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Mini Android Endoscope Camera US $3.99 (AU $5.12) Delivered @ Rosegal


I'm sure you'll find some great uses for this. Sales are restricted to one per customer, and AU IP addresses only. $1 shipping insurance is on by default, so remember to untick this before checking out. Apply coupon ARSEPROBE to get the discount. When they're gone, they're gone. Enjoy :)

● Photos & video stored on Android phone.
● Adjust brightness of six LEDs for work in dark areas.
● Total length: 3.5 Metres
● Waterproof level: IP67
● Resolution: 640 × 480 30fps
● Focal distance: 6cm
● Camera head outer diameter: 7mm
● Power Supply: USB
● Diameter: 7mm
● Product weight: 0.0600kg
● Package weight: 0.1200kg
● Package Contents: 1x Endoscope, 1x CD, 1x English User Manual
● Android phone requires OTG functionality.

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closed Comments

  • +3

    Thanks TA, what do you use it for?

  • +12

    Time to find that ferret I guess.

    • I think you will find a Gerbil up there…like Richard Gere used according to Sylvester Stallone

      • +5


        • +1

          Not sure why my comment above was marked as off topic, all I said was -

          Thanks TA, what do you use it for?

          You can't get much more on topic than that. Other members ask this kind of question all the time on other posts and they never get marked as off topic.

    • Can’t use on Ferrets… only Androids (miniature ones at that)

  • +1

    The picture shows it with a Galaxy s6 I think so im guessing this is a USB micro plug rather than usb c? A cheap cam like this would be handy.

    Great coupon name btw.

    • +21

      It’s $5…. what were you expecting? 4K 60fps?

      • +73


        • +30

          @homersyd: another woosh!

        • +15

          Using a GoPoo may result in further blockages

        • +8

          Sorry about that. As a mechanic and a locksmith, my initial thoughts were not to shove this thing down a toilet or up someone’s arse, so the joke was a little lost on me…

          I might get this offer so I can take a nice, long, hard, deep look into myself…

        • +3

          @pegaxs: Deeper into the anoos

        • +2

          @R-Man: Nah, everyone's being a little anal.

          The res is fine.

        • +4


          my initial thoughts were not to shove this thing down a toilet or up someone’s arse


        • @peterpeterpumpkin:

          It's for close quarters after all. Not like you'll be shooting off into any great distance, though maybe I should just speak for myself…

    • Bowel prep is important.

  • +7

    Ah the ol' In-your-endoscope.

  • +7

    Best code

  • +7

    DIY colonoscopy!

    • +3

      remember if you also planning to do a gastroscopy do it before the colonoscopy!

  • I have a Note 8… So I would need a Type-C Male to Micro USB Female Connector?

    Looks like this is going to be handy now TA https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/333836

    • +1

      I have one of these, I had a S8 and used a Type-C adapter and could not get it to work. I plugged into my S6 without adapter and works fine…just a warning, could be user error.

      • I need an adapter myself. Did you manage to get it working at all? I'm looking for recommendations…e.g. does it need to be OTG specific etc.?

    • -4

      A post from Canadian PM Trudeau

      "Sorry have to stop you there. You cannot use terms such as male and female how about peoplekind as it is more inclusive."

      • +1

        What a wank of a comment.

        • -3

          Tell that to Trudeau and other similar loons who are obsessed with political correctness.

        • @HARSHREALITY: I'm telling it to you because you're the (profanity) who brought it up in an unrelated discussion.

        • @HARSHREALITY:
          I haven't worked out what humour is acceptable here. Sometimes really unfunny comments get lots of upvotes, sometimes they get punished. At least you only got a few negs! :)

          I conclude that ozbargain can be moody, and if you try to be funny it may not go over well. Don't let it get you down!

  • +5

    I have no need for it (not that that is a good reason not to buy) and it's probably rubbish quality but a +1 purely for the coupon code! Nice one!

  • +12

    Apparently it is under the "Home » HOME » Home Decor » Decorative Crafts" category

  • +2

    So, can anyone confirm if this is USB-C or Micro USB? I can't find it in the description…

    • I'd like to know too…saves me going to hospital for an endoscopy if it's USB-C :-)

    • +2

      Pretty sure it's Micro as I bought the exact same unit from GearBest a few months ago and it is Micro: https://www.gearbest.com/microscopes-endoscope/pp_229387.htm…

      • Cheers S&B. I'll need an adapter then. Have you had much of a play? Down a drain or the loo by any chance, and if so, how practical is it, i.e. resolution, visibility?

        • No problem. Yeah, just wrote the comment below. Used/using it a fair bit during house renovation/rebuild. Not sure I'll need it much afterwards but at these prices you really can't go wrong… even just using it once then forgetting where you packed it away for safe keeping :)

        • @SteveAndBelle: Excellent. Did you need an adapter? Just wondering whether it needs to be OTG specific. MichaelBurns mentioned above that he bought on and didn't work…

        • @ScottyP: Nah, just Plug & Play! Was really surprised at how quick & easy it was as I needed to find something in a hurry and it took no time at all on my SGS7Edge. Might be different with other handsets, not sure.

