Sony KD65A1 65" OLED 4K TV $4745.95 + delivery at The Good Guys eBay using P5OZZIE at the checkout.
Using Cash Rewards also brings the cost down by another $50 or so (ie total cost around $4745.25 delivered).
Sony KD65A1 65" OLED 4K TV $4745.95 + delivery at The Good Guys eBay using P5OZZIE at the checkout.
Using Cash Rewards also brings the cost down by another $50 or so (ie total cost around $4745.25 delivered).
Considering LG, Panasonic and Sony are all using exactly the same panel (LG is the only company making OLED panels for TVs in any volume), is there much of a reason to go with Sony when LG retails for $4500 (and the Panny is $4400 at JB right now)?
Sony has some pretty good processing tech for 4K and probably better audio, but I doubt it's significant (especially since most people won't use the audio straight from the TV)
Android OS.
Is that a positive or a negative?
A little from column A, a little from column B.
A massive positive, for mine. Native casting support is probably the greatest and most practical feature, though there's something comforting about knowing that, perhaps unlike the proprietary OS's of Samsung, LG et al., Android OS will be around (and supported) for the foreseeable future.
It's good overall. But I will say, Google doesn't really do much in terms of updates.
If you're expecting mobile or tablet Play store quantity/quality apps you will be severely disappointed. It is a ghost town.
Having said that, aside from Plex, Netflix, Youtube and Twitch what other apps do you really need?
(A decent browser would be nice but afaik you need to side load this on Android TV. Can you do this on Sony's inbuilt Andoid OS?)
It really depends on what you use it for.
There are A LOT of things you can do with Android that you can't do with other OS.
However, if you're just planning to use it just as a normal tv and have 0 interest in apps or what they can do then it is 100% a negative.
Although, you are better off buying the LG for $4500 and spending the rest on a good Android box.
For example, the Nvidia Shield TV was $250 AUD on Amazon a few days ago so the cost of Sony TV can be a LG + Nvidia Shield TV, which is just as good if not better than the Sony option.
Yeah for $80 you can buy some pretty decent Chinese TV boxes. It's what I do. I never use the 'smart' on my Sony Smart TV at all. At these low prices you can have the Nougat OS this year, Oreo in a couple of years and so on and still be $$$'s in front.
is there much of a reason to go with Sony when LG retails for $4500
Upscaling and motion handling, and no company does it better than Sony.
Motion handling is basically identical on all oleds(but even some reviews have motion resolution lower on the Sony than the lg and the pana being a tad higher) Unless you're talking about interpolation then yes sony does it better.
Wish they'd get rid of the sample and hold method or give alternate methods on oleds because it would be alooooot smoother without it
XIAOMI WILL DO IN THE FUTURE with reasonable price
Perhaps Hisense do it today?
Also acoustic surface. There are no speakers the TV glass is the speaker which according to reviews make the sound much more precise and higher wuality.
The wuality questionable
Well not according to the reviews of the TV. Apparently direction of audio is much more pronounced and sound is much clearer and rich than that of standard TV speakers.
Hello Kripke
Sony OLED has better processing than LG, with better motion. Sony also has better internal speakers, with a built-in subwoofer. LG OLED has better input lag though so it's arguably better for gaming. LG also has WebOS which was originally developed by Palm. It's generally a more stable and easier to use TV OS than Android.
With $1000 Ebay discount on top of $4500 on Bingle (couple weeks ago), it's down to $3500 for 65' LG OLED. I went for LG.
According to the various reviews the main reason to go with the Sony implementation of the LG OLED panel is that the Sony processing is considerably superior. But there is not that much in it.
even though the panels were supplied by LG , panny utilises KURO technology.
So they're not Sony exclusive anymore?…
Bargain. I think?
Ken, I think?
Why buy a rip-off, when you can buy an original OLED TV from LG? Unless you want Android OS(which is useless and often you'd better off buying Android TV box separately), there is no reason to buy Sony OLED TV, especially at this price.
This TV is rated as one of the best, if not the best.
Also has good sound as the screen is used for audio (doesn't have speakers).
Yes, this TV is one of the best, because it uses the best panel from LG. It is good to know the TV has a good dedicated audio system(which is usually crap anyway), but I am sure those who can afford $4000 would rather use some expensive HiFi audio system anyway.
