A few more deals at Harvey Norman of note. Combine with Amex for more savings.
Samsung UBD-M8500 4K Bluray Player $199
Sonos PLAY:1 $228
Sonos PLAY:3 $378
A few more deals at Harvey Norman of note. Combine with Amex for more savings.
Samsung UBD-M8500 4K Bluray Player $199
Sonos PLAY:1 $228
Sonos PLAY:3 $378
Wonder if they're clearing stock of the Play:1 to make room for the Alexa-enabled Sonos One? Now that would be interesting to see Gerry selling a device with Alexa built-in.
I hope the new model hits HN retail before the Amex deal expires
I ordered a "damaged box" one from Amazon yesterday, and a new one from Amazon (on sale for USD $174 atm) forwarded to here from MyUS.
If my calculations are right, should be about AU$274 for the new one, slightly less for the damaged box one. Was cheaper than a new Play:1 from HN (until this deal)
Yep. I have a few spare ones laying around just for purchases like these. No biggie, only a couple of bucks off eBay.
Some more adventurous people would just grab a pair of pliers and bend the pins.
People buy 4K blu ray players?? Hello Xbox One S
Is the only difference between the Play 1 and ONE voice recognition? I thought I read the Play 1 has to connect to a base (more money to spend) or something to work? Is this correct or does the Play1 just connect wirelessly to router and off you go ?
Gerry is definitely desperate by the looks of the impeding Amazon arrival. Btw, before this these Sonos were offered at full price along with Harvey gift cards. Looks like the gift card are now "absorbed" into the final pricing.