• expired

Telecube NBN: 100/40 - 500GB Peak / Unlimited Offpeak - $65/Mth ($49 Setup Fee)


We've reduced the pricing on a range of plans now from the 25/5 through to the 100/40 speed tiers.

There's no need for special coupon codes, the new prices are publicly available.

Please email info [at] telecube.com.au if you have any questions or support [at] telecube.com.au if you have any problems.

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closed Comments

  • As an avid user of unlimited data how would I cope with 500Gb?

    • +2

      You wouldn't.

      Have seen data that shows considerable increase of download amounts with a large majority of people switching to nbn, even with speed issues that people have had.

      You can always check your current rsps data usage or check your router if logging is enabled to see how much you actually download.

      Maybe you use ess than 500, but I'd say any "avid" user of unlimited will generally be downloading more than 500gig, stick with an unlimited provider.

    • That's 16.6GB a day in a 30 day month. If you average more than that, it won't be enough unless you can do all your downloading after midnight.

  • Some great deals! If I was still with SkyMesh I'd have made the switch. Will recommend to friends that find ABB too expensive.

  • +2

    This deal is just the standard one on the Telecube website.

    Make it a true bargain John, by waiving the fee or at least reducing it. :-)

    NO DEAL!!!

    • +1

      I'll make it a deal by raising the public pricing shortly and pointing this offer at a special page.

      • +2

        ACCC would love you admitting to that ;)

        Now that I have your attention, are you accepting preorders?

        • +1

          Nope sorry.

        • @telecube:

          ABB it is then. Thanks for the reply :)

        • +3

          @nurries: Cheers :-)

    • Then why did you give the deal a positive vote for? The red negative button is there for a reason, use it :)

      • Then why did you give the deal a positive vote for?

        Read here

  • Any update on an Adelaide POP?

    • +1

      Not at this stage, I expect it will be at least three months.

  • how much was the setup fee before?

  • +4

    Drop the setup fee for ozbargain? I’m with Aussie is it an easy switch?

    • I was thinking the same.After reading the comment below it may be risky if your internet connection is important for you.(work from home or running a home based business)

    • +1

      HFC will be problematic, any other connection type is fine though.

  • +1

    Hi Telecube,

    I signed up for the 100/40 XXXL plan on the 6th of December 2017 order [#]. I had to pay $168 upfront ($69 for the plan + $99 setup fee), As of now -over two months later-, I still haven't received my internet service activation. Last update I got from customer service was "Still no update from NBNco".

    Is there any chance to get either a refund or credit for the extra $50 I paid for the setup-fee I paid? I feel it's a bit unfair I had to pay $168 upfront for a service I still haven't had the chance to try. I haven't even received any estimate on when I could eventually get my service activated.

    I understand the problem might be on the NBNco side, but that doesn't change the fact I paid upfront for a service not being provided and without even a timeframe estimate. Basically I paid and "I might have internet someday in the future".

    • +2

      Why are you still asking these mob?
      Lodge a complaint with TIO and these providers wull get issues sorted soon.

      • this particular issue is delays waiting for NBN to send out a tech to replace a missing hfc modem

        • So NBN should provide some sort compensation.
          Thos is extremely long delay.

        • +3

          @sachy: Yeh, never gonna happen unfortunately, the onus is on us. In this particular case we will refund his setup fee.

        • +1


          From someone who has been dealing with NBN for 3 months now to fix their internet, nope..not gonna happen sadly.

          I'm with Aussie BB (imo best customer service out of any providers I've used BY FAR) and they have constantly been notifying them and annoying them for updates + to hurry up…nope.

          Pretty much this is how NBNco is..

          Rarely updates the ISP, closes case when they deem them resolved (even when they are not + don't tell the ISP), which means the ISP has to open a whole new case for the same issue. Their "investigations" take weeks, if not 1-2 months. They avoid any criticism by making the ISP the middleman and not allowing direct contact between customer and NBN + if you want to lodge a complaint, guess what! You're lodging it to their OWN customer complaint center and TIO isn't really going to help as long as NBN are showing some kind of progress, even if that means weeks if not months.

          All of this and the ISP is the one who has to refund the customer even though it isn't their fault.

          NBNco is beyond trash, I don't know telecube and their customer service or this certain case, but if it involves NBN then don't be surprised if 90-95% of the blame is on NBN.

