• expired

50% off Rides for First Month with Taxify


50% off for the first month. It is effectively the same as Uber and just got released in Sydney. Finally some competition for Uber!

Referral Links

Referral: random (4)

Referrer gets 50% off next trip. Referee gets 50% off up to €5 or £10.

Related Stores

Bolt (previously Taxify)
Bolt (previously Taxify)

closed Comments

  • +1

    Is it in Melbourne?

    • +2

      Apparently in a week

    • +3

      Hi RandomDeviation. Our efforts this week are on launching in Sydney, but we're working behind the scenes to activate thousands of drivers in Melbourne who have already applied.

      • Is Brisbane on the plan?

        • +2

          We're focusing on Sydney and Melbourne for now. Once we've established our business and support services in these cities, we'll look to expand into other regions. Hopefully Brisbane will be just a few months away.

        • +4

          @taxifyau: Hopefully, Darwin won't be too further away. There's no Uber here - so no competition. Get in fast.

        • @taxifyau: probly should have mentioned im in Syd

        • +2

          @AussieB: I’m with you AussieB! Although we have the new Hi Oscar confirmed to be launching on 1 Feb. They are an aus ride sharing company that started in Perth. Starting to expand now.

        • @taxifyau:

          What prevents Taxify from launching "IN AU?"
          …rather than city by city?

          AFTER ALL, IT"s just a web app & DB, right?

          If not yet in Adelaide, when? :-)

        • @taxifyau:
          Hopefully Newcastle soon! I have just applied.

      • what is the minimum fair can you pay cash?

        • +2


        • +6

          Name checks out

        • +1

          no to cash

        • @Peannut: thanks for that I would also like to know the min fare I take really short trips

        • @supatight:

          Yeah its a good & valid question - Uber has recently bumped their minimums around 7-8$
          I'm curious if these guys have done the same too

        • +1

          @Peannut: $9 in Sydney

        • I think they will have a hard time getting drivers to sign up if there is cash pay. It is a security concern and waste of time !

      • I'm surprised, that Uber hasn't sent a Cease+Desist letter for using their name in the phrase:

        • "Taxify is the new Uber"

        ie, on your web site…?

  • Mod: looks like the referral system is referring to Uber? Can’t seem to find Taxify in the list? Please help :)

  • Is this just OPs referral code?

    • -4

      Yea, should it go elsewhere? I couldn’t find any other vouchers.

      • Not sure if you are supposed to do that,
        Also can't see where they advertise 50% off rides? Not showing on the FB link

        • On the app it says 50% off at the bottom. On the FB it says and there are a few articles

        • There’s a -50% icon on the main screen. I also was shown a promo page explaining the offer of half priced rated until the 12th of Jan and that Taxify takes the hit, drivers still get paid in full (and better rates than Uber they claim).

        • +1

          Yep see it.
          Should probs tell people that its your referral code :

        • @bs0: I cant edit the post. Hopefully mod fixes it

        • +4

          @joeisagun31: lol you seriously saying you can't edit your own post to add that it's your referral code? That just sounds dodgy man

        • @CodeXD: on my phone it said you couldn't edit an uber post or something. Just updated on PC.

        • -4

          @joeisagun31: grats you managed to edit the post after so many people have used your referral code

        • @CodeXD: OP cannot easily change a deal URL to another domain without moderator intervention. In this case OP was able to do so by specifying an alternate domain.

        • +12

          @CodeXD: ya see I wasn't trying to do a dodgy.

  • +3

    It shows -50% when you open the app, im in Rhodes and the closest car is 25 mins away…still early days!

    Does anyone know if Lyft is coming down under?

    • +2

      We're getting more and more drivers activated, so your ETA for rides should dramatically decrease in the short term.

  • +2

    It is effectively the same as Uber
    Finally some competition for Uber!

