Scammed on Gumtree for $2000


I have recently sold a $2000 JB Hi-Fi gift card to some person on Gumtree. He sent me the transaction receipt to me via SMS, and I sent them the gift card immediately.

I did not received funds after two days, and could not reach this guy via phone number anymore, and the number has been cancelled.
I have just called the Bendigo bank and apparently the account number on the receipt is a fake one.

I will try to ask JBHIFI to trace the use of gift card and see what happened, and then reach to the police.

I would appreciate very much if you guys could offer me any help.


Edit: Thank you all for the response and help. I have sent an email to JB about this situation, and hope they could at least provide me with the information of this guy. I went the local police, and apparently this was out of their normal job range. I have lodged the case to ACORN. However, since I only have his FAKE number, and maybe FAKE identity linked to this number, I am not sure how much I could get from them.

Anyway, a very painful lesson. Turn the page and move on.

Edit: JB refused to do anything for stolen cards, and they required police investigation to provide the information of the card user. I have got an email from ACORN asking me to provide the address of the person, which I do not have, so I submitted another case with his phone number. I could not find anywhere to upload any image evidence?

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        • Typo, look.

          But again, you can buy jb hifi cards at least 6% off from racq.

      • yeh but the discounts for the buyer often most of the time result in the buuyer paying hardly the best price.

    • +1

      Agreed. Gift cards (unless there is some discount associated with them) are ridiculous. Why would someone think giving a gift card is better than giving cash?

    • +1

      Because cash is not really considered an appropriate gift between adults. They say "its the thought that counts" so cash seems/feels like there is no thought at all to the gift.
      I was gifted $100 gift card for JB on xmas day. Came with a bonus $10 gift card thing. I have lots and lots of tech things and also xbox one, ps4, and the person who gifted it to me, I believe has bought lots of cool things there. So I guess there was some thoughtfulness in the gift.
      I would feel OK gifting a child in family with cash instead of gift card. However it would feel weird and uncomfortable to gift an adult with cash.

      • Well witg that logic giving a gift card means you are lazy and havent spent the time to learn a bit ab out the person your giving the card too so you take the easy lazy option.

        • Not necessarily. A gift card can be better than a physical gift, as it allows the person to choose what they want. You dont have to find out everything they own. It also has the benefit of not gifting an xmas item which is perfect, only to find another person/'s have also gifted the same item.
          Im sure much less regifting occurs when a gift card is given, for that person hard to buy for, or your not 100% sure what to get them.
          Also, it allows the person, if they are a savvy bargain hunter, to await a great deal on something they want. Gift cards last at least 3 years now, so plenty of time to await that perfect deal for you.
          I picked up a blutooth speaker system worth $350 RRP, for $90 . (Deal recently listed here).

        • @ozzpete:

          O: Not necessarily. A gift card can be better than a physical gift, as it allows the person to choose what they want.

          99: Well cash does that even better, they can pick anything from any store, from hookers, to bunnings to amazon, to jbhifi.

          O: Also, it allows the person, if they are a savvy bargain hunter, to await a great deal on something they want. Gift cards last at least 3 years now, so plenty of time to await that perfect deal for you.

          99: THey can do that with cash as well, whats more they can pick up bargains from EVERY OTHER STORE AS WELL.

    • +1
  • +9

    Losing 2 grand on Gumtree is bad but how annoying is it when you're asked if an item is still available only to never hear from them ever again. :(

    • +1

      That’s when the trolling begins. I just keep asking them if they’re still interested LOL

      • +1

        Nice tactic.

    • +1

      So fking annoying. Especially when you mention in the ad, if it's still up then it's still available

      • +1

        95% of the inquiries I make = no reply. I hate GT people.

      • +3

        Trivial as it is. It is really annoying. Some guy recently wanted me to put up some additional pictures, I did and then nothing.
        He then ignored my follow up email. Could be a generational thing I'm not aware of, where its considered perfectly acceptable to cease communication at any point, even mid sente…..

        • If you’re selling scales it was me and I’m sorry. They just looked way too worn.

        • @stickyfingers: They're brand new???

    • As a general rule I dont respond unless they make an actual offer. So many time wasters…!

  • -6

    You were not scammed. You willingly gave away the gift card, without proof of payment (ie funds appear in your account, not a goddamn electronic receipt that can be photoshopped in 2 mins).


    • +1

      Pretty sure that qualifies as scammed.
      It's not like where people say "my account was hacked" after giving their password to someone, that's a different story lol.

