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Telecube NBN: 100/40 - 500GB Peak / Unlimited Offpeak - $65/Mth ($49 Setup Fee)


We've reduced the pricing on a range of plans now from the 25/5 through to the 100/40 speed tiers.

There's no need for special coupon codes, the new prices are publicly available.

Please email info [at] telecube.com.au if you have any questions or support [at] telecube.com.au if you have any problems.

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closed Comments

    • +5

      that's the smallest monthly quota available, the others are 500GB and 1000GB

      • -2

        Buzz nbn is offering the same speeds with unlimited data during peak for $60.
        Sorry mate, this is not a good deal for 100GB peak per month, especially when peak times run for 17 hours a day

        • +23

          If all you value is data, then great, if you value connection speed, then it's a completely different story.

        • +1

          @scubacoles: unfortunately, with a family of 5, data is king in my household. At 100GB peak per month, my account would hit that in a week & be on 256k shaping for 20 days in the month.

        • +6

          @scubacoles: God forbid you download a steam game or two and then there goes your entire monthly allowance. Sure if your a elderly couple that just use it to get emails and a few photos from your grandchildren it should be fine but if you are in this century with the rest of us 100 gig would be gone in a few days.

          that said atleast their xxl plan (1000gb peak) is a some what decent price when comparing to their "large" 100gb offering.

        • +11

          @scubacoles: What is value? hrmmm.. No point having a really fast car if you only got $5 of petrol in the tank.. you aint gonna get very far my friend!

        • +2

          There are other data options available.. obviously at a higher price point. ie the $69 1Tb plan
          Speed is king, as highlighted by your concern over being shaped. Data limits just happen to have an impact on speed if you go over them. You can have your cake and eat it, you just have to pay a little extra.

          If you're borderline on 100Gb, and $60 is maxxing out your financial budget, it's just not that had to schedule up big downloads to run in offpeak. If you choose not to do that, you pay for it one way or another - either by paying more for a bigger plan or by putting up with congestion with a "cheaper" plan on a budget ISP.

          FYI- Our young family chugs our way through ~130Gb/month peak on the 500Gb plan, mostly iView, Youtube and Netflix in increasing order I'd guess.
          If anything I'm a tech nerd, hacking things together, run Linux on my home PCs but I frankly don't have time to consume more and even if Idid, I could probably easily sneak in under the 100Gb limit if I was bothered to try.

        • +1

          Absolutely.. Value is subjective.
          That's actually what I said.
          But if people didn't value speed, there'd be a whole lot less complaints about NBN!
          I think people value speed above all else, they just think they value data cause that's more easily measurable and marketed harder by the ISPs.
          So many people want Unlimited, when they likely use far less then 500Gb or 10000Gb/month

        • +2

          @scubacoles: I think ppl should value stability and performance more

        • +2

          @Kiato: God forbid you set your downloads to happen during offpeak time…

        • But whats Buzz stability like? hearing alot of negativity around Buzz which may not be worth the few bucks its cheaper than

        • +6

          @genes888: This plan might not suit your personal circumstances but that is no reason to rip on the deal itself. Not everyone is a family of 5 using a lot of data.

        • +1


          Last line of my post my man.

          Right now im sitting about half way through my billing month 800gig in downloads used so far this month which is about typical. I'm with telstra, they being unlimited now this is of no concern. Glad you mention congestion ratio because as far as being known telstra has the lowest ratio of them all my house is about 5.5 km from the exchange and gets withing 5% of their advertised 100/40 (other house is on hfc cable and sits at about 116/2.8 but that home is in a "work has started in your area" nbn zone for like the last 2 years.).

          Between Netflix, you tube, my device backups, server back ups and emailing "proofs" and concept works from work to myself or clients 100gig is nothing, hell even my mobile phone plan is 75Gb per month. While you can schedule your updates easy enough which is totally agreeable id rather be able to play games when i want too rather than having to wait till the next off peak period to get them, same goes for windows updates creative cloud etc etc, also most people don't like to leave their computers running 24/7 to do it.

          In terms of value for money an extra 30$ a month for unlimited data downloads, top tier speeds, some foxtel for the kiddies and my home phone is well worth it. Not to really mention but because i have all this is also get a 40$ a month discount (credit per month) on my mobile phone plan.

