• expired

No Purchase Fees for $100 & $250 Coles Mastercard Digital Gift Cards @ Giftcards.com.au


Nice offer for those who want the cards now. Just like last time.

Terms and Conditions apply. No purchase Fee on $100 and $250 digital Coles Mastercard’s. Excludes $50 Coles Mastercard. Offer available from 6/1/2025 9am. Offer ends 28/2/2025 5pm. Offer only available from giftcards.com.au. Maximum order value $2,500. One order per customer per day. Can only be used for Online purchases only. Cards may take up to 24 hours to activate. Purchase fee will be deducted from total invoice cost. The Coles Mastercard® Digital Account is issued by Heritage and People’s Choice Limited trading as Heritage Bank ABN 11 087 651 125, AFSL/ACL No. 244310 pursuant to licence by Mastercard International Incorporated. Card usage is subject to the Terms and Conditions available at www.mybalancenow.com/#/cardholderAgreement. Card is not redeemable for cash. Card cannot be replaced if lost or stolen and funds remaining on card at expiry will not be refunded. No order refunds provided. Refer to the ordering gift card T&C’s. Refer to individual gift cards for T&C’s We reserve the right to cancel any or all promotions at any time if we suspect error, fraud or any other abuse of the promotion is occurring.

Any questions, check out the FAQs - Credits to WookieMonster


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  • +27

    Why would anyone ever pay fees for a gift card ever? How asinine. Give the recipient cash instead

    • +11

      Minimum spend for credit card rewards?

        • +23

          Sorry my friend, you pay for the gift card WITH your credit card.

          • @txb: You two are now Gganbus 🤝

        • +4

          All those words and not a thought behind them

        • Sorry my friend

          Oh my sweet summer child. Spectacular failure in trying to sound witty.

    • +8

      Most people here buy gift cards for personal use / living expenses not really as a present

      You would pay fees for a gift card if there is good enough cashback offer or a discount

    • +5

      I paid ATO with these, got to hit my CC spend + get CC points for a very minimal fee on ATO's side, which I wouldn't have otherwise been able to do if I paid ATO directly. The annoying part is that their website is horrible and always spits out a "transaction failed", so I was only able to buy part of what I needed to pay ATO.

      • +7

        funny how it's a form of legal laundering and through ATO too

        • +2

          It's only laundering if people are buying the cards with illicitly obtained funds. Anyone using a card to buy these (which is the only way) has fully exposed transactions from a legal perspective, so would be a fool to be trying to fund the purchases with illicit gains.

      • Does it count as debit MC?

      • +6

        No minimal fee since 1 January.

      • do you just try again another time? i have been having transaction failed or card declined when paying ATO with these cards

    • Because there wasn't much "gift" left in these cards. People use it to bypass high credit card fees online.

    • +4

      These are mastercard and can be paid for with AMEX

      Basically free AMEX > Mastercard conversion

    • +1

      You asked why anyone would pay fees and everyone is answering why they only use them when this deal is on for no fees lol.

  • +2

    @mapax - more guaranteed future forum content.

    • ADAGCS

      • You forgot the horror

      • lacking Horror

  • +4

    So the deal is that I can buy a gift card at a 1:1 ratio like basically everywhere else? Outside of credit card churning spend limits, I don’t really get it

    • +4

      Paying tax and getting points

    • +7

      Also if you need to pay anything to the ATO.
      Paying with a credit card incurs a card surcharge and may have reduced point earning for being a government service.
      Where as buying these earns you the full points and since 1 Jan, these don’t incur any card surcharges as they are recognised as debit cards.

      • +1

        Use these cards to pay for Strata and any bills to get 3x points Amex.

    • +1

      Arbitage seems to be the consensus.

      Buy these with a credit card and get reward points, pay a Tax debt etc and now there are no fees on debit card useage with the Aus Government. The comments suggest some issies if you push it too far.

    • +2

      So you don't have to use your own real card when you sign up to Pronhub.

  • Only useful for online purchases which do not accept PayPal and you don't want to give them your credit card detail.

    • +2

      Just use Revolut for that. This cards are great for getting some money back when paying your taxes.

      • Hi @WoodYouLikeSomeCash can you elaboate on the money back from using Revolut?

        • The money back is from Coles MCard via points (typically 2000, i.e. $10, on $100 cards).

      • Just use *Zip for that; Revolut you have to fund beforehand; if the transaction doesn't go through, you have to decide what to do with the money there. Zip is credit; no need to fund every purchase beforehand. Just pay it all in one go later.

        • You can just send the money back to your account instantly from revolut, way better than a credit score hit.

  • +4

    Here for the "transaction failed" comments!

    • not transaction failed
      checking balance mostly return system error.
      support said this was due to server issue.

  • +15

    give me my 10% off promo… not no card purchase fee.

    • One and done

      • +1

        i believe they've done it twice.

    • Was expecting it towards the end of the year, but nope…hope they do a few this year.

  • How much is the purchase fee?

    • +3

      Usually $5 for $100 or $7 for $250.

      • +4

        What I giant con.

