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Battery Recharging Station (Inc. 4xAAA & 4xAA Rechargeable Batteries & Charger) - $15 @ SuperCheap Auto


Versatile & cost effective battery charger & 8 x Rechargeable Battery Pack…with SCA Club $5 credit you can nab it for $10 like I did ;)

  • Includes AA x 4(800 mAh) and AAA x 4 (2500 mAh)Ni-MH Rechargeable Batteries
  • Compatible with Rechargeable AAA, AA, C, D, 9v Batteries
  • Ni-Cd, Ni-MH and rechargeable Alkaline Manganese accepted
  • Intelligent microprocessor controlled
  • Capable of charging 4x AA/AAA/C/D & 1x9v batteries at once
  • Faulty Battery protection, overcharge protection, short circuit protection
  • Reverse Polarity protection
  • Timer protection
  • Charging status via LCD screen
  • Bad / Faulty Battery detection
  • Recharges batteries in SINGLE or GROUP (the charger microprocessor monitors each charging bay individually)

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closed Comments

  • +2

    charge alk, cool

  • +2

    Same as the Kogan Charger $29(kogan.com)

    • …so it is. half the price here…

      infidel mentioned its the same as the one aldi was selling a while back too minus the batteries

      • +1

        The Aldi one doesn't charge alkaline though? Or does it?

        • aldi ones seem to change regularly so theres been quite a few versions from what i can gather…
          if you think its useful id just buy it…if it doesnt do what you want sca are pretty good with returns

        • +3

          @franco cozzo:

          Usually the same specs though. The Aldi ones charge upto 6x AA/AAA and 2x 9V. It doesn't charge alkaline. It's also a smart charger. Not sure if this SCA one is.

        • @CVonC: sounds different…this one has 4x AA/AAA/C/D bays + 1 9v bay.
          heres the complete specs from the side of the box…(i have updated the deal with this new info)

          Includes AA x 4(800mAh) and AAA x 4(2500mAh) Ni-MH Rechargeable Batteries
          Compatible with Rechargeable AAA, AA, C, D, 9v Batteries
          Ni-Cd, Ni-MH and rechargeable Alkaline Manganese accepted
          Capable of charging 4x AA/AAA/C/D & 1x9v batteries at once
          Faulty Battery protection, overcharge protection, short circuit protection
          Reverse Polarity protection
          Timer protection

          i purchased the aldi charger earlier this year..it was the same as this one:
          ^ i think you may be referring to that?

        • +1

          @franco cozzo:

          That's the one I personally have yes. The ones they released afterwards every 6 months or so have the same specs, different exteriors though. Whether or not they have the same interior components is another issue though which Infidel has stated in the past.

  • So how does charging alkaline batteries work? I paid through the nose for my Maha MH-C9000 charger and it doesn't charge alkaline (it'll happily discharge them though).

    • +3

      no idea mate…just charging up the sca nim-h batteries that came with it then going to charge my aldi ones.
      im no battery expert/aficionado like some around here…(i still dont own ANY eneloops FFS…i know, i know) :P

      • +1

        Don't worry, neither do I. I have a collection of Aldi ones and stuff bought overseas over a decade ago. They still work too.

        • +1

          Are you guys still talking about recharging alkalines?

      • +2


    • according to the box…

      rechargeable Alkaline Manganese accepted

    • Recharging alkalines barely works. There were some alkaline batteries that were specially designed with recharging in mind, but they were only slightly less woeful.

      Some good information here:

      "The number of recharges depends solely on the depth of discharge and is limited to a few cycles at best. With each recharge, the amount of capacity the cell can hold is reduced."

      "Charging ordinary alkaline batteries may generate hydrogen gas, which can lead to explosion. It is not prudent to charge ordinary alkaline unsupervised."

      • Charging ordinary alkaline batteries may generate hydrogen gas, which can lead to explosion

        …sounds 'potentially' exciting. now where can i buy some rechargeable alkalines to try this out?? :P

        • +1

          Unless you have a time machine, I think you're out of luck. They were only available for a very short time in 1992 or so, and were more expensive than other rechargeable batteries, so they died out.

          I did find an online listing for them, says "Discontinued Product":

          Some more useful information on that page, the "Alkaline Battery Performance & Terminology Data Sheet", figure 8, shows the batteries are down to 50% capacity after 20 cycles. But you only get that good a life if you make sure you never fully discharge them.

        • @Russ: geez…what were they thinking when they came up with that technology standard?? :)

        • +2

          @franco cozzo:
          There was barely any internet in 1992, so people would buy new inventions, try them out, and then throw them in the bin.

          Thankfully we can now easily find reviews of new inventions, and then decide whether to buy or not.

      • +1

        Hmm, I don't think my housemates would be pleased with explosion.

  • Can this charge CR123A batteries?

    • i can only go by specs given:

      AAA, AA, C, D, 9v Batteries

      …maybe someone has experience with these and can answer definitively?

  • +3

    From what I read: No you cannot recharge normal alkaline battery. Only the ones that are specifically labeled “rechargeable” work.

    Only batteries that are specifically labeled “rechargeable” should be recharged. Any attempt to recharge a non-rechargeable battery could result in rupture or leakage.
    From https://www.duracell.com/en-us/help/faq/can-alkaline-batteri…

    Also read more here: http://www.overclockers.com/forums/showthread.php/336801-can…

    • yep that is correct… only 'rechargeable Alkaline Manganese accepted'

  • +1

    You can get this for $10 in the next hour if you have the free $5 member credit. I just did

  • +1

    It still worked in WA with credit. :-)

  • +1

    I just got it for $10 using the free member credit in WA.

  • +1

    Bought it yesterday for 10 clams using the SCA credit.

    • +1

      …no wuckin forries ;)

      at 10 clams its definitely a no brainer!

  • …deal updated with more details in regards to charger functionality & battery specs

  • +1

    Thanks for the deal OP, was going to buy a charger yesterday at Jaycar.
    Lucky I waited, pulled the trigger on this one!

  • Is this a "smart charger" like the Nitecore D4?

    • im not clear on the difference between 'smart' and 'dumb' chargers

      this units functionality/features:

      Faulty Battery protection, overcharge protection, short circuit protection
      Reverse Polarity protection
      Intelligent microprocessor controlled
      Timer protection
      Charging status via LCD screen
      Bad / Faulty Battery detection

      • +1

        Tbh I'm not clear on the terms either but I remember reading that smart chargers will make the batteries last longer.

        I think because it actually measures how much the battery needs to be charge rather than charging for a set amount of time.

        • well this one 'appears' to do that ….

          it is 'Intelligent microprocessor controlled'
          you can slot in 4x batteries at once and it detects the status of each battery and charges accordingly…i.e they finish at different rates depending on their remaining charge

          from the manual:

          Recharges batteries in SINGLE or GROUP as the charger microprocessor monitors each charging bay individually

        • +1

          @franco cozzo:

          Sounds like what I'm looking for. I'll have to head down to the local SCA.

  • +1

    Went to Glen Waverley store, none left, they checked their system and 1 left at Sandown, went down and got it :)

    Thanks OP!! :)

  • +1

    I bought this same one off eBay for a silar price 5 years ago (without batteries). It's cheap but has stood the test of time and my only 9v battery charger. C and D are pretty rare these days anyway. I prefer the smart chargers for AA or AAA but this is a good backup.

    • hey robbie…can you answer what does a 'smart' charger do that this one doesnt? what are their main differences?

  • +1

    Just bought the last one from the Munno Para shop. According to the cashier they are a discontinued line.

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