    How? Sure they charge 15% commission as opposed to 25% but 15% of nothing is still nothing and 25% of something leaves 75%.
    What are people going to use when they arrive in the country? Uber or Taxify? This could be like the Bunnings and Masters situation again where Bunnings used their market position to crush Masters and I have no doubts that Uber will take steps to stop drivers working for Taxify if they are signed up with Uber.

    I've used Taxify in Vilnius and it was fine, the app worked well and from memory there was little difference between it and the Uber app. The vehicle was a taxi and at the time in Tallinn at least 94% of the fleet were taxis with the rest private vehicles.

    The other problem is that Taxis in Australia are generally disgusting and often stink especially in Brisbane where AC usage seems optional. In Europe in the Eastern countries the taxis are driven by locals who look after the vehicles which are often their own and they are generally immaculate so Taxify has a good rating there.

    If the majority of the drivers who sign up for Taxify are taxi drivers I can see it having a low market share plus how will it work with the existing taxi systems or will the owners allow their drivers to drive for the taxi company and Taxify at the same time? The taxi companies won't like this and will do everything they can to stop it.

    Look at the comments about it already.

    "Looks like no-one had signed up as taxify rider in Campbelltown area.I have been on line for hours and not a single request for a ride yet..Taxify needs to intensify their marketing campaign to compete with Uber"


    The problem is that uber have such a large share of the market. Taxify really need to spend a lot of money to make a dent in Australia. Hopefully they can make a dent in Australia because Uber needs competition.

      • +21

        WTF are you talking about?

        Clearly you've never caught a taxi in Brisbane where many taxi drivers don't use deodorant and turn off the AC to save fuel.

        As an added bonus the driver spends the whole trip mumbling into his earpiece.

        • +6

          As someone who takes taxis over a hundred times a year for work I can agree. Unfortunately work doesn't recognise uber so can't be claimed back :/

        • +9

          Same in Melbourne. Taxis smell strongly of B.O. and vaguely of spew and often seem extremely unroadworthy- also what are those guys talking about 24/7? My wife reckons they are all moonlighting as customer service for some unknown company.
          Sum result is they are a horrible customer experience compared to UBER and similar

        • +1

          @King Tightarse:

          also what are those guys talking about 24/7?

          I always think they're plotting something the way they whisper.

          My wife reckons they are all moonlighting as customer service for some unknown company.

          Tech support for Independent Software.

        • @Maverick-au:

          It's hard to tell if there are racist undertones or just genuinely trying to be funny.

          Having caught taxis throughout Aust for work I can safely say it's usually friends/family from the country of the driver's origin… or wife who is home with the kids.

          If your wife thinks these guys are "plotting" maybe she can call the terrorism hotline

        • @eskylidder:

          It's hard to tell if there are racist undertones or just genuinely trying to be funny.

          Sensitive are we?

          Having caught taxis throughout Aust for work I can safely say it's usually friends/family from the country of the driver's origin… or wife who is home with the kids.

          And you know this how? They barely speak a word of English.

          If your wife thinks these guys are "plotting" maybe she can call the terrorism hotline

          When did I say anything about my wife or about terrorism? Who is the racist now? I wouldn't want my wife to catch a taxi by herself anyway.

    • +10

      If you care about such things, and I do, Uber has a terrible track record with exposure of customer's data and also their 'bro' culture. I've also had much better experiences with Taxify than Uber (although that was in Taxify's 'home' city of Tallinn, I admit, where they definitely have a home-ground advantage). Uber will never ever again see any money from me.

      • +7

        Not to mention that their entire business model is built upon an exploitation economy that relies heavily on skirting regulation (yes, some regulations are stupid, but others are there for good reason). Also, as a driver who lives near the inner city, I'm sick of having to contend with idiot Uber drivers stopping in the middle of main thoroughfares and just chucking their hazards on as if that gives them a right to stop in a clearway. They want to behave like taxis, but don't want to pay the licensing fees that give them that right. That said, taxis suck and need a real kick up the pants. Hopefully we find a middle ground soon.

