• expired

Telecube NBN: 100/40 - 500GB Peak / Unlimited Offpeak - $65/Mth ($49 Setup Fee)


We've reduced the pricing on a range of plans now from the 25/5 through to the 100/40 speed tiers.

There's no need for special coupon codes, the new prices are publicly available.

Please email info [at] telecube.com.au if you have any questions or support [at] telecube.com.au if you have any problems.

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closed Comments

  • Hey store rep (John), I'll sign up to your 100/40 - 1000GB $69.00 p/month if you halve the setup fee.

    Plus I'll click the green vote button. :-)

    • Make it 100/40 - 1000GB $74.00 p/month and you got a deal :-)

      100/40 - 1000GB $79.00 p/month and I'll waive the setup fee.

      • Counter offer:
        $79.00 100/40 - 1000GB p/month first 3 months. $237.00 paid up front.
        Then $69.00 100/40 - 1000GB p/month thereafter.

        Ready to click green button. :-)

        • +5

          Ok, you got me, nice haggling :-)

          $30 setup fee.

          Add a service before midnight tonight and I'll credit back $19 to your account, no need for 3 months up front payment.

          Private message me here after you added the service, let me know your customer id and I'll add the credit.

          This offer is open to anyone who sees this and adds the service before midnight tonight.

          You must be ready for us to process your order today, not available for forward orders.

        • @telecube:
          Does this apply just to the 100/40 1TB plan, or all plans on your website?

        • +2

          @mastablasta: Any plan you add today, we'll add a credit for $19 to your acct which will essentially bring the setup fee down to $30

          You will need to message me though to let me know.

        • @telecube:

          As you can see now, I've clicked the Green button.

          Thank-you. :-)

          Edit: Switch over complete.

        • @chupa chup: That was quick. Are you on FTTP?

        • @lostn:

          On FTTN.

        • @telecube: done!

        • @telecube: ready to sign up, will you also provide modem as well and at what price?

        • @Neoster: Sorry we don't provide a modem, you need to bring your own.

        • @telecube: made a mistake on my CC payment value. Tried to ring but it’s outside phone hours. Will you still honour deal? Also, what modem do u recommend and where do I get them? Just moved into my new place and have previously been with ADSL but no modem. Will someone come out to do the set up for me? I am clueless on setup.

        • @Neoster: Please email support and message me the ticket number, we are working all night.

          We aren't able to come out and setup the modem for you but will be able to walk you through it over the phone.

        • @telecube: ordered.. let’s hope the setup will be easy. Any recommendations for modem? Is it a router or a modem/router that I will need?

        • @Neoster: It depends on your tech type, FTTN, FTTB need a VDSL modem, anything else just a router.

          Here's a pretty good resource for researching a modem/router: https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=2618758

  • Ordered FTTN last Tuesday, appt was yesterday, install went fine, pretty meh sync speed (not the RSP's fault).

    Setup was pretty easy, just picked up a Netgear DM200 to replace my old adsl modem, ran the wizard a few times and it failed, waited for 30 mins, ran the wizard again and it worked perfectly, hooked straight up to my router.

    Speeds seem to be stable, downloaded a bit in off peak last night, gaming ping is still a little high, but i suspect that will get better once the Brisbane POP comes online.

  • Rep, can you check your contact page. I have left a message and still waiting for a response. I also called, but no return call as yet.

    • Done, apologies again for the delay and thanks for your patience.

  • I would sign up instantly if there was no sign-up fee. Now I'm looking at other options.

    • We will instantly make you feel welcome if you change your mind ;-)

      • Is the green button offer still going considering you never mentioned which (midnight) timezone it expires?

        Just thinking outside the box! ;-)

        7.29pm Honolulu

  • Got an email to say that NBN service has been provisioned on UNI-D-2.
    It's a PPPOE service and you provided your username and password when you ordered the service.

    Does this mean it is up and running?
    What do I have to do?

    Looks like my connection with my previous provider has been terminated.

    Emailed support last night but yet to receive any reply.

    Website states support line open Saturday 9am-1pm but when I try to call it’s just a voice message that says only open Mon-Friday.

    Can someone help me with instructions for configuration/setup?

    • Never mind - fixed.
      Happy with the speed

  • Hey Rep… Is the Tullamarine POI on your network?

    • It is yes.

      • Wangara?

        • Yep we've national coverage and can provide a service at any address that is NBN ready.

        • @telecube: is there a pop

        • @TarquinOliverNimrod: Yep in Perth

      • Just to clarify, on the Tullamarine POI, you've got your own equipment and are not providing nbn services through other carriers (optus).

        • We use Vocus to provide backhaul for us at the moment from all 121 POIs, we don't currently have our own equipment in any POIs until later this year.

        • Thank you.

  • What is the VOIP set up through the modem like for price for calls, using a Netcomm VDSL modem and caller id.

  • Hi rep, can you advise how long does it take to get the phone number porting part done?

    I am currently on a FTTP NBN bundle with TPG, so will need to give them 30 days notice to switch to TC. To minimise the overlap of service and hence cost, I am thinking of giving TPG notice first, then sign up with TC a few days/weeks(?) later. If the timing is right, I might have the TC services up and running just before the TPG services get switched off. If things don't go exactly as scheduled, I don't mind not having the internet connection for a few days, but am worried about losing my phone number. Hence the question to "time" the application. Or can I ask to port the phone number first?