    • +4

      Hi, first up please remove the ticket number from your post.

      I have had a look at your case and you have been royally messed around, we are doing everything we can to get you connected but HFC is generally problematic and it still doesn't seem like there's a clear date in sight when you might be connected. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.

      I think in the circumstances and if you are agreeable to it we should refund your full setup fee ($99) which I'm happy to do, please let me know either here or private message or in a reply to the email communications we already have going.

      Apologies again for the inconvenience.

      • Hi Telecube,

        Thanks for your help and prompt response.

        I would appreciate If I can have the setup-fee refunded and hoping to get connected in the near future.

        Unfortunately I cannot edit my comment (because there is a reply to it), but I requested removal of the ticket number to a moderator.

        • +2

          Done .. I have refunded the $99 setup fee back to your card now, hopefully the NBN tech will get your hardware installed soon. Apologies again and thanks for your patience.

        • @telecube: I just realized that the credit card I used to pay setup-fee is closed since January. Therefore I couldn’t receive any refund. Is there any chance to receive it on another CC or as a credit in my Telecube account?

        • @SirBlackJack: You need to email support please

      • What's the problem with HFC?

        I'm on HFC with another RSP. If I switch to TC will it be a long delay?

        • +1

          It depends, what state are you in and who is your current provider?

        • @telecube: Op I'm on HFC with abb based in Melb metro. How long does it take to transfer?

        • @Aussie88: We will need to get you to disconnect first before we can provision the service so you would have at least a 4 hour downtime and if there are any problems on the NBN side that could drag on into days.

          HFC transfers are a bit of a hassle for us at the moment, we expect to be able to do churns by April/May but right now we need the service disconnected and the port free first.

        • @telecube: what if I order a new service. The double connector in the arris box means it can connect two services right? So, if I order a new service, connect another arris modem to second port do I still need to disconnect first? Last thing I need is no internet for days.

        • @telecube:

          It depends, what state are you in and who is your current provider?

          I'm in VIC with Myrepublic.

          I'm extra concerned about how long it will take to port the number. I tried to look up Siptalk wiki but just can't understand the lingo.

          HFC transfers are a bit of a hassle for us at the moment, we expect to be able to do churns by April/May but right now we need the service disconnected and the port free first.

          This is a concern for me because I also need to port away the landline number. That will be lost if I disconnect.

        • @TarquinOliverNimrod: The Arris modem will only take one service, you could have a second service provisioned but there would be a $300 fee

        • @lostn: We could transfer you across with possibly a short downtime assuming all goes well, if it doesn't go well there could potentially be lengthy delays.

          You wouldn't lose your number, we could schedule the port and the HFC churn to happen on the same day.

        • @telecube: The port requires the other end to cooperate, and you have to keep the service active until it completes. When I moved from TPG, this took two months with both RSPs blaming the other for the delay.

          "if it doesn't go well" it sounds like I'll be without the internet for months?

          Is everything you said on the assumption that I cancel the service with my current RSP first?

        • @lostn: Nope, with yours we will be able to do a transfer, you wouldn't need to cancel first.

          If you are concerned about the number porting my advice would be port the number across first, it's perfectly acceptable to get the number up and running with us first and then once it's settled in proceed with the internet transfer.

        • @telecube:

          By "us" do you mean Siptalk? I can't figure out the requirements, and whether I'd need new hardware or not. I use a standard landline which I plug into the phone port on my router.

          Will your WP offer stay as is for the few months that I may need to get the transfer?

          Nope, with yours we will be able to do a transfer, you wouldn't need to cancel first.

          why is my case different than Aussie88's who is also in Melb, but with ABB? Are you making a special exception just for me, or is Myrepublic different to ABB and easier to process?

        • +1

          @lostn: You can port your number onto either, Siptalk or Telecube .. either can provide the voip service required. You can configure the voice port on the modem to connect to an extension on our network instead of the MR extension. This is assuming you have access to making changes in the modem.

          Your HFC connected to MR means we can do a transfer where we can't with services connected to abb

        • @telecube:

          So back to the original question.. how long do you think the churning process would take? From MyRepublic, VIC.

        • @lostn: If all goes well, a few minutes. If something gets stuck on the NBN side it could be offline for anything from a day to weeks.

        • @telecube: Wow. A few minutes, including porting the phone? Want to remind you that it's HFC.

          don't you need to contact them? Any time you call their number it's like an hour wait on the line at minimum. They're woefully understaffed.