        • +2


          just Plug & Play!

          Who am I to judge?

        • @SteveAndBelle:

          Not sure I'll need it much afterwards but at these prices you really can't go wrong… even just using it once then forgetting where you packed it away for safe keeping :)

          You could buy another so you can find it.

    • +1

      It is micro-B-male-OTG.

      Also include a an adapter for USB-A, so you can use it with a laptop/PC.
      Its a generic USB camera, so works in Windows, Linux, OSX etc.

      Its a shame Apple does not support USB cameras in iPhones.

  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'd buy it just for the ability to type ARSEPROBE on RoseGal

  • Any iPhone version

    • +3

      iPhone users don't get blockages.

      • +38

        Which is weird, because most of them are full of shit…

        • Savage.

        • My usual iPhone user advice applies equally here:

          Insert the whole thing.

      • +2

        And their shit don't stink.

        • we all know it stinks, stinks like shit

      • They do after they tighten up due to the large ammount of money they paid

    • +1

      Any iPhone version

      If you squat like a tourist taking a photo, relax and think happy thoughts, you might be able to get the whole thing up there.

      • Thanks for the advise I’ll
        Try it

  • +9

    These are brilliant! Got one from GearBest a few months back. Have used it many times during a house renovation/rebuild for peering into wall cavities to trace cabling & pipework. Not the best resolution but absolutely fine for general purpose tasks. Just got another one. 3D VR Endoscope here I come :p

    • does it have an inbuilt light, if so I could probably get some use out of it, otherwise, nah

      • +1

        Yep, it has a dimmable light. Small LED chips surrounding the camera lens. Kinda pointless without inbuilt illumination. Example of very similar (if not exact) unit here: https://youtu.be/NVgwPdrOsqk?t=4m1s

  • +7

    Nice, now I can finally find out why my arse is so tight

    • you may need a wider arse scope

    • A real tight arse would not buy this item even with a coupon code.

      Someone is lying about their arselasticity.

      • +1

        Elarseticity would have been better.

  • Bought something similar in the past but the included software was shizen so I never managed to get it to work.
    Anyone know where I could find reliable software for it?

    • I haven't used mine for a month or so but I do remember being very impressed with this one in that it was literally Plug & Play on my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. Plugged it in expecting to have dramas with apps etc. but I'm pretty sure (& can confirm when I get home) that it somehow just instantly displayed the footage from the camera on screen without having to do anything else… not even open the default camera app! Again, I'll check it tonight but yeah, great device.

      • OK cool, this may be the perfect replacement if it works that seamlessly!

        • Yeah, I'm trying to find a YouTube video but from the ones I've just watched it looks like an App is required. Maybe mine did need an App afterall. I've forgotten now but I do remember it just worked so flawlessly I had it all up and running pretty much instantly.

          EDIT: I think this may be the unit… but I'll confirm when I get home: https://youtu.be/NVgwPdrOsqk?t=4m1s

      • I haven't used mine for a month

        Lucky you…

    • I've used UsbWebCamera, found it to work well.

      It can depend on your phone and the driver support it has for usb cameras as to whether it works properly.

  • Got one of these, the FIX focal distance of 6cm is not useful for it purpose. When probing something eg, circuit board, ear canal… 6cm is too far away you can hardly make out what it is and if you try to move closer everything is out of focus. Most things this probe can be use for are gaps less then 6cm hence out of focus.

    • Ear canal?

      • Yes i try looking in the ear LOL distant to ear drum is less then 6cm ie no use.. that the only canal i look in honest!

        • I'd have thought it'd be too wide for that. I'd have thought most people would mostly want it for checking inside walls for leaks or pests.

        • @sheepdog: you can get a 5mm version… though i can can get a cheap selfdiagnose "Otoscope"

    • FIX focal distance of 6cm is not useful for it purpose.

      Works fine for me. The purpose is inspecting drains and pipes.
      Depth of field is good - can see as close as 2-3cm.
      Uses own LEDs, so small aperture.

    • Got one of these, the FIX focal distance of 6cm is not useful for it purpose.

      Too wide for the average OzBargainer then.

      We might need the small size.

  • +1

    Where's @scab ??

  • +4

    The problem I found with these is the focus on close objects is appalling, when you are poking it into a tight spot to get a look, you generally want to look at close-up objects.

    • +1

      I think you could fix that with a simple domed lens to stick over the end. No idea where you'd get an appropriate sized one though.

      • +1

        a simple domed lens to stick over the end

        That oughta reassure the patients. As if it wasn't phallic enough!

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