• expired

$250 Energy Credit New Customers Only @ amaysim


Switch to a Amaysim plan by 31 May 2018 and get $250 energy credit.

Paid as $125 in your first amaysim energy bill and $125 bill credit after 12 months.

Get a discount on your energy usage and supply charges when you pay your bill on time

Prices vary dependent on your location.

In my situation - with the 20% pay on time discount- my electricity quarterly bill (compared with previous actual Origin accounts) worked out to be ~$70 cheaper a quarter. plus the $250 bonus over the 12 months therefore equates to about $530 saving over the year.

Pay on time discount that doesn't expire

Enter in coupon code: POWER250

Sign up before May 31 with promo code POWER250 to receive $250 energy credit. That's $125 credit off your first bill and $125 credit after 12 months

Here's the T&C

Referral Links

Referral: random (409)

$10 credit to both the referrers on Unlimited Plans and referees. Referee needs to provide referrer with their email address.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    wtf they do power now? lol next they'll start selling amaysim branded cornflakes

  • +1

    Amaysim seems to be offering the same deal as Vaya is doing, which is linked to crappy Click Energy.
    Charging us 44c per KWh !!! Discounts applied after then next cycle, $125 discount on 1st and 4th bill.

    I don't know how much it cost to make electricity but someone is making a hell of a lot of money!
    in AU gas cost us $7-10 per Giga Joules (not Mega , GIGA ! ) and we pay a hell of a lot more than that.

    • And every 6 months it goes up by some huge amount.

    • Yes. Its extremely crappy. I switched to other provider after all this crap. I got a Energy rebate and all went into drain because of their very high prices as this 125$ and any other government Rebate will be applied first then any discount. Excellent way to make money.

      They charge payment by credit card. You've to pay your first bill in full to get discount on next bill. If by any chance your account is in negative, you will not get any discount on that amount. For example if you had 100$ in your account. Your bill was 100$ too so billing system will take that 100$ and nothing is payable. Since nothing is payable, there is no pay on time discount because you had nothing to pay on time. It's such a crap. I had to get refund twice to avoid this.

  • +3

    disconnection fee of $166, no thank you

    • ubs Where do you get the "disconnection fee of $166" from?

      • Disconnection fees is with every operator . This is basically no other supplier is providing electricity after them.

        As long as you do “porting” to new provider, disconnection fees won’t apply. “Porting “ false into Exit fee category.

        Pleased mind that your new operator (or their sub contractor/ associates) charges meter reading which is generally $40.

        Always ask

        1: any exit fees
        2: any termination or end of contract fees
        3: any other fees when switch or move

        Above questions looks damn similar for day to day usage but with any business, uts better to safe then sorry

    • Disconnection fees varies depending on the Distributor. My local area is serviced by United. My parents home is with Citi.

      You will be charged United's "standard" disconnection fee of $50.17 (GST inclusive), when you move out of your property. This fee is passed through from your electricity distributor and is not a amaysim Energy fee.

      You will be charged CitiPower's "standard" disconnection fee of $38.74 (GST inclusive), when you move out of your property. This fee is passed through from your electricity distributor and is not a amaysim Energy fee.

  • If Amaysim power is anything like their mobile phone reception, you'll get about 20 mini blackouts per hour.

  • Arh! I just signed up last week. Will I be able to get this still? Otherwise I could cancel and redo it.

    • +1

      Usually there is a 10 days off cooling off period with most providers.

  • Time of use metering is very high
    Asked the rep for shits and giggles would the $125 be applied if I sign up for 1 day and go somewhere else. His reply was 1 month is minimum

  • Victorian pricing on Powercor looks very competitive. After discount, 18.07 usage, 88.01 daily supply charge. Add in the $125 minimum credit assuming I don’t stay with them for 12 months…

    Are there any better offers than this currently?

  • +3

    Keep in mind you won't get the discount in the first 2 months because the discount is on your next bill. Also the first month you'll have the 125 credit which will render next month's discount negligible for most as the discount is based on the previous month's payment. So do your sums accordingly.
    I was a bit caught out due to this technicality

    • Noted with thanks gimme.
      When doing my sums accordingly amaysim came out not so great. Losing the 40% discount on first month or two makes a big difference. Rather sneaky move from amaysim and not impressed.

      from amaysim website:

      You must agree to receive bills by email, pay by the due date and approved payment methods which are BPAY, direct debit, by telephone or the internet. Discount is off your usage and supply charges, after concessions when you pay your bill on time. Discount applied to next bill. The usage charges for electricity 2 are the same as the amaysim Standing offer and the daily supply charge is the same as the amaysim Standing offer for this distribution area.

    • So the 35% pay on time discount does not apply to your first 2 months of electricity?

      • Def not first month and practically not in the 2nd month either but that depends on how much is your first month's bill over 125. Similarly your 13th month would be impacted after the 2nd 125 discount on your 12th mth.

        Simple way to decide on whether to switch or not is basically disregard the 250 in your calculations. Good rule of thumb.

    • The $125 makes up for that.

      • +1

        That's what I'm saying…people shouldn't get sucked in with the 125/250 because it essentially may be offset the absence of any discount for 3months (over a 13mth period). Unless of course your doing some Ozbargain flip and only plan being with them for 2 months. In which case you may save a few bucks but not worth the hassle/time for me.

        • I know I got a month free and enough of a discount in the second month to make it worth the switch. Another saving of $125 should make it worth staying 12 months. After that I’ll have to see if it’s worth staying.

        • keep in mind you get a credit check enquiry on each ozbargain flip

  • Compare the rates and condition. I decided not to switch and happy to stay for nowxwith agl with discount.

  • I thought with the beats solo promotion the other day the pay on time discount was 40%?

    • depends on location

  • +1


    Discount is off your usage and supply charges, after concessions and solar export applied when you pay your bill on time. "

    This is effectively the same as discounting your concession and solar by 40% for example.

  • I rang and clarified there will be no meter reading fees (as my meter is behind lock gates and I won't be opening them for a random reading, it will be a booked time) and no exit fees. He said none,zero.

    However, I rang virgin money to Confirm I made the correct eligible spend for their 60k bonus velocity points, which they confirmed and offered me a 4th month of bonuses. I also rang later to check there was notes on my file Re 4th month. Which there was apparently. When the points never arrived I rang up and they said the conversation never happened. So dont trust anything they say. Ask for an email transcript and ID number.

  • "Just like unicorns, that promo code doesn't exist."

    • weird, as the T&Cs say valid till 31/5/18

    • Amaysim has confirmed that the promo has expired. Here's their response to my email regarding $250 offer:

      Thank you for contacting Amaysim Energy and considering us to be your next energy provider.Our promo for the $250 energy credit has expired last 31-03-2018.

      You can check our latest plan and offer here https://www.amaysim.com.au/energy/energy-price-fact-sheets.

      To give you more details about plans and offer, please talk to one of our friendly Sales team on 1300 808 300 (Monday to Friday, 8AM-6PM AEST) and we'll help you out.

      Or, set up an account here https://www.amaysim.com.au/energy/buy/start.

  • Managed to get this yesterday via chat, when cancelling the beats promo I applied for.

  • Please don't switch to this rip off company. They have such sneaky practices. Now I am terminating their contract so they told me I will not get discount on my final bill as there is no next bill.

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