Android OS(which is useless and often you'd better off buying Android TV box separately)
It may be cost effective to buy an LG TV and an Android Box separately, but Android OS on TV is far, far from useless! I have a 2015 Sony Android TV and use android apps more than TV and HDMI sources. Every video streaming app works smoothly and so does Nvidia Gamestream from my PC (using an android app called Moonlight).
Also I personally like having only 1 remote to deal with
If I bought one and put it in the back of my car to transport home, it'd be almost worth more than the car it's being transported in.
I might ge negged, but surely this is an insane amount of money to spend on a (large, but not enormous) TV . Each to their own I guess.
It's fairly new tech to produce such large screens in oled. The process and quality control adds to the cost. In the coming two years the prices should become a lot more reasonable as Panasonic and sight have now joined the oled bandwagon. Before it was just LG producing them so there was practically no competition.
It is still monopoly. Only LG is capable of manufacturing TV grade OLED panels in mass. Panasonic and Sony are just buying LG's panels, slap their names on those TVs and charge everyone premium.
They are doing more than slapping their names on it.
@Matslurpee: How so? All other components of TV are pretty much shared by every major company in now days. Some Chinese knockout TV have the same parts as Sony TV. Software-wise, you have very limited(and crappy) choices like Android OS, Firefox OS and etc. Calibration? They are all different from TVs to TVs. Even the exact model from the exact same brand could have a different calibration.
At the end of the day, the most important part of TV which could justify its premium price tag is panel and this panel is just fresh out of LG factories. Panasonic and Sony are just buying LG's panels, slap their names on those TVs. Even if there is ANY difference, it it VERY difficult to justify the premium for the near-identical TV.
Is not just about the screens, it's also about the audio and the processors they use and customise to deliver the outputs that vary between each manufacturer.
I agree with motor89. The panel IS the most important part of the TV. As far as BOM costs go, the panel is >90% of the cost of the TV.
Since when has anyone bought a new TV just for sound? Sound output is usually passed straight through to the home theatre system that was either purchased at the same time or existing. Its always the new panel tech that sucks people into buying it.
Sony may very well have their name on it but I bet it uses the same/similar ARM SoC hardware as most other TVs that use that same LG panel. The rest is just custom software/firmware.
Each person have their own priorities. If the budget range is such a concern to you as opposed to 'good price on the current market', then there's Soniq always there waiting for you at an extra special price ;)
Yeah and of course the firmware and components in Soniq TV's is top notch ;)
I'll put it this way - you get what you budget for.
It will be interesting to see what Sony do next year with OLED. I'm generally a fan of Sony but I don't like the 5 degree lean back of the tv and not a fan of Android. I got the LG C7 and webOS is really easy to use.
Do you have to have the lean??? I know wall mounting will fix this but I don’t wanna and having it on my cabinet which is about 60cm high and on a lean would be crap
Yes it's by design. It leans back like a picture frame.
Counts me out then, I find it a terrible design. Should have a option to have it normal
Agreed. I would of bought the Sony by now due to the better upscaling of our FTA Tv sources and better motion handling and less banding.
However the 5° lean kills it for me and the Android OS is a close second. YMMV.
Thanks, grabbed 3!
I grabbed one for KFC drive-thru.
Lies! .. that's impossible because i bought every single one GG had in stock.
I am on backorder for 1000 units..
The biggest visual difference between cheap TV's the constrast ratio.
* The Aldi TV is 3500:1.
* Whereas this Sony TV is closer to infinity:1
Aldi TV's also have terrible sound, but are otherwise okay.
Bauhn isn't OLED so picture quality not as good.
Wow .. only $4745.25
Who wants to be my secret santa this year ;)
Kris kringle
We were on the cusp of OLED becoming the new buzz term for everyone to want, which would have brought the prices down. But 4k stuck with the masses and oled's dropped into the background..
It will be a while until everyone wants to upgrade their 4k led backlit for an OLED and for the prices to drop sub $2k =(
Out of stock.
Wow if I only had ~$5k to splurge on a telly.
Amazing how many people still watch TV> lol
Even more amazing, that people value watching tv to the extent of justifying spending $4,700 on a tv that will likely be superseded in 5 years ie. They will have 10k or something as the normal standard in 5 years probably.
$4999 at Sony today only as part of 12 days of Christmas offers (in case anyone missed the above deal).
Good but not great. Bing Lee had the same TV for $3990 + delivery on Black Friday.
That's a lot of coin for a mere 65". Beautiful panel though.
LG OLED price dropped quickly since the introduction of Sony OLED. Thanks Sony!
Price is back up to $5995. Marking as expired.