  • What do you get for the referral?

  • That discount code looks like OP's referral code, surely not allowed?

    • -4

      It isn't allowed, wonder what OP did for the mods for not to remove it 😏😏😏

      • Next to the report link is an indication of how many unresolved reports there are. If you see a number next to it, that means that moderators haven't yet read and resolved the reports. There is no conspiracy.

        • +1

          Love it! BUUURRRRRN yet professionally.

  • +2

    GoCatch has been around for ages and has barely made a dent in Uber's marketshare. On the rare occasions I use GoCatch I am met by a driver who is genuinely surprised that I'm using it. Also fares with GoCatch seem to be quite a bit higher than non-surge Uber prices.

    I'll try this new app but don't have any high hopes for it…

    • Really? Most taxi drivers I have asked in Sydney said they use both. Unless you’re specifically referring to ride sharing?

    • GoCatch is always the same price for me in Canberra. And when there are no private cars around, it 'upgrades' me for free to a taxi.

      • +5

        That's supposed to be an 'upgrade'?

    • Taxify has the benefit of already being in 20 countries, so I'm sure they'll have some marketing budget.

    • +5

      Last two times I used GoCatch in Sydney there were no cars around so it automatically booked a cab, for the same price as a GoCar fare. No complaints here.

      • +4

        The last time GoCatch gave me a cab in response to a rideshare request the cab got me home then proceeded to complain that GoCatch had given him less than the meter said he was owed, and he wanted me to pay the difference in cash. I held my ground but it was a horrible experience.

        Also GoCatch for me routinely charges $12-$15 more for the same trip from work to home (CBD to Pascoe Vale) than Uber does (when not on surge). The prices are so significantly different between the two apps that now it makes no sense for me to use GoCatch unless Uber is on at least a 1.5X surge.

        Hopefully Taxify does better. I look forward to trying it out when it launches in Melbourne!

        • +2

          Same experience for me. I said to the cabbie that he had to take it up with GoCatch, not me. Didn’t stop him from berating me.

          I was a massive advocate for GoCatch until that point. Never again.

        • -1

          The last time GoCatch gave me a cab in response to a rideshare request the cab got me home then proceeded to complain that GoCatch had given him less than the meter said he was owed, and he wanted me to pay the difference in cash. I held my ground but it was a horrible experience.

          Back in 2000 I caught a taxi back to my apartment at lunch as I had to get some files in a hurry. The fare came to $3.80 and I handed over $5 and he refused to give change saying there was a $5 minimum. This led to a huge argument that went on for three to four minutes before I dialled 000. At this point he returned the change to me and took off yelling more abuse. I calle the department of transport to complain and they said complaints are handled by the taxi company (WTF!) so I rang them and they didn't care.

          The problems in the taxi industry are not new but the government has never dealt with them properly and had allowed it to get to the condition it's in by both excessive taxing (taxi plates worth half a million) and allowing it to self police.

          Remove the ridiculous taxes which amounted to 50% of the fare or more and you would get professional drivers with tidy cars instead of the current sesspool. This is why Uber was so popular, people hated using taxis.

  • The important thing is to have enough cars/drivers, and enough customers.
    Just like gocatch, there are just too few cars around to make it viable.
    Plus the price needs to be competitive as well.

  • +5

    What a terrible company name.

    • +22

      I thought it was an app that had something to do with the ATO.

      • Solution: Mix Case, eg: TAXI-fy

    • Updated link.

    • We only just came online. Please just report the deal if it needs fixing instead of negging.

      • -4

        Another mod unpublished another taxify deal as referral but left this one?

        • The other deal was purely about the referral. This one contains a 50% off offer (independent of referral)

        • +4

          Another mod unpublished another taxify deal as referral but left this one?

          Who don't you find some deals to post instead of harping on about something that is being dealt with?

        • far out CodeXD, why is this bothering you so much!! Please stop whinging!

        • @southeasternculture:

          far out CodeXD, why is this bothering you so much!!

