This was posted 14 years 3 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

2 x $30 iTunes Cards for $38 at Officeworks!! (K-mart 5% Pricematch)


Officeworks Elizabeth St Melbourne have confirmed that their 5% price match policy applies to iTunes cards. Just bring the K-mart deal in, and they'll glady apply the discount! Any issues, speak with managers Matthew or Bara.

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closed Comments

  • I wouldn't be surprised if officeworks changed their prices to match kmart's already

  • Do you have to show them the catalogue when you go in?

    • I'm guessing that because so many people will be buying this deal, all staff will soon become aware of it and you may not need the catalogue!

  • Good tip! I wonder if they will match the same for the $20 x 2 for $30 deal @ Myer / Target / Big W.

    • +5

      Why would you want to spend $30 for $40 value when an extra $8 gets you an extra $20 value?

      • Good point. I visited the Elizabeth St store in Melbourne and straight away the staff said yes and did it for me. Sweeeeeeet.

  • This annoys me because I just went out of my way to get to a K-mart (there are none in Brisbane CBD) because in the past Officeworks staff have told me they don't price match on iTunes cards :/

    • Sorry to hear that. Always best to call the store first and get them to confirm with management. Officeworks don't want to lose customers for $2.

  • I just rang the Melbourne QV officeworks, and they won't price-match a non-physical item (like itunes vouchers) :(

    • Tell them that's a whole load of crap! All they need to do is call the Elizabeth St store and ask to speak to either of the managers - Matthew or Bara - and they will confirm that in fact it can be done!

    • Went to the Elizabeth St store instead, got the cards and 5% off without any issues.

  • The iTunes cards ARE physical items.

  • I went to both OfficeWorks at Airport West and Preston but not able to get it done :-/ They just kept saying that the systems not allow … blah blah blah. I gave up on arguing with them and went to grab from Kmart instead. Sigh ~

    EDIT: more info from my friend, he said that OfficeWorks at Williamstown is able to price match but not with further 5% discount as the systems not allow (like there is a button on screen for 5% guarantee).

    • I have in the past price matched Optus recharge vouchers at OW Clayton. They too initially gave me that services are not covered. I don't remember what transpired but they gave me recharges after price matching with Coles/Woolies offer less 5%.

      So it all depends on whom you get.

      • Yeah, I was successful to have them beaten the 20% of mobile recharge offer from Harvey Norman couple of weeks ago. But not this time with iTunes card. It really depends on the duty manager on that day, I guess.

  • +2

    Just got denied by Officeworks Clayton.

    Manager said the 5% doesn't count towards 'services' and iTunes is a 'service'. Just check their online website and it states it applies to BOTH products and services! What a liar!

    Make sure you print out their terms & conditions from the website and take it as a backup incase they use this one against you!

    • David, see the T7Cs below…

  • +5


    Lowest Price Guarantee

    At Officeworks you know you will get the lowest prices everyday! However, if you happen to find a cheaper price on a stocked item even if it's on sale, we will not only match it, but also beat it by 5% for bringing it to our attention.

    How do I redeem my 5% discount?

    You can redeem the Lowest Price Guarantee (LPG) by visiting your local Officeworks store, by fax or phoning in. You can not redeem the LPG via our online store.

    What items does the 5% discount apply to?

    All identical products and services with identical terms and conditions, that are stocked at Officeworks.

    What items are excluded from the 5% discount?
    • Non identical products and services (inclusive of non identical warranties)
    • Package deals i.e. printer and computer bundles
    • Cash back offers
    • Resellers
    • Contract Pricing
    • Resellers. Aren't stores that sell Apple products described as "Authorised Apple Resellers"???? Maybe this is their escape clause???

  • East Perth store have confirmed they'll price match, but not the 5% extra.

    • Tell them they're breaking their own rules. See above.

      • $2.00 is not worth the time it takes to make another phonecall :)

    • I just made a bulk purchase at the East Perth store, and got an additional 5% off.

      • Just came back from East Perth, they scan at the same price now. I must of just missed out :(

        • Their systems aren't set up to automatically take 5% off. Show them Kmart's offer and have them manually alter the price to $19 per card.

    • I got East Perth to price match and 5% both this and the 20% recharge voucher (12 months roaming broadband) :)

      As others have said, the senior staffer just put in the new price inclusive of the 5% discount rather than trying to price match and then do the 5% off.

      I called ahead and got the manager to approve it first to make sure it could be done.

  • No issues with a price match at Windsor QLD inc 5% off

  • upload receipt please

  • I wonder if we can go to the ACCC with this?