  • +12

    OP, I've read your thread but not all the comments as sadly I'm sure a good % of them will be people taking some degree of pleasure from your misfortune. It seems to be a bit of a modus operandi not just here but on other forums.

    You acted in good faith and it's unfortunate that you had to learn such a lesson on this type of scale. HOPEFULLY your efforts both with authorities and also on here will if not catch this criminal but atleast thwart a future crime or two by letting folks here know that alas you just have to play it safe with such transactions.

    Real bummer, you have my sincere sympathies as thankfully not all folks start out as jerks but try and treat others as they'd like to be treated BUT you get the small % of folks who take advantage of this and this is what happens.

    Good on you for posting up and staying above the 'cheap shots', which I'm sure there were plenty of.

    • -4

      But seriously, don't treat others that you cannot see as you'd like to be treated.

      The majority of buyers may be honest but the minority of scammers are sending out offers for literally anything they can scam. Ie. Many honest buyers buying a few things. Few scammers sending out a flood of scam oppurtunities.

  • +2

    Genuine buyers would be happy to wait for funds to clear. If they aren't happy to wait, alarm bells should be going off. Then again, I suppose it'll require sellers to actually know to wait for funds to clear first…

  • +2

    Being a scammer, a gift card has zero value. He will sell it for the cash and you’ll end up giving another innocent person headaches for your ignorance

  • i can get it back for you will require $1000 payment up front wired by western union to my off shore drilling ship

  • +2

    One thing I've noticed is some of the replies seem to be scripted. I get offers which are like a template:

    Hi, I am interested in #{exact_title_of_ad}

    If you can post it out today, I'm ready to pay.

    I simply delete these conversations

    • This is gumtrees auto response when you are interested in an item and put in an offer no? lol

      • Ah, that explains it lol

      • not "If you can post it out today, I'm ready to pay"

  • +4…

    NSW Police Force
    9 April at 10:21 ·

    Been scammed and need to phone a friend? Call PAL on 131 444 and let the Police Assistance Line be there in your time of need.

    PAL is now taking reports of fraud. So if someone has withdrawn money out of your account without permission, taken your cash but not delivered promised goods, or not paid for a service your business has provided, let PAL know on 131 444.

  • +2

    OP I have no advice but I’m really sad this happened to you and it’s disappointing to see so many people so nasty in their replies here gosh just because we like bargains doesn’t mean we need to be so nasty. I hope you get a good result in the end. Please keep us posted.

  • +1

    It's fake news. He he.

    • yes :)

  • So you have the address you sent it to?

  • +12



    Either you mailed it and have an actual address to report to police. Which apparently is not the case.


    You electronically sent the details (image?) and STILL HAVE THE CARDS IN YOUR POSSESSION???

    Why not just go spend the cards??? Or Freeze them?

    • good reasoning, and there is a another possibility: this is a fake story intended to suck in the good folk of ozbargain.

    • -2

      SMS via a burner SIM/mob.

      • +1

        You electronically sent the details (image?) and STILL HAVE THE CARDS IN YOUR POSSESSION???

        I believe an SMS is still counted as electronically, although there is air and radio waves involved.

        • I am scared with your avatar. +_+;

        • @Yummy: Chicken feet are Yummy, and so are you apparently. Does that mean that you are his avatar, or at least its alter-ego!? And would that explain why you are scared with his avatar, rather than of it? Now I'm scared! ~ O.O ~~~

        • +1

          No… Thanks.

        • @Yummy: (:

  • Why would anyone bother to put a fake story? This thread is getting wierd

  • +1

    Fraud is out of the polices jurisdiction, cool.

    I believe you can also get bail for serious home invasions if you are drunk.

    Beats working everyday, paying out fines for petty crap, only to find you've not got enough super to retire.

  • Most people wouldn't give a stranger a valuable goods without confirmation of payment.

    Clearly what is common sense to most, was something you needed to learn via a $2k lesson.

    A good education is never cheap.

    • -1

      please read my comments, hopefully you will get educated

  • OP did you sell your $2k gift card for $2k ?

    • +1


    • It was bought for$1880 so I doubt it

  • +3

    Lesson here is only use gift cards to pay the ATO.

  • +2

    $2000 gift cards exist? Holy shit. Whoever gifted you I want them around at my house at christmas time.

      • lmao why were you even negged??

      • -1

        what kind of retard would spend 2k on a tv. what the (profanity).

  • +3

    How do people keep falling for this shit? If the money is not in your hand or in your account, DON'T HAND OVER ANYTHING.