          Might even be more prudent to put the 1000gb peak/ unlimited off peak for $69 as the title as not many people would see 100gb as being anywhere near sufficient.

        • @Gavman:
          my use of the word speed is in the context of real world peak hour speed, or as you more accurately put it performance

        • @scubacoles: Who said the connection speed on Buzz Telco is bad?

        • +2

          Basic maths.. ISP's offering Unlimited Data at budget rates are skimping on something. CVC is some of the most expensive transit on the planet, so it's most likely to be the top of the CFO's list of things to cut.

        • @scubacoles: so nobody actually said they were getting bad speeds with Buzz Telco?

        • +2

          Just remember if you have unlimited so does everyone else.

        • +2

          Feel free to head over to Whingepool and find out.
          I'm pretty confident. If not, then they're not going to last very long cause they'll be bleeding cash.

        • @scubacoles: there are a few complaints for Buzz Telco, but also many for Telecube. Personally I'm staying with TPG.

        • +1

          It's not disparagingly called Whingepool for no reason….
          You'll also find plenty of complaints about TPG.
          The difference is whether and how timely the complaints are managed. Telecube have issues but they also deal with them promptly and openly. That's really all you can ask, especially in a high growth environment like NBN has been an will continue to be for the next 5 years.

        • -1

          Ya'll are plebs. Get on my level. I use 1.2TB~ a month. :D

        • @Savas: Who said it is good?

        • +1

          @Savas: lol. That has 13 negative votes. Was that the source? I am with them and they are not great in speed.

        • @Gaggy: what speeds do you get and what technology?

        • +2


          paid $19 for unlimited nbn 12/1

          no dropouts, 8pm still running 11mbps

          $19 is what nbn should be for 12mbps package

        • +1

          Mostly on Pornhub.

        • +2



        • @phunkydude:
          12mbps should also be what you get on the NBN 12mbps package! No matter the ISP.
          If you're getting less than 12mbps, then the customers paying for 100/40 are only going to get the same speed as you. The CVC throttling affects everyone with no regard for the speed they're paying for. One of the many reasons it's a terrible idea.
          The customers actually paying for the profitability of the network are the customers getting the most screwed!

        • +1

          @Savas: peak hours are painful with ping dropping from 3 ms to over 100 and is not stable. Online gaming is sometimes not playable. Never had problems with TPG ( 25/5 speed) Speeds varies from 90 Mbps to 40 Mbps. Its the ping which kills me the most. As I dont play online that much now, I am not thinking to change, but I will do that soon.

        • +1


          i think lousy wifi robs the 1mbps

        • +1

          Who in their right mind would go with Buzz??? I wouldn't go with them even if they paid me money.


          Read the forums.

        • Do you have a referral code?

        • @scubacoles:
          iirc congestion is on a regional basis. if you are the only buzz customer in a region, maybe you won't get congestion. in that case, the customer is paying less and getting unlimited. unlimited ISPs aren't always a bad option

        • @a Tangerine:
          Correct CVC is bought per POI.
          But to assume that if you're the only customer on a POI means you'll get good service is fooling yourself.
          Your $60/month buys only a maximum of 4mbps CVC at $15/mbps. SO if you were connected to even just a 25/5 plan, you'd only actually see 4mbps. You need other subscribers to pool CVC together and hope that you don't use it all at the same time.

      • +12

        wait .. what? ;-)

      • Shock and horror.

      • +1

        100gb is around 3 nights of netflix lol

      • +2

        But Australia is the home of the pirates. They said it on the news!

        • nah mate, they normally start with China, Russia, Middle East, Europe then Australia..

        • +4


          Don't forget the Americas, dam pirates are always after my sugar cane, tobacco and spices.

        • @Kiato: the Caribbeans…

  • +9

    $60 for 50/20, 500GB + unlimited offpeak = the sweet spot.

    I basically have this now and no regrets. telecube have been great

    • +2

      I disagree, you pay an extra $9 a month and you get double the data and probably 25% more speed assuming not everyone can get 100/40mpbs on FTTN

      • +5

        diminishing returns. i dont think many people use above 500gb during peak. netflix is quota free on telecube too. and i also dont think people see/care or can even obtain 100mbit speeds. I think for most homes/people the sweet spot is 50mbit and about 500gig.

