that search them out will easily see that the excuse that they are against Israel's government and not against Jewish people is a joke of a lie - and that at it's core is antisemetism.

          I mean these 'progressives' are the people who call out racism when there's talk of conservative wanting to cut immigration numbers, and in the same breath they make comments about Jews controlling the worlds media. Only when found out try some really bad smoke and mirrors to say they were being critical of Israel and not the Jewish people. Or the Corbyn defense, say nothing and hope it goes away even as labour MPs themselves protest in the streets against the anti-semetism in the party with Jezza at the helm.

          You know if the left propaganda machine, The Guardian, is presenting it as such - then there really must be a problem.

          If the incompetent Sadiq Kahn (who is responsible for London overtaking New York in murder rate in 2018 for the first time in over 200 years - because of KNIVES!) is even saying it, then there's REALLLLY a problem:

        • @c0balt:

          Saying Israel is better than Iran regarding gay rights and democracy isn't setting a very high bar though, is it?

          And in terms of the number of Palestinians persecuted, Israel is worse than Iran.

          There are plenty of reasons to disagree with Israels neighbours regarding foreign and domestic policy - do you admit there are reasons to criticise Israel's own policies?

          And let's not get lost in partisan politics, progressive, conservative, I care more for your nuanced perspective than identification with a notional political identity.

        • @ozbjunkie:

          There's no criticism of Islamic governments from the Left - because they are allies in the fight against western conservatives. The enemy of my enemy is my friend - Jeremy Corbyn.

          The bar is higher than here, higher than most places as Israel has some of the most progressive gay rights in the world: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Israel

          Meanwhile, everywhere else in the middle east (Palestinian territories included) homosexuality is punishable by death in Islam. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_State_of_Pa…

          "Gay Palestinians frequently seek refuge in Israel fearing for their lives, especially fearing death from members of their own families. [8] "According to lawyer Shaul Gannon, from the Israeli LGBT organisation Aguda, around 2,000 Palestinian homosexuals live in Tel Aviv at any one time.""

          The progressive left hides behind the smokescreen that they are criticizing Israel and not the Jews themselves, that's why I linked to The Guardian's articles above (confirmation from a left source of antisemitism in leftist leadership and voter base). Those articles break down where the anti-Israel sentiment is coming from and provides many examples of it coming from antisemitism. Progressives can't hide behind the conflation for long, people are becoming woke.

        • +1


          If there were products on OzB made in any of the countries I listed, do you think these sheep who are against Israel would be telling people to not buy them?

          It's not rocket science, but the sheep can't see it.

        • The BDS is nothing more than a political arm of hamas in reality. It is Palestinian run, is associated with raising money for hamas, and is against any reconciliation in the middle-east.

          The Palestinian Islamist group Hamas was reinstated as a terrorist organisation by the European Court of Justice (ECJ)back in 2017 and is also deemed one by the US.

          Trying to pretend otherwise is a strategy adopted by those who don't share their thoughts on Hamas.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Been looking for a cheap one of these for a while. Hopefully there will be stock in the Geelong Reject Shop tomorrow.

    I think that one of the key difference to note between this and the more expensive offerings is that this model can only handle a particular sized bottle while the newer models can handle the larger ones.

    • Nah they work with both the small 500ml and larger 1l bottles just fine, they come with a 1l bottle.

      • Thanks, just to clarify, I was talking to a Sodastream rep at HN a few months back and one of the difference they mentioned was that there was a new type of bottle that was being used in the newer machines that was not backwards compatible.

        The older machine bottle versions of the 500ml and 1lt are fine, it is the NEWER machine bottle that was the issue.

    • Dammit, for the first time I decide to go into the Geelong Reject Shop after walking past it for the last few years and I discover that it is now CLOSED! Big W Geelong didn't have the cheaper ones either.

  • +1

    I think BigW has the same deal.

    • $89 on their website.

      • i was in there today and they had a bunch of sodastreams boxes for $39
        Golden Grove SA
        Worth a look if you are in the area and want one.

        • Which model?

        • @richmond12: Sorry not 100% sure but i think it was the one above to be honest i was in buying cordials for the one i already owned and noticed the shelf with the sign thinking how cheap it was. I didn't look at the specific model but I think its the one above. I suspect they are probably a dead model that everyone is clearing.

        • @unifex: Just rang them and they are out of the cheap soda stream ones now. Just the sodaking spark for $59 now.

    • In Big W Geelong right now and all they have are sodastream Spirit ($98) and Jet ($79).

      They also sell spare 60l cylinders for $35 and swap empty for full ones for $19.

  • +2

    Love our Sodastream. Might not save us all that much money, but geez it saves a lot of time at the shops, having to haul tons of bottles of soda water/soft drink.

    • +2

      IIRC it is actually more expensive to make your own than it is to buy soda water at woolworths.

      • This is true. I read a comparison where someone did the maths of making your own vs buying soda water and it worked out more expensive to make your own. It’s just a gimmick and doesn’t taste nearly as good as mineral or soda water from stores.

        • Haven’t done the maths, might be more expensive.
          But you can’t really call it a gimmick, it’s super useful. Like I said before, as someone who drinks a lot of soda water, this is just as good and saves lugging a dozen bottles home from the shops each time.
          Actually it’s better because you can choose your level of carbonation easily.
          And how does it not taste the same as soda water from the shops, which is carbonated tap water?
          I use mine daily.

        • @theguyrules:

          Can also use it to turn cheap wine into expensive champagne!


