Get 6 free titles, including: Robo Recall, Luckyʼs Tale, Quill, Medium, Dead and Buried, and Toybox
Includes Rift headset, Touch controllers and Sensors (x2)
Get 6 free titles, including: Robo Recall, Luckyʼs Tale, Quill, Medium, Dead and Buried, and Toybox
Includes Rift headset, Touch controllers and Sensors (x2)
Ditto, PSVR was $200 less with Skyrim last month and Sony have and will release a ton more games coming for it. Happy to play it and wait for next gen PCVR.
Didn't Oculus come out recently saying they have no plans to release an updated version for 2018? Might not be a bad time to jump in. Although, i can only see this headset getting cheaper.
Massive difference between psvr and oculus rift. There's a reason for the price difference.
Is it worth buying this or is there a new VR headset around the corner?
Pimax will be arriving for backers next month.
I would wait and hear about that headset if you want a premium headset.
If /when the Pimax comes out it will not be a big leap forward, it is up-scaling a small increase in pixels to get 4k and then stretching those pixels over a 200 degree FOV meaning the resolution you see will be similar to a Rift other than infill pixels which helps with SDE.
There is a very limited (sold Out) edition that does reel 4k but it will take a monster computer to play games on it.
meaning the resolution you see will be similar to a Rift other than infill pixels which helps with SDE.
Almost getting rid of the SDE makes it fundamentally and significantly better than Rift.
And pixels will not be stretched, I mean derr …
Stretched as in covering more area (200 vs 110 FOV) so the Pixel density per degree will be reduced.
If they kept a 110 FOV the increased pixels would have made images a lot sharper and most likely removed SDE.
There is a video around of ED through the lens of a Pimax 8K and it has very low SDE, soft image quality and the user was still leaning in to read text, I would take a higher resolution with a sharper image and put up with SDE if that was an option.
There is so much wrong in your comment, why don't you do research first?
Its true 4k + 4k per eye screen.
It takes 2k + 2k per eye input, and upscales to 4k + 4k.
The reason why this isn't an issue is because the 4k screens are to get rid of SDE, not to make your games look better.
Also SteamVR supports dynamic resolution, resolution is in no way a barrier to performance of the Pimax.
There is no reason to buy the 4k + 4k input version from Pimax, you will unlikely see any visual gain
Next time, do research.
That is the stupidest comment I've seen today.
Its not stretched at all.
The visible pixel density is way way way higher then any other headset so you are clearly wrong.
The visible density is upscaled from a lower input so pixel density with little or no extra data ie. similar to a 4k tv with 1080p data, what Vr requires IMO is a greater pixel density of actual data, below is some figures for you to play with, from a previous post.
"The Pimax 8K is not as great a resolution jump as first glance indicates, its input resolution is 2560x1440 per eye stretched over a 200 FOV so the actual 4k is interpolated (upscaled) from that figure so SDE will look better but detail will tend to look softer and the through lens video of ED seems to confirm that as well.
As below the 8k will actually have equal or less REAL PPD (same as 5k) than the WMR sets, given the choice the Pimax 5k with a 110 fov would be my pick as you would get a higher PPD at a usable pixel count and increased PPD well above anything current.
The 8K X is a different story but a PC to drive it will be expensive.
"Pimax 8k will offer 3840 horizontal pixels stretched over a 200 degree FOV i.e. almost 20 pixels per degree.
Pimax 5k offers 2560 x 1440 over 200 degrees FOV so around 12 pixels per degree
The Oculus Rift currently offers 1200x1080 over 110 degrees FOV so just over 10 pixels per degree
The Samsung Odyssey offers 1600x1440 over 110 degrees FOV so 15 pixels per degree
The Dell Visor offers 1440x1440 over 110 degrees FOV so 12-13 pixels per degree"
Stolen from here…
@samfisher5986: "Next time, do research."
I have dozens of hours investigating it, maybe you should remove the rose coloured glasses and look at the actual data about PPD and interpolation.
I would be glad to be proven wrong but it is unlikely.
That is completely wrong.
The #1 issue right now is lack of pixels.
