This was posted 7 years 1 month 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[FREE] AFL, AFLW, NRL and Netball Live Passes 2018 for Telstra Mobile Customers


The 2018 season passes for AFL, AFLW, NRL and Netball are now active for Telstra Mobile customers.

  1. Go to

  2. Install the corresponding apps

  3. Turn off wifi so you're on mobile data

  4. Open the app

  5. Click the green link (be on mobile data) and it will activate for 2018.

If you're having trouble
If it doesn't work, you can also login to the app with your existing credentials, then go into my account, then subscriptions and redeem another year.

Things you need to know
AFL/AFLW/NRL/Netball 2018: All Telstra post-paid and pre-paid ($30+ active recharges) mobile customers are eligible. Only Suncorp Super Netball, Australian based test matches and Fast 5 World Series live. Data-free on the Telstra Mobile Network. Only available on compatible iOS and Android devices. For use in Australia.

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closed Comments

  • Watch 2018 Every match of the 2017 NRL Telstra Premiership regular season live, fast and data-free.

    A time travelling app.

    • Pretty shit copy and paste job.

      • +1

        Actually he copied and pasted exactly….
        Maybe he did a shit job of copy, edit and paste'

        • +1

          Somehow, I think the sarge was saying Telstra did a pretty shitty copy paste job, considering they copy pasted the thing verbatim from what they had last year.

        • @TheDukeOfNukem: Yes Telstra not alvian. As Maxchange said, yes they did a great job copying/pasting but neglected to edit the text.

    • … nvm

  • Worked as described.

  • :)

  • +2

    What is the cheapest way to obtain a telstra account?

    • +11

      Get a prepaid SIM and as long as you have $30 credit or more you are eligible.

      • Sorry, I know I could probably Google, but you seem pretty knowledgeable, but do you know if you can get long life $30 credit (like Aldi's)? Or does it expire every 30 days or something?

        EDIT: Found that you can activate a sim so that the credit is long life. Also get all the other Telstra perks. Gonna go down this track.

  • +1

    Does anyone know if a a prepaid Telstra sim work for activation, then stream via wifi?

    • +3

      Yes as long as you have $30 credit or more. You can create a Telstra/AFL login and it will link the subscription and account together then use wifi to stream.

      • Are you sure? Last year I couldn't stream through wifi although logged in, it would only work via the Telstra 4G connection.

        • Worked for me on wifi last year.

        • @sween64: I couldn't get it either. Had to start on mobile data, then switch to WiFi mid stream.

        • +1

          it worked on my TV last year (Kodi plugins) on OptusNet & on my wifi tablet.

          STrange that it didn't work.

        • @supabrudda: what Kodi plugin allowed you to stream AFL?

        • @solar eclipse:
          Its on the aussieaddons rep.
          But you need a Telstra livestream pass for it to work. .

  • +1

    Do you have to watch via the app, or can you stream via PC?


    • +2

      For the NRL app at least it is Android/iOS only. And only on a tablet/phone, can't even stream to a Chromecast.

      • Stream the screen first then open the app. That works for me with Chromecast

        • +1

          You can get a plug in for kodi. And then watch on your Android box. Quality is just passable.

    • +3

      Only on iOS and Android. Can't stream it from PC.

    • Last year there was a Kodi app which allowed you to add your Telstra credentials and stream the video on your PC or TV with a MiBox or similar AndroidTV device.

      I don't recall what it was called, perhaps just NRL Live or something, and I don't know where to find or install it, but it's out there… good luck!

      • +1

        NRL changes digital content providers. This happened mid-season with the change of financial year, not the end of the season. Previously, NRL's digital partner was Livestream which could be played on Kodi after being downloaded from a repo.

        I get every NRL game in HD with the ability to chromecast. This is not through Channel Nein, Fox or a pirate stream. If you google it, you will find it…

        • +1

          Thanks for the info!

          However this was running using the streaming servers to the app discussed in this thread, not using the livestream stream. You had to provide your telstra login credentials in the app for it to access the stream.

        • @mightyboy: oh yeah I tried that. I think I got the info from GitHub. I didn't keep using it though since my existing setup was superior and still used the official stream.

        • +1

          RugbyPass is the app. so long as it thinks you're OS in an area where they provide coverage, you can watch it via there.

        • @supabrudda: SSSSHHHH. hehe. I use it with Getflix.

    • +1


    • Remember the playback is limited to a 7 inch screen size. It won't play any bigger than that.

  • Is there a way for non-sport loving Telstra customers to share this with sport loving non-Telstra customers?

    • I would love for you to share it with me, please. I think you can activate it (I'd love the AFL app) and you can just share the code with me. Please?

      • Don’t worry, I bought a $2 sim and recharged $30 and now have AFL app. I also have a new mobile number and $30 credit to use. I was with Vodafone. Maybe it’s time for a change?

    • I got same using parents login or will app recognize that the sim you're using is not telstra.

      • +1

        You can create an account on their phone using their Sim. Once it verifies you have a valid subscription it will link them together then you can login on another device using wifi or another carrier and watch it however only Telstra customers will get to watch it data free. I think from memory you need to link your Telstra account. If that's the case then I wouldn't share with a 3rd party because all your personal details will be tied to your Telstra account. Obviously parents would be okay to share with.