  • Is this the model that has non-standard bottles and fittings?

  • How much it works out for 1 litre of soda water for CO2 refill. I'm tying to see if buying this would be cheaper against buying 75 cents soda water bottles from Colesworth.

    • +1

      In terms of the maths unless you go wholesale for the carbonate its prob still cheaper with the 75cents. But the point is the convienace and lugging around litres of water as you can just use tap water

    • Depends how much you drink. In our case, we calculated breaking even after a year then savings kick in.

    • +1

      It's cheaper. I did the same maths years ago, plus saves on waste

    • If you go with the 6Kg CO2 bottle, the first ~800 Litres cost me about $450. That included the machine, adapter hose, and bottle.

      After that, a refill is around $50.

      If you go through a lot of soda water, it can pay for itself quite quickly.

      Use Cottees or Diet Right flavours in the 1L bottle, as it will mix perfectly in the sodastream bottle.

  • +1

    This thing is awesome. Well done Israel!

  • -4

    The BDS movement called for a boycott of Sodastream when it was operating illegally on occupied Palestinian land. As that was incontrovertible under international law, apologists relied on the standard tactic of attacking any criticism of such illegality as 'anti-semitic". The same tactic is used against any criticism of any decision of the Israeli government. The Financial Times of London is hardly "a bonfide antisemitic organisation". Its editorial strongly criticising Sodastream (and Scarlett Johansson) is at https://bdsmovement.net/news/financial-times-editorial-criti…

    All I can add is that is quite appropriate for Sodastream products to be at 'The Reject Shop'.

    • 'The terrorist organization Hamas and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS) share a common goal: The elimination of the Jewish State of Israel—one with rockets, tunnels, suicide bombers and explosives placed to kill the maximum number of civilians; the other with words and actions to demonize Israel, turning it into a pariah not worthy of its own state in the Middle East.

      The Hamas Charter states, “Israel will exist, and will continue to exist, until Islam abolishes it…. There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad.” Senior Hamas official Izzat al-Risheq openly admits that the ultimate goal of BDS is to destroy Israel and calls for escalating BDS “to isolate the occupation and end the existence of its usurper entity.”

      Observer - 04/22/16

      The Palestinian running BDS, is a canny unpleasant person exploiting his Israeli passport to travel round the world peddling his destroy the Israeli state message in much the same way as Arafat - who originally used to say to anyone the only good jew is a dead one. When he became more media savvy that belief was no longer verbalised so often. Societys are made up of different groups who try to get along - when trashtalkers stir up trouble between them nothing good happens. The BDS like hamas have no interest in inclusion, they just want all Israeli's gone. The BDS has only one final solution, and anyone who follows the BDS, and there are many, ultimately are promoting genocide, because the BDS sees no place whatsoever for an Israeli state anywhere.

      Its Anzac day this week, and this anti-Semitic shit flying here is an insult. Ain't impressed by the way reports are being handled here especially after that anti chinese april fool stunt.

      • I do find a huge issue with the Hamas Charter. But I also am pretty unsurprised that after generations of subjugation they adopt a single-minded and violent approach to conflict resolution.

        Didn't see too many Jews shaking hands with the Nazis, and that was after a considerably shorter (and admittedly more genocidal) experience.

  • +2

    I don't know what "a bonfide antisemitic organisation" is, nor do I care how many are bona fide or bogusly racist. Antisemitism is a scourge and these days comes mainly from left-wing and muslim sources. If you single out Israel, and hold its people and politics to a different standard too other countries - you are a antisemite and a racist cnut and can go FYS. The BDS people I know (of) are all certifiable racists, and antisemitism has run through British society for centuries. Just look at Corbyn and UK Labour. I consciously will buy Israeli products in support, just as I boycot other product. Freedom of choice.

    • +1

      Well said.

      And importantly, Israel is the only democracy in the middle east.

      I suggest people ask BDS supporters what happened to all the jewish populations in other middle eastern countries. The answer is why there is a need for a jewish state.

  • Long live Israel!

  • I drink a lot of soda water, would it be cheaper to get one of these and make my own soda water?

    • Yep. Read the comments above re: people converting the unit to take cheaper, larger CO2 canisters rather than the expensive small Sodastream ones to really bring down the costs long term.

      • Lazy of me, I presumed I was the only one that planned to do this though lol. Cheers I'll have a look through the comments.

  • Just wanted to add a link to another solution to the cost of the gas bottles - haven't used this myself, but seems (actually) legit: http://www.sodamod.com/mobile/Product.aspx?ProductCode=COMBO…

    If anyone orders, be sure to tell them you've got an .au model as the adaptor is different to their standard and is Au specific.

  • lots of stock at Broadway, NSW. However, mine was sold with an empty CO2 canister… will try to get it replaced in store

    • How did you go mate? Any problems with the replacement?

  • +1


    I bought a yellow Sodastrem play from the reject shop and screwed in the canister l. No fizz. So I tightened it more, still no fizz, tried to unscrew it and no matter how I tried it was stuck. So I took it back and swapped it. Second one same story. So I weighed the bottle and after looking online saw that on the neck of the bottle they have printed the weigh at full and empty. Empty was 0.33kg and the bottle weighed in at 0.29 kg. Soooo… it would seem the reject shop stock has loads of empty bottles shipping with them. Which is super foggy seeing as the canisters have shrink wrap over the cap so everything looks good until you get home and try get some fizz going.

    • Did you try for another replacement? Any good?

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