  • -1


  • One month ago I wanted to buy HTC android phone. Price was approx $150 range. One seller told me he is out of country and wants me send payment first and then he will post it. The goods are with his friends and he would post them once the payment is received. I asked him how can I trust him. He replied it's not worth wasting time with me and deleted the conversation, so I could no longer reply to him.

    Guess I just saved myself from a scam.

    The old rule is always meet in person and pay for goods.

  • one time I bought a $500 gpu on gumtree and sent $ via bank transfer but I asked for a copy of his driving license which matches his bank details just in case i got screwed.

    Lesson to learn: Assume the worst and everybody is trying to screw you.

    But seriously though, why are there still people that trust a receipt. I can easily use windows paint to edit a receipt.

    • Scanner software with OCR capability allows you to change any document very easily. Impossible to detect on sight.

      • Even with Paint, I can make it impossible to detect tbh.

        • OCR software allows you to edit the document. Have a play with it.. you will be amazed.

        • @xywolap: Well, I am not looking to scam anyone….

        • @rave75:
          No one said you were :-(
          It is just an education in how easy it is to do… and a lot of shonks out there do it. :-(
          You admitted you do it using paint??

        • @xywolap:

          I said I can use it, doesn't mean I did use it, especially to scam. I don't screw people unless they screw with me first. =)

          I did use paint to block some information that I don't want my recipient to see though. Screenshot > Paint is really quick.

    • would never send my drivers license….

      that's fraud waiting to happen….

      • Well you'd be surprised. Some companies do not properly delete their customer information. My "ex" property manager threw out their customers details/applications in the bin just like that. But yeah I agreed, do not send your drivers license to strangers.

  • I wrote a spiel about being careful when selling things on this forum recently and some responded by saying there is no need to be so cautious because they have never been scammed… I wonder if they have read this one.. and the hundreds of other such cases in forums?
    Sneaky people wanting to rip you off are everywhere especially in private sales. Cover ya ass.

    • +1

      What you actually said was

      As most people are not trustworthy (fact)

    • I think you could make a guide about scams and post it on every internet forum, in the newspapers, magazines, prime time TV, and there will still be gullible people who are still dreaming and will fall for it. You can only help people so much if they don't want to think before doing.

  • +1

    To the OP I am sorry you have been scammed it happens to the best of us.

    As for the trolls at least this person has not been asking for donations to fund another voucher unlike the Panasonic TV post where the OP was pretty much asking for a new TV due to their own mistake.

    • Panasonic TV post where the OP was pretty much asking for a new TV due to their own mistake.

      Do you remember which post it was? Sounds entertaining.

    • +1

      I don't recall that poster asking for donations, from what I remember a user asked for his Paypal details so he could contribute to new TV and a bunch of jumped on board to pitch in. Completely different situation.

      • +1

        OP of that thread did put on puppy eyes and plenty of gratitude

      • The point I was making about that particular post was how the OP used their medical condition to seek sympathy for their own mistake.

        I suffer from depression… I was ripped off $2,700 cash from the brother of my neighbour… I did not seek the charity of others or start an forum topic on here as I understand there are many others doing it worse than I.

        Fortunately after a year of selling on eBay I managed to recover the money that was stolen by turning an profit on items purchased cheap.

        The lesson: life is too short to worry about past mistakes. You live and learn. You will get your $2,000 back one way or another and as for charities I feel sorry for the next pushy person asking for an donation as I am likely to say I have given enough to lowlifes for a lifetime.

        • My point is the OP didn't seek charity - it was offered. I don't think it's fair to characterise it in a way that suggests the OP asked for money.

  • +2

    useless police force.

  • +2

    I have had a request on Gumtree to Express ship my item to an interstate Aust Post Locker address URGENTLY as it is for a last minute birthday gift.
    Agreed on pricing and to have the money transferred via Paypal, they emailed me the transfer receipt to my Paypal email address within 10 minutes.
    I have to give them props for setting up the email to look so legit, but their two mistakes were:
    1. the email did not refer to my full name
    2. the email was sent via a gmail account, not from paypal.

    Aint no Einstein, but I was smart enough to check and wait for the funds to hit my bank account, which never did.
    The next day the guy asked me if I had shipped the goods in lieu of the approaching birthday event, and of course my answer was no I haven't.
    He got so upset and asked for a REFUND.. facepalm

    Deleted the convo and moved on to the next genuine buyer.

    • +8

      Should have sent a delivery receipt:

      • 😂

      • Masterpiece.

    • I wonder if you say "sure what's your account so I can refund you", whether they will be stupid enough to give you a true BSB/Account number that you can ask the bank to freeze it for suspicious fraudulent activity.