    • give them your login and password for the telstra account

    • Yep currently using another family member's telstra account. They just need to share their telstra login account details with you. Then login with their details in the AFL app.

    • +7

      You can hotspot/tether your phone to another, then activate live pass for Telstra on the non-telstra phone - it seems to trick the app

      • So say Person 1 is with Telstra, and 2 has Optus, if P2 hotspots on Telstra and they go to make a login does that prevent P1 making one?

      • Won't the app ask you to turn off your wifi since you hotspot via wifi with most phones to another?

  • -7

    Are AFL and netball two different sports?

    • +5

      Ya, one wears shorts, the other wears skirts

  • +1

    Thanks Sergeant!

    Note that they only stream on devices up to 7" in size (according to their terms, I haven't tested this)

  • Did this last year, it was good but being limited to a small screen sucked. No longer with Telstra, what would be the best/cheapest way to watch AFL this year on a tv? I'm guessing my only option is Foxtel?

    • +1

      Using the watchafl website for overseas viewers, and a service like unblockUS or getflix to make it appear as though you're overseas.

      • +1
      • Definitely, got it cheaper through a club international membership too.
        I was with Geelong last year, saved like $20 and also cane with a team store voucher.

    • Do you have an iPad/iPad mini/tablet? They are bigger than a phone, that’s what I use. It’s ok. Def not a TV by any means, but better than a phone size!

  • +1

    Anyone have a workaround for not being able to stream to a TV from a phone/tablet? Any IOS/Android phone emulators for TV/PC that could work?

    • +1

      Stream the screen first then open the app

      • Have you actually tried this? I thought I did but it didn't work.

        • Yep streamed the whole year that way on my Moto g5 to TV

    • If you're jail broken on iOS it's possible to Air Play it. PM me.

      • How does this work?

        • +1

          PM me.

    • Not sure if this works with only samsung phone but it should work for all android phones. I use samsung sidesync app on my phone and windows desktop to screen mirror it to my PC. Then you can hdmi your pc to your tv. The only thing is that cause the resolution is for the phone, enlarging it on a big tv results in watchable quality by nothing amazing. Watching it on my PC monitor is good enough.

  • +3

    For the xiaomi phone users. Might work for others. If you stream the game. Then swipe down your notification menu. Enter the cast option. Allows you to cast immediately to chromecast. Make sure you have the stream playing first =)

    For kodi. Visit

  • +4

    Available in stunning SD quality.

    • No different than Channel 7 then.

  • +2

    Anyway boost users can get onto this?

    • +1 this, will this work with boost??

      • I've got boost and it worked for me, however I suspect this is because I had free AFL live subscription last year with Telstra on the same number.
        Just download the app, turn off wifi and go through the process of signing up, it might work

    • +2

      just tried with Boost. Worked first attempt..!!

      • +2

        mine came up and said not available for home broadband customers. weird.

        • oaks, mine says the exact same thing. not sure why it works for some :(

  • Thanks OP

  • +6

    Don't forget, if you had NRL Live Pass last year, you may have gotten a free 2018 NRL Live Pass full season voucher that you can redeem on the NRL Official App. Check your email I got one last year after they made changes to their streaming.

    Also, just wait around for this if you aren't with Telstra, but want the app free for a year:



    • +1

      I never read that email properly! You just saved me a hundred bucks dude!

      • Happy days!

  • -1


    • +1

      Only Telstra, no MVNOs

      • However some people are saying boost works.

        • Boost is different. It's not really an MVNO. Plus Boost gets data free music streaming - Apple Music.

  • +1

    Product is shit, price is good.

  • -8

    Damn shame there's no decent sports covered.

  • +1

    Needs to note that this for this feature only consumer mobile plans are unmetered . Telstra business customers are metered.

  • If I port my number to Telstra prepaid and and get $30/month credit to activate this.. can I port away after a month to another carrier and still be able to access content?

    • +1

      Maybe. When I logged in to my Telstra Account to activate my AFL Live Pass it asked which number I wanted it to be associated with it. Probably better off activating a discounted Starter Kit on Long Life.

      Only $15 @ Coles this week.

    • Wait for this trick and you might get it for free

      • Hopefully they offer this again. I did this last time

        • Yeah, it was a bit of fun. Did you get the email with the voucher for 2018 season? I just activated mine. No old games up yet though.

        • @ilikeit: nope. How do you get that?

  • Live passes are for phones only, if you like watching AFL etc on your phone, recommend for people already on the telstra plan only.

    • Um…I login to the AFL app on my iPad and watch it there, have for years now. I use my home internet, of course, but that’s fine. Much bigger screen.

      • actually good point

  • +1

    Doubt it will work for third party Telstra network users like with Aldi but might give it a go anyway. Thanks for letting us know.

  • how many con current streams can you have on the one pass

  • Anyone using Boost get this working? No go for me.

    • Didnt work for me

  • -4

    I love how they're forced to include the stellar AFLW in there with the others.

  • +1

    +1 for ALFW

    • Do you actually watch AFLW games through, or do you just like the virtue signalling??

  • All the sporting codes I don't care about…good job Telstra :(

  • Does AFL Live app work with Chromecast?

    • +1

      If you cast your screen before you open the app then it will work.

  • +1

    AFL app still wont run on my phone as it says its rooted. But it isn't rooted. Even confirmed with root checker.

    Any ideas? or is the AFL app just rooted?

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