        • So this is worse than the usual 2000 pts.

          • @wisdomtooth: Yes, so do not buy. I have purchased hundreds of these to pay ATO. I get thousands of Qantas FF points for paying my tax. Would not have been able to get a large amount of the discounted cards.

            • @Yola:

              Would not have been able to get a large amount of the discounted cards.

              Say that again?

  • Can this be used in OF ? Asking for a friend.😉

    • +2


    • +1

      No, it doesn't work, it fails to verify the card

  • +1

    These should be fee free at the ATO now right? Anyone tested?

    • +11

      Yep just put 10 through and they were all fee free !!!

      • +1

        Is it really take 4 business days for credit to appear?

        • yep takes a few days at least to show the change

    • Can confirm fee-free.

  • +8

    From 1 January ATO also stopped charging fees for Debit Card use. So there is no fee for using these Gift Cards to pay the ATO.

    • Have anyone tested using Coles Mastercard Gift card to pay ATO and show no fee?

      Can anyone confirm this?

      • Yes, I have done several. And see comment above from rockgod.

  • What happens when say:
    * you are just regular joe with 1x PAYG income, and
    * you purchase say $10,000 of gift cards with your credit card and
    * out of the generosity of your heart, prepay $10,000 of tax to ATO.

    Upon completion of tax assessment, and assuming that the PAYG has prepaid the correct amount of tax, would you get the full $10,000 tax refund + any interest ATO is liable to pay you?

    • I think that would work. But ATO does not pay interest on refunds.

    • +6

      Not always the case.

      I prepaid $30k last year, and when it came time for refund they said it had to be refunded back to the original payment method.
      I had to end up transferring the 30k to pay off a family members hecs debt to pull the funds out

      • The ATO seriously lets you transfer your refund to someone else's debts? Bizarro stuff.

        • +1

          The other option was to leave it there to offset and future debts, and if I was still working that would have probably been a ok solution (loss of potential interest though).

    • +5

      Dont pay your tax account into credit, the ATO wont pay out the positive balance as a refund, they will only refund them back to the gift card.

      • +2

        I can confirm this happened to me

    • Asking for a friend, btw

  • Does this website accept Vanilla Visa GC?

    • +1

      3D authentication required.

  • Has anyone had issues moving gift cards when getting a new phone and google wallet?

  • Hmmm could we use this to buy Mastercard giftcards with AMEX?

    Then use the mastercard to pay utilities bills like rates, water etc without the silly amex surcharge?

    • +3

      You can, but have a look to see if you can use Auspost Post Billpay online they accept paypal for most things which means you can use Amex and avoid the extra fee.

      • Fees aside, you may still benefit from this deal by guaranteeing points are earned on whatever bills you’re paying.

  • Thanks OP, perfect timing

  • can I pay for council rate?(always confused on this)

    • +3

      I use these to pay rates for 3 Councils in Vic.

      • +2

        Flex post :-)

    • +1

      Yes, I use Auspost bill pay to pay my council rates.

  • What's the maximum you can buy? Say I want to give the ATO $5,000, so I have to buy $250 x 20 cards. Would be good it if it was more practical.

    • ATO have a daily-limit too, via the website and via the App.

      • Do you know what the limit is?

        • +2

          ATO Limits it to 10 transactions.

          • +2

            @rockgod: I’ve found it limits you to 5 transactions a day… but you can use two web sites to increase it to 10 per day:
            5 via ATO portal +
            5 via governmenteasypay.

        • +4

          10 transactions per 12 hours from ATO portal,

          you can also use Government Easypay - this method actually lets you put more than 10 through, IIRC I got to around 15 sometimes.

          Both limits reset every 12 hours.

        • Thank you all for the responses, appreciated.

          I pay around 20K per quarter to the ATO, just weighing whether it's worth the effort. If only the cards were available in larger denominations!

          • +1

            @ayoole: It is worth it and not hard to do with these ecards as you can cut and paste the card number. Takes a minute each. 80,000 FF points will get you a return trip to Asia.

  • Currently I have payment plan with ato for monthly deduction from my bank account.
    Should I buy these cards and cancel my plan and pay all my debt?

    • +1

      Why not if you do not have any issues with the fund? ATO won't mind if you pay off your tax earlier.

    • +2

      I did. I was in a payment plan because there didn't seem to be any incentive to pay them earlier. Now there is.

  • -6

    I don't see any deal here, how is this a deal?

    • +3

      Did you read any of the comments?

      CTRL+F "ATO"

    • +1

      AMEX > Mastercard conversion for free
      Credit card spend incentives met for free

    • And it was 10% before.

  • +1

    Man I wish these guys would just be more customer focused and realise everyone uses this for ATO and bill payments and improve their security so they can do some serious variable loads… like $5k prepaid cards!

    • +6

      People using these for ATO isn't their target market.

  • Anyone getting payment declined? I am for my ANZ cc :/

  • Can this be added to google wallet on my phone to pay via NFC ?

    • +1

      No, they can only be used online.

  • Has anyone tested these cards with ATO after 1st Jan?

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