Running the vive resolution content on the Pimax will look amazing because you won't see pixels anymore. This is what people who use the headset report, you can't disagree with that.
Do you even have a VR headset? You don't seem to understand basic concepts of it.
And the pimax 5k with 110 fov being the best choice? Are you insane? The #2 issue with headsets is FOV.
Clearly you have no idea what people actually want in their headset.
I suggest you go and try a headset and learn about what are the most important aspects that need to be improved.
I have a DK1 an Oculus Rift and have tried an Acer WMR set, yourself?
I agree lack of pixels is the no.1 issue ATM, but unless they are 1:1 with input data they from my point of view are just softening the image which does help cover up the SDE.
FOV does not worry me greatly, if you could get 4k in 110 FOV I would be in heaven, multiple in view monitors, shooting at clearly visible target at long range, using iron sights that would be close to real life. Unfortunately a wider FOV will delay this greatly as the computing power to get 1:1 pixel density of a similar level with a 200 FOV is not available to the consumer ATM.
Don't assume what you desire matches everyone elses.
The pimax was barely working for linus when he tried it. I really wonder what they will receive.
He had an old prototype, and pimax have released a fully functional headset in the past.
Its a kickstarter, the device isn't finished yet, he used an old prototype.
How can they send him the finished copy of something that doesn't exist?
@samfisher5986: So why wasn't he provided the current prototype if they have one.
People put waaay to much faith in kickstarter projects still.
Because it wasn't available yet? He had the V2 prototype which is old.
Pretty simple concept.
There's always going to be something new around the corner. At the moment nothing massive announced but you'd be silly not to expect something new as its been almost 1.5 years since release of first gen VR headsets.
Having said that I can't expect something new will come out at a price as competitive as this. If you don't already have a first gen VR headset this is a great choice.
As I already said, Pimax is the massive thing and it's coming next month to backers.
And the public when? And the price for the public for a full working kit? you clearly have an interest in this venture, and I hope it works out (competition is good as it pushes tech forward and prices down) but it's currently unavailable and unproven and not a bargain - this is.
@Elijha: Also the Pimax full basic kit is over $700 USD and it's controllers and base stations are still being designed.
The Rift is the best headset on the market right now , Oculus does have a Cordless Headset coming early next year , but it's has much lower spec's.
The rift is currently the best HMD on the market right now.
@Twodogs: Come on man. Oculus and Vive are toe to toe.
It's not the best headset on the market at all.
And Vive does room scale out of the box, and better than Oculus does it.
I never said this wasn't a bargain, I simply said that if you wanted a premium headset, the pimax is right around the corner.
And when will be be available for the public? Right after backers receive theirs, so probably February.
Assuming the Pimax releases on time, take in mind that you're looking at around double the price of the Rift, and you'll need a better GPU than the Rift requires too. Given the price of the Rift, it may be worthwhile buying it now, and then selling it later once/if you want to upgrade to Gen 2.
Ignoring the increase in FOV, the GPU required is the same because of SteamVR dynamic resolution.
The increase in FOV does mean more GPU power needed if you want to run it at the same resolution as the Vive/Rift.
There's always something around the corner. A bunch of Windows mixed reality headsets are releasing soon. Mixed reality is what MS calls VR btw. It's not AR.
Vive, Rift and PSVR are going to get new iterative revisions also.
If you're looking for a final headset that you'll never have to replace, I don't think there will ever be one.
Oculus has said Rift isn't getting a new version in 2018.
And HTC is on the ropes, I doubt Vive is going to push anything new anytime soon either.
People won't jump for an iterative update.
All the big players are going to hold until it's a major release.
iPad to iPad air style.
Not iPhone 6 to 7 style :)
Rift Core 2.0 is pretty good. They made it so you can use use desktop fairly effectively in VR.
Wow, excellent price!
I just got a mixed reality VR headset free with my laptop. I gotta say I am thoroughly surprised and impressed! 'proper' VR is so much better than those phone app ones.
How does something like this compare to the mixed reality headsets?
The mixed reality headsets have higher res, better picture quality - depends which one you received. The tracking isn't as good.
It depends which MR headset you have.