        • +1

          Only Quota free on certain plans (like mine and yours) unless things have changed recently

        • +5

          Netflix is most certainly not quota free on TC (unless you're on an old contract).

        • @Viper8:

          Got a feeling that xEnt and I are on the same old contact from the start of 2017, $54/month 50/20, 500Gb Peak (maximum 50Gb peak/day, 5Gb/hour in peak), Unlimited Off-Peak, quota free Netflix.

          Edit: I'd actually forgotten about Netflix being quota free… I wonder what our actual usage might be? I'm spouting off about using only 130Gb/month, but that's using the Telecube Portal numbers. Haven't checked my router logs in forever cause it's just not an issue on the radar!

      • But your paying an extra $9 a month. What do you use the extra 500GB for?

        • +1


        • +4

          4K porn, bro.

      • Just rub it in some more….
        Max line rate 34/10 here. Thanks Tony and Malcolm.

        • Damn, I'm jealous. My max line speed is 19/5… and that's with NBN.

        • @G3ck0: My folks are on 17/2.. and both Internode and Aussie have said nothing can be done till coexistence ends as it's above 12/1. Epic.

          Only advantage of them being on the NBN now is that they're no longer paying the 'Telstra tax' for being on a country exchange.

        • @G3ck0:
          Have you looked into replacing your internal phone line?
          I saw a 30% improvement after replacing mine.
          Line length around 800m.

        • @scubacoles: I haven't… does it cost much?

        • @G3ck0:
          $200ish obviously depends on your house and how easy it will be to do.
          And only really worth doing if your house (and therefore phone line) is old, or if you have extension lines.
          VDSL doesn't like corrosion or extension lines.
          Ideally you'd have a single continuous line from Node to Modem.

        • How do you know your maximum?
          Does it mean it does not matter the provider even if you choose 100/40 or 50/25, ur speed would be 34/10?

        • @Edsanwong:
          Your Modem will tell you your maximum attainable line rate no matter what plan you're on.
          It will only sync at the plan speed or the maximum attainable (whichever is lowest).
          I'm on a 50/20 plan, but my Maximum Line Rate is 34/10 and that varies from day to day.
          On bad days it will dip down to 31/9.

        • @scubacoles:
          Ok, when its going to be changed to above 50 or 60 or 70? Until the Govt change your copper line or until they build closer FTTN box to your house?

        • @Edsanwong:
          Yeah, in my case the copper is crap.. I should be getting around 50/20 at my distance and actually was getting it for a few months.. then something changed, my line went to crap and NBN don't care.
          (and I'm not on a stability profile although my sync drops at least every week and occasionally multiple times a day and my internal line is already upgraded)

          The only resolution is for the copper to continue to get worse (quite likely) to the point that NBN are forced to do do something, at which point I'd probably be offered Satellite as I'm not metro and unlikely to be in range of a NBN Fixed Wireless area.
          Or for me to pay for a Technology Choice change in the range of $15,000 to have fibre rolled out from the nearest NBN Fibre Distribution Point to my home. (Note that there is no such thing as a fibre upgrade from your node due to the way the nodes have been connected in the cheapest possible way)
          Or for me to switch to a non-NBN provider, most likely a 4G or 5G connection.

    • +2

      Pay $5 more and you get double the speed.

  • Amy reviews for fixed wireless?

    • +18

      Haven't seen Amy review the wireless plan yet, still waiting for her feedback.

    • +5

      We've plenty of Fixed Wireless customers, perhaps head across to the Whirlpool forum and ask in our thread there.


    • +3

      I have telecube for fixed wireless on 50/20 and the MAX I have ever gotten is around 35MBps. I do not believe this is telecube's fault as I had the same problem with my previous ISP. MY neighbours ( not with telecube) have the same issues. Some nights it slows down to the point where even streaming youtube is impossible. From what I've been able to figure out, I 'beleive' that NBNco has overprovisioned the tower and when the kiddies get home from school it slows down, then when everyone else gets home from work it gets even slower. Is worse on weekends and public holidays.