        • +1

          @lostn: Sorry, I didn't mean the phone number .. just the HFC connection.

          Porting the phone number will be 5 - 8 business days with a short downtime on the morning of the cutover day.

          We don't have to contact anyone, it is all processed behind the scenes at the carrier level.

  • +5

    Like many others, the setup fee is the only reason why I'm not a customer yet.

    • +1

      same here

      • +2

        Is it because you just don't want to pay it or that you're concerned that the service won't be any good and you'll have lost the $49?

        • Nah,,, I can see what your current CVC utilization in my POI, as of now. My concern is, as you get more customers in my area (POI) whether you will purchase more CVC to cater for the demand.. Or else i'll be end up with similar to my current ISP,,, almost saturated the CVC.

        • +3

          @chutibuti: :-/

          Our whole thing is about maintaining enough bandwidth to keep the speeds up.

        • @telecube:

          Agree, but there is no clear definition for "enough bandwidth to keep the speeds"

          plus for your responses even at late night :)

        • +1

          @chutibuti: Fair enough .. keep an eye on us, time will tell .. cheers.

        • @telecube:
          Ok :)
          Who do you use as your service provider?..
          As you dont oven CVC, you must be buying from a some service providers.

        • @chutibuti: Vocus

        • @telecube:

          Ok .. its M2 ,, thanks

        • @chutibuti: what does M2 mean?

        • @TarquinOliverNimrod:
          M2 is a company that merged with Vocus a couple of years ago. M2 owns the likes of Dodo and iPrimus, whilst Vocus is more involved in laying fiber, wholesales and data-centers.

    • I bite the bullet, paid the $49.

      • +1

        message me with your customer id and i'll give you a $19 credit

        • Thanks, done!

  • Hi Telecube, any news on 100/40 Fixed wireless? Last reports on the Ballarat testing suggested early this year?

    • +2

      I'm not aware of any news sorry, I expect it will be announced in the media before we actually any news. You could email support and ask the question and we could see what we could find out for you.

  • +4

    I really like the whole idea of the peak and off peak system. But in no way, shape or form would anyone consider "peak" time to be from 7am-midnight for internet usage. Peak should be from around 4pm-11pm. Everything outside of that should be unlimited off peak.

    The off peak unlimited downloads is useless for most people unless you're scheduling game downloads while you're asleep or something. Even then, it's such a small window you wouldn't even finish downloading some of the games these days due to how large the filesize is getting.

    • +1

      There certainly is other people that define it as such: ABB - arguably the main rival to TC - charges an extra $10/m for un-metered off-peak and they define it as 1am to 7am. With these guys its free and starts an hour earlier. Relatively speaking its amazing.

      The whole point of it is to schedule downloads when no one is using the internet ("…whilst you're asleep…").

      95Mbps = 11.9MBps = 42.8GB/h = 300GB per off-peak morning. There is no game that big…

      • +1

        "The whole point of it is to schedule downloads when no one is using the internet"

        Exactly. Which is why off peak should be from midnight to 3pm or so. Daytime is not peak time during the week for home internet usage. Anyone who experiences congestion from certain RSP's will tell you it starts going to shit at around 4pm. Like I said, I like the idea of on peak & off peak data.. but this just seems stingy to me.

        Also lets be real, the amount of people that actually achieve 90mbps (especially on FTTN) is extremely small. So for most it's much slower.

        • That's not always true. In CBD's peak time is 9am to 5pm. Residential peak is then 7pm to 11pm. So you can see its easier to lump the two together unless you're going to create different off-peaks based on location which no-one does.

          ALL FTTP customers can get 90+Mbps (they can actually get 1Gbps) and they make up 34.7% of NBN connections.
          ALL HFC customers can get 90+Mbps and they make up 11.9% of connections.
          ALL FTTB customers can get 90+Mbps and they make up 2.5% of connections.
          ~30% of FTTN/C customers can get 90+Mbps and they make up 42.3% of connections.
          No one on FW or Satellite can get 90+Mbps, and together they make up 8.6% of connections.

          If you do the math you'll see that 61.8% of current NBN connections are capable of 90+Mbps.