Despite the MR headsets having a higher resolution, I found the image quality in all of them (except the Samsung, which I haven't tried) to be slightly worse than the Rift/Vive, namely because of they use LCDs with a strobing backlight, which struggles to compete with the low-persistence OLEDs in the Rift/Vive. The MR displays are significantly dimmer and have more motion blur. That being said, if you already have an MR headset, I there's no point going out and buying the Rift.
Do you have controllers for your MR headset? If not, that would be the FIRST thing I'd buy. Seriously, no matter what VR platform you're on, having hands takes the experience from good to mindblowingingly amazing.
The main thing is the game support. From memory I think there's about 10% of VR games support mixed reality.
The Microsoft Mixed Reality headsets now support SteamVR, so most VR games on Steam work fine.
I tried the steam games but everything kept flickering between left and right eye and wasn't synced properly. I have a lenovo 920 8th gen with uhd 620 but I think it's not powerful enough maybe for any steam games
@Jatacid: yeah, integrated graphics aren't going to cut it. You'll want a 1050ti at least for any serious VR gaming.
@akaakmdm: Thought so. I'm thinking of buying an external graphics card. They look really interesting as a way to have the desktop experience without the desktop
I just picked up the DELL MVR. Haven’t set it up yet.
What are the titles like?
Dont buy it, its very old tech at this point, new headsets have arrived in US (the mixed reality headsets) and new occulus and rift will be here next year and will make these look like blurry, screen door effect rubbish.
Despite the resolution upgrade on paper, in practice, the news Mixed Reality headsets are more of a sidegrade than an upgrade to the Rift (though, the Samsung Oddessy, which I haven't tried, might be better than the others). The real benefit of the mixed reality headsets is not having to put sensors around your room, but this makes the tracking slightly inferior.
The Oculus device launching next year is a mobile VR device, not a new Rift.
Pimax and other headset manufacturers will release better headsets next year. They'll likely retail at around double the Rift's price and the Rift price isn't really expected to sink that much lower than it is now, so from a value standpoint, it's still worth getting a Rift now and selling it later to upgrade.
Double the price would be worth it, considering the longevity. The first gen will seem very dated then.
The Vive and the Rift are proven technology and currently " even compared to the newer Mixed reality " are stll better .The old this is coming and that is coming is pure conjecture that it may be better.
The one thing i can say is high end Vr is incredible , every one i have demo'd it to have been in awe of how good it is , The best way to buy anything is to read review's by well know tech site's , so do some research and you cant go wrong.
I have a rift so i'm probably biased , just read reviews from highly respected tech site's and you will buy one.
P.S I have run my rift with a i5-2500k and a Gtx 970 with no problems .
Actually I'm not sure you are correct.
I purchased a Vive on release.
I purchased just the Pimax headset without the controllers/base stations, and it will work perfectly.
With the Rift, there is no compatibility with other headsets, you have to buy the entire package.
Most companies so far have indicated they will be compatible with the Vive basestations.
It just depends on the patience. As others mentioned, mixed reality is a different experience. Most games don't work with mixed reality. The new Oculus unit is basically Gear VR without the phone. Not Oculus Rift level. The Pimax could be better but it just depends if people want to wait and want to spend more.
The WMR sets are $799 the Rift is $550 in this deal plus the Rift comes with from memory around $200 of software, plus they have a stack of free apps in there store.
I scored mine from Oculus on the Black friday deal for $523 aud delivered :)
There is no new Oculus Rift or equivalent coming out next year, they have stated this multiple times including a week ago.
The WMR have a higher pixel count and a slightly smaller FOV, the image is more washed out than the Rift, controllers are a not even close to the ones with Rift, most well known reviewers recommend the Rift over the WMR units.
The WMR sets are $799 the Rift is $550
The WMR range was $199 - $249 USD just a few days ago other than the Samsung with which was still cheaper at $449.
With no warranty as MS don't support international warranty and neither do the manufacturers I contacted.
How is $587 aud plus shipping cheaper than $550 aud delivered?
On another forum a post stated $80 usd for foward shipping from USA so even if you bought the cheapest when on sale you are approaching $400 AUD with zero warranty.
The bigger question is why MS is ripping off Oz with $799 and zero sales! versus there USA pricing.