      TL:DR, if your neighbourhood is currently getting good speeds from your local tower then you should be right to go. If not, then expect no change. My tower was 'supposed' top be upgrade in the 2nd half of last year but I haven't noticed any improvement.

      • Thank you

    • +1

      I have fixed wireless and I've recently established a TC account. I've been doing some side by side comparisons with my current provider skymesh. I am generally around 37Mbps - 44Mbps with Telecube. There is some variation between the two services depending on the server location.

      Initially I was getting appalling speeds with TC. However, after an email and some problem solving they provisioned another port for me on my NBN service and the alternative port has been a ripper. I must say the technical support has been second to none and they have been consistently following up with me to check how my service is traveling.

      As such I can say I would very much recommend Telecube on fixed wireless. That being said I would also recommend Skymesh. However, TC price point at the moment is so competitive its hard to go past when you combine them with their customer service focus.

      I must say the only area they are let down is by lacking a fixed IP as standard (yes I know why and I get that most people will never need it) but for me its the one negative.

      • That's very interesting, thank you so much.

  • How long does it usually take to get provisioned from ADSL2+ to FTTN?

    • Roughly 2 weeks assuming no issues.
      The actual transposition should involve no more than 60 minutes downtime, however, you need to be careful not to have your ADSL modem still on line when the transposition occurs (unless it is also NBN FttN compatible and correctly configured to attempt to sync VDSL first).
      If you leave your ADSL modem connected, your port will be locked by NBN and might require 24 hours to be unlocked.

    • I was provisioned in 8 days - signed up on the evening of 31st Jan and provisioned on 8th February. But YMMV.

      • Actually it was provisioned on the 7th!

  • +3

    Any chance of doing a deal on Static IP or waving sign up fee?

    • +1

      Sorry, no plans for either of those things at the moment.

  • +2

    I think the 100/40 500gb plan at $65 is really great value, How are the speeds during peak tho ?

    • Im on 25/5 from few weeks. A simple speedtest check gives 24/4pointsomething during peak hours.
      Has been consistent.

    • +2

      Haven't dropped below 92/35 over the 2 weeks I've been with them.

      • Shh don’t let the secret out. Our speeds might go down ;)

    • Congestion is dealt with swiftly, usually within 24 hours.

    • Yeah, we're 100/40 (though on a $69 plan) FTTP. Been as fast as every other provider we've used, zero issues.

  • +10

    Been with Telecube for a few weeks now (coming from Aussie Broadband), and so far, Telecube speeds and pings are on par with Aussie (including during peak times).

    • +2

      Which State are you in?
      Telecube currently only have POIs in Melb and Syd

      • +1

        Telecube is a solid option for eastern states such as NSW. WA suffers quite a bit of recent as per network status updates but they are working on improvements.

      • WA

      • POP's*
        Also you forgot Perth.

        • +2

          So they do have POP in Perth or not?

        • @nurries:

          They do. I'm on it. ~10ms to Perth servers on my FTTN connection.

        • @Viper8:

          Thanks. All I really care about is my ping on CSGO and peak hour speeds haha

        • @nurries:

          Most Aussie gaming servers are located in Sydney anyway. And they get the same 55-60ms as everyone else from Perth.
          If you join and don't like them they refund the sign-up fee if you cancel within 21-days.

        • +1


          55 to 60ms is better than my current 80 to 100 haha. I've decided I'll most likely go with ABB.

    • Lucky you i just cancelled my skymesh service which pings went over 100ms on peak and my speed more than halved and was paying $90 bucks a complete rip off

    • +2

      And Brisbane is coming soon.

      • +2

        when? I am sunny coast and switch from aussieBB doesn't make sense until you invade more locally.

        • +4

          Next couple of weeks. Without the POP you will be routed via Melbourne so will have slightly higher pings and slightly slower international speeds.

          I had an update this evening, we have to wait for Vocus to complete a fibre build to B2 which has an ETA of 15 to 20 days.

          Posted on 8th Feb link

        • @sween64:

          awaiting confirmation that work is completed.

    • How many days without interent when you change from ABB to Telecube?

      • It was about 12 hours - signed up with Telecube FTTN at about 7pm in the evening, and it was up and running the next morning.

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