          Please explain how the 61.8% - a clear majority - is "extremely small". Pleas explain how "for most it's much slower".
          I'll give you a tip: don't make stuff up based on a few loud opinions you've read online. Try looking at the actual facts:

  • +1

    Why are the data packs so expensive? 100GB for $30? You get 1000GB for $69. At add-on costs, that's $300. Are they losing $231 for every 1000GB user?

    • +1

      Someone already answered that question.

  • Signing up next week just before ABB ends so I have both for a few days (FTTP)
    Personally I think a small setup fee is fine as they are Aussie based so not overseas people working on the setup for you for peanuts like many others (besides ABB) and we don't want to screw them to the wall so they cut corners else where.

  • I saw it was BYO Modem, any requirement? Thanks

    • We're BYO modem, you can normally use your existing device if you are already connected to the nbn

      • I dont have one available, still using adsl2+ modem. so any modem that work with vdsl will be okay?

        • Yep, any VDSL capable modem should be fine. TP-Link seem to be popular and good value.

  • The crappy thing about doing your downloads after midnight is that Windows 10 loves to reboot your PC during that time, killing all your unsaved apps (and your downloads). Of course it's not going to restart them for you. So you wake up in the morning expecting them to be done, and you find nothing got downloaded.

    You can change the hours windows can reboot itself, but it will shift that to peak hours which is not good. When it's in the 12 hours span that you consider to be 'off peak' (you cannot have a shorter period than that), it will warn you before it reboots and you can suppress it for a few minutes before it does it again, but if you happen to be AFK, too bad. You're about to lose all your work, all your downloads, and all the tabs on your browser.

    I use a hack to disable windows updates. I update manually once every few weeks. This comes with a compromise in security of course. But if you're trying to download more than 1TB with Telecube, you're probably going to have to do the same thing.

    • When W10 restarts it reopens all of your applications where you left off. Pretty sure it creates a temporary "hibernate" file to achieve this. Not sure what's going on with your PC.

      • Not if you have a password on the welcome screen it doesn't…

        That screen what I wake up to.

        Also I disabled hibernate, which could be why. That has always crashed my PC in the past, so I disable it. I also didn't like it going into hibernate when I'm AFK. I might not be using my PC, but my apps are actively doing things…

        • I do and it still does for me. Everything still re-opens once I login and the desktop loads up.
          Regarding your PC going into hibernate when AFK: simply tell it not to???

        • @Viper8:

          Well it doesn't for me. But it could be because I disabled hibernate and sleep.

          There is no time I would ever by choice hibernate the system, so there's no point enabling it at all. I disable it entirely just to prevent it from accidentally going into hibernate. Sometimes I accidentally hit the sleep button on my keyboard and instantly regret it. So I disable it just in case.

          If the reason it doesn't save my work is because I disabled hibernate, well Windows ought to know this and not reboot my system without permission. I shouldn't be punished with losing unsaved work for disabling hibernate.

          I thought it was a poor decision to force reboots in the first place. What is so urgent that it can't wait until the next time I naturally turn off or reboot the system to install the updates? As far as I know, there is no way to disable automatic rebooting without disabling auto updates. My work is more important than the convenience of not having to wait for updates to install the next time I boot up. MS doesn't give me the option to choose to forgo that convenience. So screw MS. I disable auto updates.

        • @lostn:

          Why not change what the sleep key does, rather than disabling the entire function?
          If Windows didn't reboot your system would be vulnerable and you would then be complaining when you got ransomwared etc. Security is more important than convenience.
          Because some people never turn their computers off (gamers, computers and laptops in office environments etc).
          Why don't you just save your work when you leave the PC? Doing this plus disabling auto hibernate and changing what the sleep key does on your PC would resolve all of your issues.

        • @Viper8:

          I do and it still does for me. Everything still re-opens once I login and the desktop loads up.

          This actually doesn't solve anything. If you're downloading and Windows reboots itself, it still won't resume your downloads until you've logged in which you won't do until morning. So you've wasted the night because Windows decided to reboot itself. In my case, even if it reopened everything it still wouldn't resume my downloads. More on that later.

          Why not change what the sleep key does, rather than disabling the entire function?

          Because there's no point. I can't see myself ever wanting to intentionally hibernate it. When I don't want it on, I'll turn it off. If I didn't turn it off, I wanted it using up full power because I'm doing something that I don't want interrupted, such as downloading, or encoding videos. Therefore there is no use case for hibernate, and may as well turn it off. For me, there's on and there's off. I'm not so lazy that I don't bother turning off my PC when I'm not using it, and need the system to do it for me. If I left it on, it means I wanted it to stay on.