    • Not really worth it for $2.. unless you really want to prove your point haha otherwise it's just too much effort

      • +2

        It's not about the money but the principle. (Ok it's about the money and future deals, they've jipped us in the past way too much)

        • I like your honesty! But I don't blame you at all. I mean if they beat a service price by 5% (which they shouldn't, according to their LPG) you wouldn't complain and go to the ACCC and tell them that LOL

  • +4

    FYI, I had queried this with Officeworks web support late last year after having similar problems with the Wynyard store (Sydney city). They confirmed that iTunes cards (or even the printed coupons) ARE valid under their price-beat policy and the team contacted the store to ensure they honour the discount. They even gave me a small gift voucher for my trouble… nice :)

  • - I wonder how similar this is. Quite a few people (including myself) could only get the mobile recharge price-matched and not beaten by 5%. Are they both physical items? Are they services?

    iTunes card: Physical: Yes, Service: ?
    Mobile Recharge: Physical: ?, Service: Yes?

  • -2

    Pricematching isn't a bargain. We're all aware of the deal kmart has going on, and some probably have already tried to price-match at other stores such as dicksmith or jb hi fi.

    • Are you serious? You are basically assuming that anyone who is aware of the K-mart deal will be well aware that iTunes cards can be price-matched. I don't see anything wrong with this bargain.. and nor do 30 other people.

      Maybe you should report/neg this then.

      • Some people have went to OW and couldn't get it price-matched.

        • Tell those same people to take the T&Cs back to the store and show them to the manager.

        • Fair enough, but using OW's own rules, we are entitled to 5% off the K-mart price via this price-matching practice, which potentially makes it a better deal than the original K-mart deal, particularly if you have a Officeworks closer to you.

    • ozhunter, you can't be serious. Beating a deal by 5%, in a lot of people's opinion, qualifies this as a bargain.

      • +2

        Not saying you shouldn't go to OW and try to pricematch, just that this post is dupe of the kmart one.
        With all the the electrical items on here I don't think it's worthwhile to have a separate post for each one saying OW will pricematch it. A comment would be enough. If people were unsure whether it could be price-matched or not, they would read the comments.

        • By the number of people voting positive on this deal, I'd say it's definitely worthwhile and not a dupe. It's quite obvious that a lot of people weren't aware that OW would provide a 5% pricematch on iTunes cards.

        • I agree 100% with ozhunter if we started accepting price matching as deals in their own right we would have 3-4 dupes of most of the bargains on here..

        • +1

          Given the number of votes then the deal stands BUT if we catch this earlier enough we will delete. Otherwise we can just duplicate every Itunes post and more as Ozhunter says.

          A simple add to the existing post will suffice.

          If we allow these then we should allow a post saying use xyz credit card and get 1% cashback

          Much of the discussion here would be great for the forums so people know how to get Officeworks to honour their T&C's

          So how about creating a thread so people can share the experiences

  • Just got 4x 2x$30 with OW 5% price beat. Most likely going to see them drop their price soon to match Kmart's because the manager kept saying they were the same company, surely the price should be the same etc.

  • Just got mine. Thanks!

  • Just picked up 2 for $36 from OW Parramatta. The guy scanned them separate at $29 each, then took off $9 to make them 2 for $40, then took off 10% instead of 5% for some reason. Quite happy in the end, thanks OP.

  • just wondering - if i stock up - can i use all of them together to buy an ipad?

    • No. These are for iTunes Store, App Store, and iBookstore purchases.

    • Only if you sell them all and receive enough money from the selling of those cards to buy an iPad.

  • +1 are paying $21 for $30 iTunes gift cards, which is a $2 profit with this deal, so if you buy 350 of them and hock them off to Card Limbo, you'd have enough for your iPad.

    Hmm… I'm starting to convince myself! (The credit card reward points from 350 x $30 alone would be worth it. Just have to find an Officeworks willing to sell me 350 iTunes cards!)

    • +1

      good luck on ur journey :d

    • this is actually not a bad idea - i should have a try…

      • Just remember they vary their price according to supply and demand - with so much "supply" the price may well drop. But if you like MUSIC etc go ahead, but probably need to have at least a 32GB iphone… LOL

  • Just tried at OW Fountain Gate, they said they would price match + 5% but the "machine" that does this wasnt working…

  • I went to OW to do this once. West Ryde NSW. They first sent me away. Then I called OW head office. They then confirmed they should price match iTunes cards. They called the West Ryde store and talked to the manager and told him to honour the price match. Went back into the West Ryde store and they STILL gave me trouble. They were really rude about the whole thing. They said they would honour it but when they scanned it, it came up as the SAME price i.e. price MATCH. They then huffed and puffed about beating it by 5%. It took them 5 minutes to work out how to do it…. i kept standing there waiting for them. I think they were trying to get me to say it didn't matter about the extra 5%.

    Then the staff said I was cheap and couldn't believe I would come here for another 5% off.

    Then they said they didn't want customers like me!

    A pretty bad experience!

    I think I'll go back with this new Price Beat!

    • That was a pretty bad experience and unacceptable customer service. I don't think it is ok to call your customer cheap when your company came up with 5% lowest price guarantee. Basically, I would remember the name of that person and launch the complaint.