Hows warranty compared to getting it direct?
Amazon US will only officially let you return things in the first 30 days, after that you technically don't have any warranty. Buying from Oculus direct covers it for a year IIRC.
Actually i bought mine from Amazon U.S and i asked them if i'm covered and they said i am , they said if i had any problem just send it to them and they would then deal with Oculus , thats why i bought mine through Amazon and NOT from Oculus.
How does this compare to PS4 VR?
Oculus absolutely kills the PSVR!
PSVR is easier to deal with. The headset with PSVR is just easier to put on and adjust due to the mechanics of the headset. With Oculus you have to adjust the straps and it's more complicated to put on and take off especially if you're wearing glasses. It's not difficult but you have to remember to put it on like a gas mask. The PSVR also has less of a screen door effect. Other than that the Oculus is much better.
Oculus has better graphics, the tracking is much better. PSVR uses a single camera. With Oculus you have two sensors which is already much better and you can add more. The PSVR can only use one camera so you can't turn around.
Oculus has a much larger library. The only games I can think of on PSVR that are worth playing that aren't on the Oculus is Farpoint, Until Dawn Rush of Blood, Skyrim VR, and Resident Evil 7. The last two will be coming to PC soon with Resident Evil 7 adding PC VR support early next year.
In terms of the overall experience, Oculus > PSVR because of the potato tracking of the PSVR move controllers and the fact that PCs are generally more powerful than the PS4 so you can push higher resolutions or super sample the image to the headset.
That said, the PSVR headset itself is very solid. The PSVR is easier to adjust for multiple people (much better for families) whereas the Rift requires you to adjust things using velcro so if you're sharing, it's quite fiddly. Furthermore, the PSVR headset doesn't have God Ray glare artifacts which the Rift is susceptible to in high contrast scenes.
Do you need 3rd sensor for room scale?
I am using 2 in my room about 4m x 4m.
Using 2 sensors mounted in opposite corners of the room, you can do limited 360 roomscale. There will be some tracking degradation if you try to make it do larger spaces with only 2 sensors, and you'll also get limited by the sensor cable length (a 3rd sensor comes with an extension).
I bought this and its very good price. However, be aware this is not supported by the game named Fallout 4 VR. I am not sure about future games and the performance with a tool called REVIVE which has OR pretended as Vive.
Fallout 4 does work, and the community has now modded it with controller fixes to get it working well. That said, it's fiddly as to get it working so its obviously not an ideal situation.
Fallout 4 works on the Rift but has its problems. Any games that come out on the Vive will work on the Rift. Revive is for owners of the Vive who want to play Rift games. Many games do not work this way around.
I also use roomscale with just 2 sensors, recommend you mount them up high, pointing down. Also highly recommend extension cables for everything (3 x usb 3.0 and 1 x hdmi from Amazon).
Happy to use the Rift for the next few years until something better comes out. It is well worth it. Still yet to be convinced by the Pimax craze!
I have problem with the "resource of USB" problem on my desktop PC. I have hubs with external powers but still got the error messages and certain USB devices can be at switched off state at random time.
Because your hub is effectively using 1 port to you PC which won't have enough to bandwidth for all the data (unless say your USB hub is connected to the PC by thunderbolt / USBC but I doubt it).
I have found the solution, though it is not the perfect due to the limitation of the motherboard chips:
It saves some resources when a USB3 port is used by USB2 devices.
RoboRecall is fun as all hell.
Everyone watching me play this I think has more fun by the laughing going on.
RoboRecall is a great VR game.
does this include the extra sensors like previous bundles people would suggest as it improves the tracking
EDIT: answered above i guess
The Rift is great but just a couple of warnings:
1) Oculus don't cover warranty on the Rift unless it's bought directly from them. Amazon cover a 30 day warranty. The units are known to develop faults quite frequently
2) if you have a cat, protect your cable with some PVC cable loom or similar. Cats love to attack and chew through the wires. The cables are pretty complex including many individually sheathed wires that are thinner than 1mm and a new cable costs $80
Great comment re Cat.
I think if your faced with this dilemma, it’s time to get rid of the cat!
