OW eBay has now updated pricing so you can use 5% off ebay code
Cheaper than this Harvey Norman deal plus Free Delivery
OW eBay has now updated pricing so you can use 5% off ebay code
Cheaper than this Harvey Norman deal plus Free Delivery
out of stock :(
It's back in stock now! :)
Wow cheap! And out of stock!!
back in stock now
Awesome, cheers! Now to sell my not4K Chromecast. edit: damn, out of stock again!!
Back in stock!
Thanks, just purchased.
Thanks OP, now I can stream my Khalistan Videos
If my videos (streamed form my computer using Videostream) are stuttering using the Chomecast 1, would an upgraded version such as this (or the non-ultra version) fix the problem?
It's possible, but not likely. The new Chromecasts are designed to pick up wifi signals better, but that's probably not the issue. It's more likely an issue with your PC (is it powerful enough to run Videostream?).
That's sort of what I figured. It's coming from a 2009 macbook pro so very possible that it's not powerful enough. It only happens on certain videos though. Streamed planet earth 2 at 1080p fine but struggled with stranger things at 720p. So I'm honestly not sure what the issue is. Might have to give it a try on my other newer laptop to see if that makes a difference.
Yeah, it might not be powerful enough. If it's happening on seemingly random videos (not just the highest res ones), it might actually be an audio thing rather than a video thing. There are certain audio codecs that Chromecast doesn't support (like AC3), so if your files use that audio format, Videostream might be trying to transcode the audio, which is causing the stuttering. Maybe check the audio codes on the files which work without issues and the ones which stutter and see if there's a correlation.
I've never used Videostream (though I have used Plex) so I'm not an expert and could be way off the mark.
If you cast YouTube 1080p videos to your Chromecast v1, does it stutter?
I also use ChromeCast 1… and sometimes I need to pause for a couple of seconds at the beginning to let the device buffer, but after it is fine. The newer ChromeCast devices are able to stream faster (I think they have more memory, which means less buffering to internal storage).
What about casting your desktop from Chrome?
I haven't tried Videostream, and I don't know how it works, but if it's streaming directly from your network, it could be a range of issues from PC problems, WiFi problems, or cabling problems.
Also have this issue with the v1 and YouTube. I use localcast to stream from my phone and I've never had an issue.
I've never used localcast. It looks similar to the above mentioned VideoStream in the way it would work…
If you don't have issues casting videos from your phone to your ChromeCast, but do with online content like Youtube, perhaps your internet download speed is lacking
Back again!
Back again
Gone again
Still out of stock - figured I'd update since it had been around 12 hours now..
I tried price matching with Myer, but they said its is under their cost price of $97/-.
Poor guys they make only couple of dollars on their sale.
That cost price is bs, I'm sure the cost of these would be ~$60-$70.. They used to tell me the cost price of Bose QC35 was $450 when RRP was $499 but had no worries price matching a store at $399 last xmas..
I was told the same thing by a HN employee. They said at $95 they are losing money, at $98 they are just making a little…wasn't too sure how true it was either…just didn't make sense.
That’s really odd.. surely officeworks wouldn’t keep it at $88 everyday if they’re just losing money on it..
Thanks Op. Hopefully there are other codes we can use on ebay soon.