Samsung Galaxy Buds 3 Pro Silver $204.99 Delivered (Grey Imports) @ TechintheBasket


Tempting deal with price similar to last deal


Ergonomically designed for supreme sound
Flawless control at your fingertips
Clear-cut sound in each note
Galaxy AI adjusts sound to your fit
Adaptive Noise Control. Tune into what matters
Break language barriers at the blink of an AI

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    • +10

      I have a PEN

    • My wife, she like a apple

    • Lol. Thats good.

    • +1


  • +2

    The Samsung Buds3 Pro are excellent in terms of sound quality, ANC, and features. However, the way they are positioned in the case is completely reversed. Every time I take them out, I have to rotate them before putting them in my ears, and the same goes for placing them back in the case. I've dropped them multiple times because of this design flaw. Now, I’ve resorted to turning the case around, taking the left earbud from the right side and the right earbud from the left side to put them on correctly. Such a ridiculous design!

    • +6

      turn them upside down.. or do a handstand everytime you need to put them in

  • +3

    Good price, but this is a grey import from Hong Kong

    • Does it make a functional difference for ear buds?

      • +2


  • +2

    Hi guys has anyone used this company before just want to be sure it a trustworthy website and to buy these Samsung earbuds pro are $399 so it's a big savings

    • -7

      "Hi guys has anyone used this company before just want to be sure it a trustworthy."

      Well yeah, Samsung is reasonably trustworthy. Lots of people buy their products 😅

      • +1


      • +1

        I wasn't asking about Samsung I was asking about the company that selling them.

  • +2

    I really want a pair of these, but the ongoing reports of charging issues is really putting me off. Especially when I see that Samsung is requesting payment to repair them. Probably a good thing for me since my buds 2 pro are still perfectly fine

    • +1

      Myself and my partner have those. So far no any issues

    • Essentially the same reason I haven't bought these. Charging problems and no real issued with buds2pro

    • Went from buds2 pro to these. Absolutely no regrets!

  • These are good, except for no multipoint support

    • what do you mean by multipoint? Multiple device, simultaneously?

    • oh it does… with samsung products lol.

  • How is the call quality?

    • +1

      It's great. Microphone noice cancelling also works very well.

  • -1

    Have anyone tried price beat this website with Officeworks before?

    • +2

      Grey imported from Hong Kong. They won’t !!

  • Are these a good upgrade on the buds 2 pro? Or should I just stick with mine?

    • I did the upgrade as i didnt like the buds 2 pro shape/design and wanted the AI voice translation on the fly for os travel. Much happier now but if you like the buds 2 then maybe stick with them and save your money.

    • +2

      I definitely prefer the shape and fit of the buds3 pro over the buds2, they're much more comfortable for me.
      Other than that, sound quality seems same, I can't tell the difference really, although if you use it for calls apparently the buds3 are much better in terms of call quality due to having the stemmed mics.

    • I went that route and honestly think were a good upgrade! I haven't used AI translation (to be honest wouldn't even know how at this point) but fit/sound quality/ease of use were all better for me.

      Not sure if you have the same issue I had with the buds2 pro where answering/hanging up calls on the earbuds were VERY hit and miss but the buds 3 pro solve that very well!

  • I have a samsung

    • +1

      thanks for sharing

      • Sharing is caring

  • Sound quality wise, are these pair better than the air pod pro 2?

  • What's the deal with language Ai? Gimmick or actual useful?

    • I haven't used it but to be honest I do think it's a bit of gimmick regardless simply because it's only really useful if you're watching a movie or someone giving a speech as you will understand them but they will still have no way to understand you… so yeah, not for conversations.

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