          If Windows didn't reboot your system would be vulnerable and you would then be complaining when you got ransomwared etc.

          I'll risk it. It's my system and as long as I'm not harming someone else's or taking away their privilege to use it as they see fit, it's only mine at risk, so what's the problem? If you've updated, you're safe so you don't have to worry about me infecting you somehow.

          I've seen ransomware before and fake virus scanners, browser hijackers and the lot… on other people's machines. They come from the web. I've never gotten them myself though. I have enough common sense to know when a site isn't safe and how to avoid these. Your AV already blacklists known sites that are unsafe.

          Security is more important than convenience.

          I'll be the judge of that. I don't like nanny states that make decisions for you in order to 'protect' you. I certainly don't need a piece of software adopting that philosophy.

          Because some people never turn their computers off (gamers, computers and laptops in office environments etc).

          That's for them to sort out. They might want to enable sleep mode. I'm not one of those people. Different people, different circumstances. You use the options that suit you, and I'll use options that suit me. What bothers me is when there's no option because some nanny thought I was too stupid and dictated what I can and can't do because I might make a mistake. Apple users are pretty used to that.

          Why don't you just save your work when you leave the PC?

          I'm not doing this every time I walk away. Saving my work means closing my browser. I don't want to do that. It's a lot of tabs to reopen when I get back every time I go eat, shower or go for a walk. I'm also using a downloader that can't simply reopen iteself even if Windows saved the state. Because it requires manual commands from the user in order to initiate or resume (connect to server, channel, request download, etc). Windows has no way of doing that. You cannot simply "save your work" if you're downloading and expect it to resume after a reboot. I don't use torrents, which would be ok with this system.

          It sucks when I go and get a snack, come back and find I'm at the login screen because I entered W10's off peak period without realizing it. If they want to encourage security over convenience, fine. But at least leave the option for people who don't want to be forced into it. Also, my 'peak' hours varies from day to day, so I can't even pick a set of hours that I'm definitely not going to be on the computer.

          Doing this plus disabling auto hibernate and changing what the sleep key does on your PC would resolve all of your issues.

          At the end of the day, I decide how I use my PC, not someone else. It's worked this way for every version of Windows until 10. Why wasn't MS concerned about your security enough in W7 and W8 to force a reboot? If it was fine for us then, it's fine for us now. What is the damn point enabling a function you never use? I turn it off, and if it means Windows screws with me when it decides to update, then I will not let it update at its discretion.

  • Down in Brisbane now??

    • Or qld 4116 area only??

      • Should be back up now .. please email support if not. We dropped a transit link and have switched across to redundant links now.

        Also please subscribe to www.telecube.io for network alerts and updates

  • I reckon no setup fee would open the floodgates. Great deal otherwise

  • How do you change plans? I've looked through the menu options but it keeps taking me around in circles. I'm on 50/20 100G with static IP and if I'm reading the plans correctly it's only going to cost me an extra $1.5 to move to 50/20 500G static ip

    • +1

      Please email support to change plans at the moment, we haven't built it into the portal yet.

      • Is there usually an auto-reply we've received your email style message? I sent a request through the contact us section but have had no reply or action so I'm not sure if the request was actually received.

        • +1

          there is, if you don't get an auto response then we didn't get your email, please use your email client and send directly to support [at] telecube [dot] com [dot] au

        • @telecube:
          I'm beginning to think your auto-reply bot is broken. I've now also sent a direct email to support as per your post and not had an auto-reply and yes I've checked my spam folder

        • @melmac77: Hmm .. message me with your details please and I'll have a look.

  • Wondering what the average turn around is for a callback? Been a day since I left my details and each time I tried to phone through I either had terrible timing or others have a lot to say…not feeling overly encouraged so far.

    • Apologies for the delay, we are seriously under the pump at the moment, if you have questions it would be best if you write them out in an email and we can respond with the answers.

      • I tried emailing though pretty disappointing not to have gotten a reply. I was interested in joining though if I can't get in contact then I have no confidence if I did and needed support or was looking to get up and running quickly as service is very important.

        • If you want to message me the ticket number I'll have it followed up for you, if you don't I understand and apologise for the inconvenience.

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