And replace it with a VR cat. Or many VR cats. Which gives me an idea for a new game. Crazy cat lady VR simulator.
VR cats with AR capabilities would be ideal.
(or AR cats with VR capabilities, if you prefer)
The only reason they're $400 now is because VR makers expected VR to explode. They didn't expect price cuts this soon from $600 and $800.
If they sold well, they'd still be those prices now.
What a load of rubbish.. The one thing you can be guaranteed on is that electronics fall in price over time.
Oh, so next year they should be $200 then? And a year after that, free? Flagship VR product 50% off after a year and a half on the market. And this is normal electronics price cutting?
How much has a console dropped in price over the same amount of time?
Are you saying they sold well?
these systems are unnecessary when you can use your mobile phone and $10 headset to insert phone into. What I found most of the games are crap
What a well informed statement!
Nope, this was the cheapest ever:
Bought mine at that time.
Ok removed statement
Just for reference it can be bought direct for 449 isd delivered from occulus. Saving 30 usd might not be worth the potential headache
While the OP is a great deal, I went with buying one direct from Oculus. It appears postage to AU is free, and the warranty + peace of mind justifies it for me. Thanks all!
Oculus Rift + Touch = $449.00 USD
Est. Delivery & Handling Costs: $0.00 USD
Order Total: $449.00 USD
(according to google, 449.00 US Dollar presently equals AUD$587.31)
Yep. Free express postage from Oculus. Usually ships from Netherlands or Hong Kong and takes about 2-3 days.
I may have spoken too soon, their shop experience and support responses are a nightmare.
Currently I am in limbo; my initial order was cancelled because I requested delivery to my post office instead of my home. Support were silent as to the reasons why… Two days later I have been asked to re-order using my home address and provide the order number to support. I am unable to use either of my credit cards and paypal somehow refuses to work on their site.
I'm thinking I should've gone with Amazon in the first place :'(
@darxtorm: I have heard of a few similar problems. I got lucky with all my orders. The headset I initially received was faulty and it took nearly a week of trouble shooting to get them to agree to return it, but when I returned it I received a replacement headset within a few days and that was right in the middle of the Summer Sale.
When I initially contacted support they got back to me straight away, then after I sent a reply they didn't get back to me for 2 days, then it went back and forth about 10 times over the next 2 days, then I finally received the RMA slip.
@GunnerMcDagget: After wasting three days of my time I've told them I'll be taking my business elsewhere. There is something truly wrong with their store and support experience. Pretty peeved, might buy a Vive out of spite, but I'll probably cool off and buy this deal on Amazon instead
Q. Which one HTC vive or this one?
Q. Should I wait for next gen or get this?
Q. "Nope, this was the cheapest ever:" Does this deal include free games?
Q. Any good VR driving game for this gear ?
Does this deal include free games?
It literally says so in the title of the post (7 games).
Q. Which one HTC vive or this one?
Many users who have both seem to prefer the Rift because of the screen and comfort. I am not speaking from personal experience with either.
Q. Should I wait for next gen or get this?
Well I'm waiting to see the Pimax device before I pull the trigger. But this still has many first gen problems such as wires to tangle yourself up in.
Q. Any good VR driving game for this gear ?
Project Cars 1/2, Dirt Rally, Dirt 4 come to mind.
Pity this price didn't occur before we all got the PSVR whilst on the last sale.
I had the exact same dilemma a long while back. Got the PSVR then Oculus went on sale. Like a true Ozbargainer I still bought the Oculus.
Glad I did. I use it a lot more than the PSVR but it was more work. Had to set up a second computer in the lounge room for it.
What are you going to do with 2 VR?
Sell the PSVR?
I considered selling the PSVR but I still use it. While the Oculus has much more games and much better games, the PSVR still has games I enjoy playing so I held on to it to play those games.
That said, I haven't actually touched the PSVR for about 3 months.
Does it come with stand for the sensor?
you get 1ft tall or so desk stands. it's good to then put these on top of high objects like bookcases, or wall mount (there's various dirt cheap solutions available)
Really great price. If I don't have PSVR I would pounce on this, but I'll be waiting for the next gen for PCVR.