Don’t miss out on Black Friday & Cyber Monday sales just because they don't ship to Australia. Sign up for free now ready for November 24-27 so you can shop your favourite USA brands at discounts of up to 80% and leave the worry of shipping to us.
Receive FREE lifetime membership when you sign up using promo code SNSFW1 at
With Shop & Ship you can shop the world's brands and have them delivered directly to your home or office in Australia, quickly and affordably.
When you register with Shop & Ship, you receive a local address in 24 different countries around the world including the US, UK, Germany and Japan. Now, when you're shopping with your favourite international online retailers, just enter the Shop & Ship local address on the check out and once your goods are received, we'll send them on to you in Australia. It's that easy!
Shipping rates to Australia: first 1/2 kg AUD $27, each additional 1/2 kg $5.00
What are some actual (post discount) shipping costs examples? Say for an iPhone or a game controller?
Any other recurring fees?