Vodafone $40 Starter Pack for $15 at Woolworths 12.5GB 35day Expiry
This deal was 9gb previously now increased to 12.5gb…
Vodafone $40 Starter Pack for $15 at Woolworths 12.5GB 35day Expiry
This deal was 9gb previously now increased to 12.5gb
The Telstra one is 7 days expiry only
If you change offers and CM2U the data can be used across 49 days. Link
I guess that's a bit too much trouble for only $1.25 savings.
I would rather go for the optus offer, $10 for 15GB, 28days expiry
can I use in New Zealand with roaming $5 per day ?
roaming in NZ is free on Vf contract, even their month to month plans, but is not available on pre-paid
:( no love for pre-paid.
We should all just get a 3 SIM from the UK. e.g. 12gb for roughly $24/month. Roaming at no extra charge in 60 destinations including Australia / NZ / US etc.
They deactivated mine because I didn't register a UK Credit card.
Anyone know of a good data only pre-paid deal?
Is this on NSW only?
and $5 credit from amex for using at woolies, yay!
and ported to Vodafone in 5 minutes, so easy.
ported to vf this morning in 5 minutes flat
"This item is not available online, please visit your local store." so I think you can remove the cashback rewards :)
10GB (1GB + 9GB Bonus) Prepaid Mobile SIM Kit for $10 @ Telstra Prepaid