          Must be a taxi driver!

      • +1

        You mean you guys don't work 24/7??

  • I have included Taxify to our randomised referral, and feel free to put your coupon code in. Referee gets free first ride (up to $5 in value) and referrer gets free ride code via email. See section 7 of Taxify Terms & Conditions for Riders.

  • +1

    Cant wait to try this company!!

  • +2

    Whoever came up with this stupid name should be fired. Sounds like a company that helps you do your tax.

    • +3

      Whoever came up with this stupid name should be fired. Sounds like a company that helps you do your tax.

      It's a successful company that operates throughout many countries in Europe and elsewhere. Seems that you're one of the few that has a problem with its name so where is the problem? I guess Uber confuses you as well.

  • +1

    Hi taxifyau,

    Is 50% off for a month from the day I register or 50% off during your first month?

    • It's a promotion we're running during our first month.

      • Just confirming, can I register in January 2018 and avail the discount then?

      • May I ask, how may I apply the 50% discount (discount code) or is the discount automatically applied when requesting for a ride in this first month?

  • Hi taxifyau person, what does taxify offer that Uber does not already have? Do drivers offer: water, freshmints, mobile charging, music the rider actually enjoys?

    • +17

      To be honest, we simply encourage our drivers to be friendly and courteous to all riders, and to ensure that they provide a safe and efficient ride. We don't expect drivers to go ridiculously out of their way.

      • Thank you for your response. I am a big Uber fan, however recently there are too many 'surge' times, and I am beginning to see too many Uber drivers in the news for assaults etc. , so I sincerely hope taxify have responsible drivers.

    • +3

      Never seen any of those in an Uber, even if they are meant to offer.

    • -1


      You are too bargain and expecting to get everything (water, mints). Have u ever count the actual driver earn? If your ride just the minimal ride $9. The driver is not received the whole $9. They actually just earn $6.50 (basic count uber). You expecting for water ? How much does it cost for a bottle of water ?

      Lets say $0.50. Do u know car need petrol to run? The petrol is not free !!
      Do u know car need to services, road asistant, insurance, and the drivers have to pay tax, gst ?

      Hopefully someone can count the cost for u, how much the driver actually earn!!

  • +8

    I used Taxify extensively in Estonia (where it originated). Works well, just like Uber. In Estonia they had a Tesla category so I just rode around in a Model S the whole time I was there!

  • Nice I used one of referral codes and added my one.

  • +7

    Are there any OzBargainers from the subcontinent who can enlighten me as to what taxi drivers are always mumbling about into their earpieces?

  • +5

    Finally a service that can pick me up, do my taxes, and drop me off. Exactly what I've been waiting for.

  • Will be traveling overseas in 2 weeks and would like a transport to the Airport
    Hope Melbourne will be available by then
    Thanks OP

  • +1

    It's showing no drivers available in eastern suburbs of Sydney.

    • As more drivers become activated in the short term, we're expect ETAs and driver availability to improve. Hope to see you riding soon!

  • +1

    Can you use PayPal with Taxify?

    • Not at the moment

      • -3

        Why not? There will be many potential customers who are not willing to provide an unknown company with their credit card details.

        • Lmao relax ….

        • Agreed went to register last night and saw there wa s no Paypal. Will hold off until this is available.
          How soon before Paypal is an option?

  • +10

    For those expecting water mint charger music, I think it is not fair to the driver as their takings is really not much after Gst, tax, fuel, maintenance. I tried to drive for 2 weeks and give up as it is really not worth plus some people treat the driver as slave

    • +9

      The "gig economy" is really just an "exploitation economy". All the expense and risk is placed on the contractor, whilst the company takes a big slice of profit for doing not much at all. Not to mention that it completely erodes workers rights and job security. If we continue trending down this path, we're going to end up with a massive wealth division problem.

      • +1

        Cringe whenever I hear 'ride-sharing'. GG Uber

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