  • Sending you a screenshot of a fake bank payment! You fell for the oldest trick in the book!

    • Well. I am originally from China. I wouldn't even reply to this guy if this happened in China. I think I just trusted the people in Australia a little too much…

      • +5

        You mustn’t be aware that we started as a penal colony.

      • Were you not in this site on 1 April and learnt that China has taken over Australia market? :)

        .. too soon?

      • Well. No one knows where is the thief originally from. Might not be Australian people and culture fault!!
        Many bring their bad habit also with them.

      • If you were to take the current citizenship test, you could learn more about australia and its first fleet.

        Since you mentioned that you trusted Australia lmao.

        Thought the no.1 rule that your parents taught you was not to trust any strangers.

        The pooh doesnt smell any better in first world countries you know.

      • I did hear people say, more than may be 30 years ago, people get milk at their door step, and put the money outside the house for people to collect. Australia did change a lot over the years.

  • Where did you send the gift cards to? Was scammer's home address? or if it's a PO box, you can stake out to find out who the scammer really is.

    • most likely via text/email? not sure if it was digital or physical gift cards

  • +1

    First and foremost, Gumtree should be involved in the investigation as the transaction happened in their backyard. Otherwise file a complaint against Gumtree as they failed to take appropriate controls to avoid this kind of scamming. This should not have happened if Gumtree had a procedure of verifying member's address and contact numbers (though confidential to public). Control such as this will minimize if not totally avoided scamming like this. this will also encourage more members to transact to people with verified identity compared to dodgy characters….ka-peace!!

  • I once had my wallet stolen on the train which had a $1000 gift card that I had won in it. They cancelled the original card and sent me a new one, which was great.

    If you have the gift card numbers (would be on the receipts etc), call JB and get them cancelled - say that they were stolen. If you have the proof of purchase, you can cancel and get them re issued (if they are nice).

    Good luck.

  • "A fool and his money will soon be parted."

  • -1

    stupid post?
    /thread closed

  • -5

    Op its sucks that you have been scammed…it could have happened to anyone of us and I can't imagine the impact that it has had on you and your family.

    Being part of the Ozbargain community, please start a go fund me page and I would like to kick it off with $10.

    I'm sure some fellow ozbargainers can help you out in the situation you are in.

  • +1

    I think the basic no.1 rule is not to trust anyone on gumtree as you do not know the seller and you are dealing with strangers. Always meet somewhere which is safe and always be observant.

    Games** should be bought with cash on delivery and product inspection only.

    Consoles** should be bought only if they can actually test the console ti show that its running/working or another clue is looking at the condition of the controller if its…..worn, dirty with lots of scuffs and scratches you know to avoid the console. You can tell a lot with their gaming environment or how they game by just looking at the console condition.
    -consoles with lots of dust, grease signs, scratches are to be avoided at all times.

    Small value** Prepaid cards should bought only with paypal and make sure you are eligible for payment protection. (Never reveal your home address)

    Big value** Prepaid should be bought only in store (with the seller) make sure he/she pays with the prepaid (you must purchase the desires item on the spot) then only you pay the money.

    Sellers to avoid (summary)**
    - payment first and post item
    - description doesnt match
    - Not able to test the item (electronic)
    - doesnt want to meet in store (high value prepaids)
    - no paypal accounts (low value prepaids)
    Avoid psychical unscratch cards at all times as they could be not active and the best way is to meet in store and to use the card on the spot.
    - especially avoid new sellers who are registered 2018 and doesnt want to provide contact number/meetup but wants payment first/post item.

    Buyers to avoid (summary)
    -never invite a stranger into your house, if possible with small items like games meet at a safe area.
    -pays online and send you a copy of the transaction…only trust your eyes when the money is in your bank
    -wants to meet you at the most dodgy area at a odd time like 1am.
    -buyers …..that are minors, had a kid that wants to buy a +MA restricted game and lie about his age…..I told him sure once his parents call me back lol.

    If you are a gumtree user, please report the seller immediately (report on ad page) once you know they are fraudster as they usually are scamming more than a person when their ads are up.

    Gumtree has been a +ve experienced for me as buyer/seller but you will have a few dishonest people here and there and you just need to avoid and report these petty criminals.

    To OP….it doesnt matter if you are in China, USA, UK, AU, EU or even Japan you just need to be vigilant.

    The Scammers are out there
    ~plays x files soundtrack~

    • +2

      Rule #1 is actually not to trust anybody on OZB because you don't know them and they are probably just trolling.

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