    • From our point of view you can port the number first and the internet later, you should check with tpg and see if that causes any issues on your account though.

      The number port will take 5 - 10 business days normally.

      • Thanks very much for the very quick reply!

        I am however not sure what question I should post to TPG. If I go with a "standard" application (i.e. phone+internet), then when you finish I would have TC internet on data port 2 of my NBN box and my phone number as a VOIP service through TC. The TPG phone service on the phone port would by then be discontinued but their internet service on data port 1 would stay active until I cancel it. So TPG will always be "losing" my phone number to TC before they stop providing internet service to me, which from their perspective is the same even if the TC internet service is connected later? Or is my understanding of the process wrong?

        If I do want to do the "port the number first and internet later", how do I let you know in the application - is there a place for a note in the process, or do I have to use a different page/form? And how would I be charged for the period before the internet is connected?

  • Nope your understanding is right, however I don't know what tpg's business practices are and whether they require you to have the phone number or they cancel the internet. We can always just do both at the same time, schedule the number port and new internet service to happen on the same day.

    If you want to port the number first and the internet later there's an option in the Services > Add New section to port a local number.

    You should probably reach out to support with your specific questions at this point.

  • Hi rep, looking to connect 2 NBN services, can you waive the connection fees like you offered for simmomelb.

    And how long would it take to be connected? Both in FTTN area.
    1 is currently on ADSL, the other has no internet as I just moved in.

    Also, is it true that an ADSL modem can not be connected when VDSL is being activated? (I can't leave the modem unplugged for days waiting for connection, would I be notified in advance for the connection date?)

    • Connect 2 services and I'll waive the setup on one of them was the offer, happy to do that for you too. Message me after the services are added and I'll add a credit to your account.

      If an ADSL modem is connected when the cutover to FTTN happens when the modem attempts to sync with an ADSL signal it can lock the port. You'll get an appointment date and time once you order and on the day your ADSL service will drop at which time you then should disconnect the old modem.

      It will normally be 5 - 10 business days before the tech appointment date and the cutover to FTTN

  • Hi rep, I am planning on connecting to Telecube within the next week. I am searching for compatible modems. Would the TP-Link VR600 work fine with Telecube? I will be on FTTN.

    Appreciate if you can comment on this or suggest another compatible modem. Cheers.

  • +1

    Hey rep! Can you do the offer again for $30 setup fee? Happy to move to Telecube if you do that offer again :) thanks!

    • +1

      Yep, message me with your details

      • Hi Telecube Rep, if you can bring that $30 setup fee back one more time, I'll put an order through first thing tomorrow.

        • ok .. message me with your details please

  • Hi,

    My plan with Exetel rolls over on the 14th of March. How quickly can Telecube take over as my NBN provider? Note I am FTTP.

    • With FTTP we can provision a new service on the next available port within a few hours.

      • Oooh that is exciting!

        Will place an order tonight!

        • Oh what is your closest POI for Canberra?

        • @nedski: You'll connect to the Sydney POP

  • Hi Telecube, looking to switch over from Aussiebb on a hfc connection, is this not as simple of a process as fttp? I was hoping for something like a downtime of few hours not weeks.

  • Hope this sort of pricing is still going later on in the year, FTTN isn't due to be ready till August but from a quick walk around there's a new node about 300m away from my place and I know my line runs off the pillar right next to it. So will definitely be signing up for the 100/40 plan instead of going with the 25/5 from Aussie BB!

  • Moved across from aussie bb. Pretty disappointed with the speeds. I was 50 down with Aussie BB and got that consistently. All my speed tests tonight have been less thab 20 down… Thinking of moving back if its does not improve.

    • Hi RRRRRnz, I'm looking at doing the same switch. Have your speed tests improved at all?

      • +1

        Hey i have been out of town over the weekend. Going to check tonight and see

  • Not yet Brisbane POP?

    • +2

      Days away, we should be bringing it online Tuesday if all goes ok.

  • Hi Rep

    I'm currently on your 100/40 1tb plan can I move between plans as I please? Down speed and down data one month then change the next month? If so can this be done under my account?

    • yes, please email support and ask the question

      • Hi Rep.
        Rang your support last Thursday to sign up.
        Put me down as ASAP as internet due to be disconnected… checked my number three or four times..
        Still waiting on that call..
        Is that what is to be expected..

        • Can you send an email to support please and ask your questions?

  • Already on MyRepublic HFC connection. Will you be able to port the phone number?

    • Yep we can

  • Hey rep, can you please advise why there is a $49 set up fee for me to change from my current fixed wireless 50/20 250gb plan onto this XXL 50/20 500gb plan? Seems crazy to me

    • I expect the old plan you are on you didn't pay a setup fee and that plan isn't available now.

      • -1

        So what is the set up fee actually for? I assumed it was for new accounts - surely it can't be worth $49 to change my download limit and monthly charge?

        • It is part of the pricing, we often have plans on offer that have a higher monthly fee and no setup or a lower monthly fee with setup.

          You aren't required to change your plan but if you do want to change then the pricing of the plan you want to change to will apply.

  • Down in Brisbane again? It’s been 30 mins now.

  • Hi store rep,
    I haven't received the $19 credit to my account yet for signing up to telecube.

    Can you please get it checked out.

    • If it was added during Feb it will show up on your account balance once the bills run overnight tonight.

      • Hi,
        Credit arrived. :-)

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