      But anyway, I support you to go back again and annoy them with another price match :-P

    • +1

      Just call up headquarters again and complain, I'm pretty sure they'll give you something for how they treated you. Or if you're on a capped phone plan, just call head office everyday and teach OW West Ryde a lesson ;)

      • Yeah I did call up headquarters. Explained what happened and gave them the name of the employee.

    • Geez, that's rough.

      Labelling you cheap is totally uncalled for. It's less about the price and more about the principle, anyway. They have a price guarantee, which they should honour, no matter how small the saving.

    • You should complain to the head office on their crappy service!

    • Wow, that is seriously appalling service. Sorry you had to go through that.

    • +1

      Wow. Not honouring the 5% is one thing but to actually call a customer cheap is unprofessional. Though, I'd probably have done the same thing based on principle then thrown that $2 back at them on the way out.

      -Jero235, I have kids to feed!
      -What, they don't like iTunes gift cards?

    • -2

      It must be that particular guy, 'coz I went there last week to get them to match the Harvey Norman 20% off recharge cards deal, and after a quick check they were happy to do it. I'm not trying to draw any racist conclusions, but they were all Asians (it was on a Sunday).

      But to your point about them not knowing how to apply the 5% price beat, that seems to be the case across a lot of Officeworks. What the guy did where I bought it, he sold me 1 for $20 and the other one for $18:…

      Sorry for the crappy iPhone photo, but it's the only camera handy at the moment. Hope that helps somebody here.

      • what's being asian on a sunday got to do with anything?
        I'm not trying to mean anything by it, but I'm curious…

        • Just putting in a good word for the staff who were helpful, and to distinguish them from the employee in this story who obviously doesn't have a clue what good customer service is if hit him in the face.

      • I couldn't tell if the asians were the rude tightarse staff or the helpful staff.

        • +1

          i think he meant the asians were the helpful ones?

        • What I don't understand is if the staff were "all Asian" then how does that distinguish the helpful staff from the unhelpful one?

        • +1

          Argh, I regret even posting this at all. What I meant was that on Sunday, the staff there, who were all Asian, were all helpful. I did not intend to imply that anybody who is not Asian at that store are not helpful, however.

    • You should have called OW headoffice right infront of that staff and complain about calling you cheap and don't want a customer like you.

  • +1

    No problem at office works in CBD Sydney. Paid $38

    • Me too. I went there at about 7pm. They manually entered in the competitor's price of $19 per card, from what I remember. She did everything in front of me. Absolutely no questions asked. Very smooth!

      Thanks for this post

  • +1

    Lol. Went to kmart instead.
    In response to the people saying that it's useless going to officeworks, it's a damn sight easier than kmart.

    Interesting experience…

    Just got educated in the unique ways of kmart keysborough. You won't be served at the service counter (by their own admission). A lady walked up to me after being ignored by the service desk for ~3 minutes. Turns out, You can't pay cash at the cashier (cards only at the only cashier). Youll be ignored if you walk in the wrong way (from outside) you can't serve yourself at the self service checkouts (you need assistance).

    And you'll need to purchase items you can't see or hear (vouchers) at sound and vision (right at the back of the store). Oh, and the sound and vison department is called home entertainment when you look at the signs, but it's actually the photo processing lab, which is the adjacent section to sound and vision/home entertainment/vouchers/the place that you may get service//the place that you can pay cash. (if someone was there serving)
    Sigh… I just wanted a bloody gift card!!

  • Went into OW Clayton. The guy checked up the offer online and checked with the manager. Manager asked the staff to match Kmart and also 5% off.

    Here is the drama, the machine did not allow a 5% off. I didn't want the fuss, so settled for the price match. The guy who served me that he has been following the deal on OB too. Very polite, but the machine said something like no price beat item. He was able to put in a price over-ride to match Kmart.

    Still is a very good deal. Best on iTunes so far.

  • OW over at wynyard claims that "their system doesn't allow it"..

    absolute bollocks! but just $2 - so whatevs…

    • Indeed it is bollocks.. I got it done there absolutely no problem!

  • Went to the OW at Liverpool NSW. No problems. Paid $38
    Bother wanted some so the next day went to the OW at Botnay - refused.
    Went to OW Bondi Jn… no problems paid $38

  • OW Coburg (VIC): Two staff on the registers initially rejected the notion of a reduced price because they considered it a "service" like a mobile phone prepaid card. I queried them and mentioned others on this site had been successful at other OWs, so they suddenly looked a lot less sure of their position, and one checked further, getting an immediate confirmation from their manager that it was a legitimate item for the lowest price guarantee.

    It then took ~15 minutes to complete the transaction because of some confusion by one staff member how to (1) activate the cards and (2) reduce the price to $40, and (3) apply the LPG discount to get $38 total. Eventually they got it sorted but it was a bit of a hassle. It still would have taken me longer to drive to/from KMart so I consider that to be a win, but only just.

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