This was posted 6 years 10 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Samsung 1TB EVO 860 SATA III 2.5" or M.2 + Far Cry 5 (Digital Copy) $295.99 USD (AUD $385.55) Delivered DHL @ BHPhoto

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Seems like a fantastic price for a 1TB Samsung Evo 860 & Far Cry 5 combo.

Important Note: The code that comes with the Samsung drive cannot be activated on an Australian Uplay account. Participating countries are the United States of America, Eire, Slovakia, Czech Republic and the United Kingdom. (Thanks to Presjar for this information.) — edit

M.2 version also available at the same price

Cheapest on Staticice is $386 at MSY without any game

Courtesy of SlickDeals

EDIT - Sorry for early clickers - updated price with shipping $279.99 + $16 USD = $295.99


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closed Comments

  • -6

    I think use Au Warrant exchange Far Cay 5 is not worth.

  • +7

    If you're not after a copy of Far Cry 5. You can get it for $380 including delivery, and local stock.

    • -5

      Pretty much same price but with this you get Far Cry 5 which sells for $60+ (I know this is a digital copy) but it's still pretty cheap

      • +5

        Au Warranrty vs Game…

        • +1

          I've successfully replaced Samsung SSDs under warranty in Australia when they've been purchased overseas.

      • not sure why you got negged, possibly because the negged aren’t gamers
        far cry 5, if you are into far cry it is a bonus if you were looking at getting the game , but it seems activation might be a nuisance unless you are time rich….. who wants extra uplay account ?

        digital copy ….. most games really are anyway, if comes with a disc, you will still need updates and some games i’ve had did 30gb of updates ….. and once activated you own the license so the disc is worthless for resale.
        xbox, ps4, people still get physical as you can resell the disc as they are lines to the disc not via. code.

        ssd ….. i’d hang out until another crucial $310 1 tb deal.

        • If you want FC5, getting this for $385 is a better deal than getting the MX500 1TB deal. That way you don't need to wait 4 months for FC5 to drop down in price to something like $40 [PC].

          It's everso slightly faster, uses a noticeable less amount of power, and has a much much better resale value (if you care for such things).

          To be honest, if the 1TB MX500 is $300-$330, then the EVO should be between $330-$370 max.

          Good competition this gen of SSD's, maybe even the PS5/XB2 might get one (128GB) soldered on to the Motherboard to store the OS, Backup, User Settings, Game Engines etc etc to speed up the essential parts of the Gaming Experience (ie Not textures, videos, music…).

        • @Kangal: yep, when they can do RAMSTA SSD with Hynix 3D NAND 500GB for $90 US , the 1TB drives should be cheaper and price seems to be marketing and sales via marketing …… Samsung make their own controllers so should be even cheaper as they don't buy controllers from Marvell.

  • It was cheaper during the PUMP20 ebay sale. Local stock from Western sydney

    • +5

      cheaper . Local stock from Western sydney

      stolen i bet

      • -5

        It was funny 10 years ago. Not anymore.

        • Disagree

        • -2


          WEstern Sydney is Australia's most important asset.

        • +2



        • +1

          @smuggler: western sydney, accomodation for terrorists more than burglary is attraction for the area , northern sydney is too expensive for them.

        • -1

          @garage sale:

          northern sydney is too expensive for them

          Can't occupy an area that's already full. The chinese people have that area covered. Soon we will drive the original residents out.

        • @smuggler:

          I'm sorry to hear you're from Western Sydney

        • @iforgotmysocks:

          nah mang. Just work there. Love the place. Great food!

    • -1


  • Has anyone seen any HDD deals lately?

    • +2

      What's a HDD?

      • +5

        Y'all got any of those floppy disks laying around?

        • +4

          3.5” or 5.5” - I hear bigger is better

      • wHatS' a hDd

  • +4

    Shabbat for a website? wtf?

    PS: I've had a warranty claim with B&H - they were great with it, zipped the replacement out really quickly, not much paperwork to fill out.

    • yeah i remember a few weeks back looking at something on their website and they we're away for about 10 days…

      • But I mean…the website isn't Jewish…it can still take orders…

        • +1

          Re: “Thank you for your patience while we observe Shabbat. You may still add items to your cart or wish list to check out later.”

          Autonomous machines, including computers, aren’t Jewish and can work on Sabbath - most would use timers to operate electrical switches. The only reason I can think of why B&H isn’t operating checkout is because it’s forbidden to facilitate financial transaction with (or by) a Jew on a Sabbath, and they’d be transgressing if their customer is Jewish. (Physical handling of order must be delayed until end of Sabbath.)

    • For SSDs I don't mind having overseas warranty especially from US or UK and also this seller is quite nice. Recently ordered a Spyder 5 monitor colour calibration tool from them, arrived in excellent condition and really cheap shipping. Plus Paypal

    • depends how devout they are to judaism, where i live they shut up shop on friday when sun sets, and walk to synagogues as they aren’t allowed to drive ……
      for real special events they might go all the way as some have restriction on use of technology ….. so they might take an order, but won’t look at the web sites or ship stuff as it would require the use of a PC … the chinese shutting down for chinese new year…..

    • -1

      Been this way forever with B&H, nothing new.

  • +7

    The code that comes with the Samsung drive can not be activated on a Australian Uplay account. Tried and failed. Managed to have it added to a 'friends' newly made USA account though via support chat.


    • Thanks for finding this out. That’s a dealbreaker for me as I would’ve sold on the code to recoup costs.

    • +1

      yeah, who wants 2 ulplay accounts , not even sure how 2 accounts work on one PC as my son’s auto starts at boot up.

      seems as much hassle as those steam account games where people create another account for you and you are stuck with 2 steam accounts and have to lon in between them …….

      guess it depends how time rich you are to save a few bucks.

      but then i’ve seen some people come up with real complex ways of doing things to save 5 cents.

      • I paid for two codes via reddit gamesales.
        The promo code from the Blue Microphones was fine. The Samsung code had the issue.

  • sorry for the stupid question but what do you guys use this thing for? for your ps4 or pc?

    if ps4, does it make much of a difference?

    i've got a ssd on my pc and it's good stuff, but just willing to confirm what you guys are using it for

    • PC most likely. I personally wouldn't mind having a large SSD to hold my games.

  • Be careful of selling codes - I got a few codes for a game with the SSHD deal from MSY and both were bought by scammers. Money landed in the account, code was sent and they raised a dispute and paypal sided with them.

    Be a bit wary of that. I tried real hard to fight it and paypal just went straight to their side. Big waste of time.

    • +2

      Accept money via friends and family option only in these cases.

      • I didn't even know that was a thing! Interesting. Although scammers will unlikely do this, and just throw you money. Then you have to refund them and put the auction up again. Headache material. But I learned something today.

  • +1

    I for one have managed to activate a LATAM copy on my Australian account via VPN.
    Mileage may still vary though of course.

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