1 Tb Western Digital Hard Drive $93
Reputable brand, hold onto your data!
Available at Officeworks
See page 11
1 Tb Western Digital Hard Drive $93
Reputable brand, hold onto your data!
Available at Officeworks
See page 11
Big w don't sell them….
The OW is an 'Elements'
Big W is a 'my book essential'
no idea what the difference is….or whether one is worth 5 bucks more than the other…..
My Book is better. Element is the base, no thrills model.
cant you price match this at OW?!
And OW will beat by 5% = $83.60
Yes but posting this for $93 isn't a bargain, neither is price-matching.
At least Michi is trying to help all with what is a good deal - just happens to be a cheaper price and was obviously unaware. Jumping on new posts with constant negativity doesn't make for nice forum. Maybe next time Michi finds a killer bargain won't bother sharing. Let's play nicely and encourage posts or we dunno what we may miss.
Wasn't trying to be mean, I negged so other people know that this isn't a bargain. You're basically saying I shouldn't neg at all.
No price or location in title, and didn't even specify if it was the elements or essential version. A direct link would have been better too.
Ignorance certainly does not help. A price comparison or a statement on what could be saved would be great. Otherwise multiple posts of minor bargains (if any) would change this from OzBargain to OzMarginalBargain!!
Good and fair points.
I think the negative is ok, as there IS a cheaper alternative, but this being posted is not BAD because people who may have missed the Big W one can now possibly find it from reading the comments posted here.
I personally have missed bargains, only to find them again by reading comments in another listing. Even though, yes, you may argue, that is not how you should find them, it happens.
Besides, this won't be deleted, right? Only duplicates are deleted and this isn't a duplicate.
Also, keep in mind that negative votes should be directed at the deal itself. Not at Michi, or any specific poster. It's nothing personal.
The Big W deal is available till the 10th of November.
That's fine… but there's no page on Ozbargain which lists either, deals that are still active, or deals that are ending soon are there? I've always wanted one, but I've never found it.
Usually all you can find is what's shown on the main page (which is popular deals, with 10+ votes or something else, depending on your preferences) and the new deals. Otherwise everything just gets pushed down and out of sight.
As far as we know….this is the cheapest for an 'elements' drive.
Negging because it is more expensive than a completely different product is not justified in my opinion…..
However, some indication of price and brand in the title would have been better….
Negging because it is more expensive than a completely different product is not justified in my opinion
I negged because I thought it was the same drive, he never specified which one it was. And I don't think that this is a completely different product It is still a western digital 1TB external hard drive, and as I said below the "better" version is cheaper.
Sorry Andy, hit wrong button. Eyes blurring from negativity being displayed. Was supposed to be a big +ve - well said. Sorry mate :(
Could've put the price and location in the title too…
Still not a bad price, I wouldn't neg it because theres a difference between My Book (Plastic Chassis) and Elements (Aluminium Chassis). I personally would pay for a better enclosure.
Pretty sure the essential is considered the better version, and it is upgradable to usb 3.0 http://www.wdc.com/en/products/index.asp?cat=8
This is cheaper than the cheapest on static ice….when one considers postage.
So… Not cheaper when not considering postage(there's quite a few OW stores around) and it's only cheaper by a couple dollars.
2 cheaper….one no stock, the other, postage of $18
It also has the infamous 'smartware' which the element does not…..
Elements case is aluminium? Seems plastic to me.
The My Passport Essential 2.5" usb-powered hard drive is good for $79.
Then post the bargain if no one else has…
Don't think it's worth of post. There has been a couple 500GB for $69 excluding shipping, but officeworks is nationwide.
No 500GB for $69 not worth post. Well said. Thought since it was 1TB post u would quote price for same amount of storage =)
That's not 1TB isn't?
Oops, my bad, it's 500GB.
Question - does OW beat online prices as well? Didn't think they did. If someone could enlighten me I'd be very grateful…
If it's an online-only price, then they will factor in shipping costs.
So for example, a product which is $70 + $10 for shipping will be $80, and if it's still more expensive than $80 at Officeworks, then they will give it to you for $76 (5% off).
But I think all the other usual conditions apply (eg. the other store must have stock)
Thanks illumination =D Appreciated
Officeworks have this drive for the same price as big w
nice… thanx andy so both OW & BigW are doing the WD My Book Essential for $88
…only downside it would take a bit of time to transfer 1TB of data via usb2
but an upside, is the lack of horrible smartware
these have been around $95 sice april @ officeworks, so no deal here. Its just a few dollars cheaper thats all.
so….it's cheaper than it has been previously….and it's the cheapest found so far.
Isn't that a deal?
No. Prices reducing by a couple % due to our strong dollar does not make it a bargain. Otherwise should we relist the cheapest product in every category that has reduced in price by a few cents lately because of cheaper imports?
I agree…..but worth a neg?
- Pricing is always subjective. A $1 off a $500 item isn’t much of a bargain, but on a $3 item it is. But then again to some a $3 item is junk so anything off isn’t a bargain. So really negative votes purely based on pricing requires caution. Are you imposing your set of values on another in the community?
$2 in my pocket is better than in someone else's
Well think about it this way. When the previous deal was posted, it was a bargain at that price and the dollar was also weaker.
Now that the dollar is stronger, it has made it a bit cheaper, and it is still cheaper than any other reasonable substitute. Over time, these kinds of products do depreciate anyway, and it is one of the cheapest in the current category at present too.
should we relist the cheapest product in every category that has reduced in price by a few cents lately because of cheaper imports?
This is implying that this listing is the currently (one of the) cheapest around for its category. What makes it wrong to post the cheapest item in categories that appeal to ozbargainers?
We always see multiple postings of similar items from different companies (hard drives, pizzas, mobile phone plans, iPhone applications, electronic accessories, free applications) and you never see certain things (musical instruments). So based on that, it would be ok to post the cheapest item in every category for, say, hard drives, pizzas, mobile phone plans, but not for the cheapest guitar, ukelele, flute, piano, harp simply because there doesn't seem to be so much interest for those particular items here.
edit: Also just to clarify, half the negatives on this bargain seem to be based on the fact the Big W alternative is cheaper. I'm capped and I can't load the Officeworks catalogue this bargain links to, so I still don't even know if it's the same product or different.
so I still don’t even know if it’s the same product or different.
This is the elements version, Big W has the essential version. OW is also selling the essential version for $88.
at the risk of repeating….
it’s cheaper than it has been previously….and it’s the cheapest found so far.
Isn’t that a deal?
The local Officeworks and BigW sold out.. so i went to JB Hifi and they price matched for $88 as well
Cheaper to get one from BigW for $88!!