• expired

USB3.0 4-Port USB Powered Hub in Black $7.49 (reduced from $49.95), plus shipping ($18.02 to Melb) from Laser Co


Sale price for this powered USB3 hub is well below anything I've found available domestically, even when including the relatively pricey shipping.

Unknown how much stock or how the sale price lasts, so get in quick.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Nice that it's delivered personally by chauffeur, but how much for standard postage??

    • Sad to say that's the only cost option on offer…

      • +1

        What about if I do the driving?

  • +5

    Shipping is $20.74 to WA. Sorry, but that's ridiculous. That's two times the price of a 500 gram overnight courier envelope from Au$po$t.

  • There is a 4 port Belkin powered hub on kogan for $24, though it's unlikely to be USB 3.0

  • +1

    lame - 18 for delivery!

  • +2

    Pity you missed the Woolies $5 deal on USB3.0 4-Port USB Powered Hub 3 months ago😢 Stock may still exist. I bought just in case I needed it at that price.

    • That's not powered though.

      • True, out of the box it's Powered Hub Capable*😉
        Powered via 5V 4A max input socket - if add higher powered USB power supply & cable, which I already had - it's equivalent to specs of this. Cable is around $1 delivered on eBay etc.

        • if add higher powered USB power supply & cable, which I already had

          did you buy one from ebay? if so could you link to it please?

        • +1

          Have so many suitable cables & power supplies, so no.

      • powered better? speed faster?

        • +1

          Speed is the same. It makes no difference unless you want to run high-powered devices, e.g. two portable hard drives.

    • Woolies Hub back on sale at $8 if can find stock.

  • You could perhaps get a hub from China with express /dhl shipping for less still.

  • Suitable for operating systems: Windows XP / 2000 / Vista / WIN7 / Fedora LINUX 8.0
    Why a usb hub can't be used on Win10? Nowadays most people use win10.

    • +4

      The packaging/marketing blurb was probably designed before Windows 10 was released. It will work on Windows 10.

      • TL;DR If it doesn't say supported, don't assume.

        Don't be too sure.

        I've run into some interesting issues. Like not too long ago I had an issue where newer model portable 4TB Western Digital Elements desktop drives not working in XP (yes, XP), bu newer ones do. The driver allowed the drives (mulitple) to show up in device manager but not disk management. Prompted me to upgrade the machine to 7, so not all bad. Now I'm just one major OS behind instead of 2.

        My latest mobo sports a Gigabyte Aorus Gaming 7 motherboard. Installing Win 7 from USB is a no-go because there aren't compatible USB drivers you can load at boot time. (Not that I could find quickly anyway). Boots from DVD though. Would have thought USB 3 is USB 3 but apparently not.

        These are of course issues of BACKWARD not FORWARD compatibility, as in your example. I would have told you about printer and scanner drivers and dropped support going from XP to 7 years ago, but I don't recall the issues in enough detail. I could also tell you about the Logitech Pro 4000 which I got for $5 and FINALLY found Win 10 drivers for.

        • A hub is a very generic device built with reference designs, so the likelihood of it not working on Win 10 is very low. A USB 1.1 hub would probably still work too.

          These are of course issues of BACKWARD not FORWARD compatibility, as in your example.

          That's a pretty important difference there.

          I would have told you about printer and scanner drivers and dropped support going from XP to 7 years ago

          Non-generic devices would have a greater chance of not working.

    • most people use win10

      Most people by far use Windows 7, more than 4 times as much.

      • Win 8 user here. Didn't want the win 10 telemetry and spyware, nor forced updates, especially updates of other programs.

      • Not according to this:

        Windows 7 45.43%
        Windows 10 26.65%

      • +1

        That because most people realise Windows 10 is anus of dog and stick with Windows 7

      • Most people by far use Windows 7, more than 4 times as much.

        According to whom?

        There are 500 million devices running Windows 10 as of 6 months ago. Are you saying there are more than 2 billion devices running Windows 7?


        • According to this: https://goo.gl/Pwsf3p

          • Windows 7: 48.5%

          • Windows 10: 26.28%

        • +1


          48.5% is more than 4 times 26.28%?

          Net Market Share bases its reports on visits to a large number of websites. Is that representative of the actual market share?

        • @eug:

          Net Market Share bases its reports on visits to a large number of websites. Is that representative of the actual market share?

          Far more representative than your Extremetech link which relies on Steam numbers.

          It's no surprise that more gamers on Steam use Windows 10 for obvious reasons, but that doesn't translate to overall use and market share.

        • @Scab: I don't think you read that link. The 500 million figure was from Microsoft.

          That wasn't the point anyway. You said more than 4 times as many people use Windows 7 than Windows 10. Then you pasted stats that showed that wasn't the case.

        • @eug:

          Are you really relying on Microsoft's figures and suggesting that's more accurate than actual figures based on web usage?

          Microsoft's numbers are rubbery, they have a vested interest in dodging up the figures and are known for it.

          Here is another link from early this year: https://goo.gl/TmJ07y

          And I could post another dozen that show Windows 7 is used more than 10.

        • @Scab:

          Here is an example of MS lying about figures: https://goo.gl/eNGXqs

        • @Scab:

          Here is an example of MS lying about figures

          This started because you were lying about figures. :)

        • @eug:

          It was a typo made in haste, unlike your reliance on rubbery Microsoft figures.

        • @Scab: Sure it was just a typo? You're not being rubbery here?

        • @eug:

          Unlike Microsoft who you take for gospel I have no vested interest.

        • @Scab: Do you have a vested interest in Net Market Share then, since you take their figures "as gospel"?

        • @eug:

          Far more accurate than Microsoft who have repeatedly been shown to inflate numbers.

          It's laughable that you are even trying to assert that their figures are more accurate.

        • @Scab: Funny how this changed from you giving inaccurate figures to you complaining about Microsoft giving inaccurate figures. If it really was a typo you would have corrected it before you gave the stats, not 8 posts in.

          Have a nice weekend. :)

        • @eug:

          Funny how you relied on rubbery Microsoft figures and now you've been called out are trying to obfuscate.

          Still laughing at you believing Microsoft over actual usage figures.

        • @Scab:

          and now you've been called out are trying to obfuscate.


        • +1 for win 10. It is annoying only for major upgrades like the latest creative one

  • +1

    $11.25 shipping to western Sydney (NSW)

    • -2

      Nsw is best. Screw the rest

  • I seem to remember that Laser had an offer in the past that also had excessive postage costs.

    Anyone know if ordering 2 or 3 changes (or multiplies the postage)?

    • I ordered 2x hubs and a USB C cable with the same combined cost as shipping 1, so it felt less like a rip.

      There's not a lot of other products worth buying though.

  • People still use Windows? ;-)

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